Name: seneen
Age: 13
Personallity: smart and a realy good swords man
Beach blonde;go's down to shoulders
Dark brown
Body: black hoodie when in battle covers face
Pants: black jeans
Right Wrist: a dark birth mark in shape of a dragon
Shoes: Nikes.
Abbilities: blast
has a second key chain after being transported to a weird looking holoween town and being dressed up as a werewolf
after accuring the second key chain was attacked boogie
boogie had just arrived when seneen had gotten his second key chain
''well well look what we got hea'' said boogie holding the fake heart the professer made
''GIVE IT BACK'' said seneen gripping his keyblade tighter
''ya it doesnt belong to you'' yell jack as he was running to catch up to seneen
''oh reala'' belowed boogie. and with a smile he ate the heart ''its mine now'' he said with an evil grin seneen knew that boogie would be harder to fight now he hoped he could get some help
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Age: 13
Personallity: smart and a realy good swords man
Beach blonde;go's down to shoulders
Dark brown
Body: black hoodie when in battle covers face
Pants: black jeans
Right Wrist: a dark birth mark in shape of a dragon
Shoes: Nikes.
Abbilities: blast
has a second key chain after being transported to a weird looking holoween town and being dressed up as a werewolf
after accuring the second key chain was attacked boogie
boogie had just arrived when seneen had gotten his second key chain
''well well look what we got hea'' said boogie holding the fake heart the professer made
''GIVE IT BACK'' said seneen gripping his keyblade tighter
''ya it doesnt belong to you'' yell jack as he was running to catch up to seneen
''oh reala'' belowed boogie. and with a smile he ate the heart ''its mine now'' he said with an evil grin seneen knew that boogie would be harder to fight now he hoped he could get some help
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