It's me.

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I was searching through a couple old forums and I found me. not me me, but the old me. uQifg2WV. I dont remember my password, its been years. febuary 2005 it said. this is pretty intense. this was all before I hooked up with my ex and I just haven't thought about this site for a while... when we broke up i was bored and on the 'puter and i came back to this site. I made a new account, thinking i'd never even see the old name, and thinking it was prolly booted or sumping. I think my password may have been the same i gotta try this out. i made a thread not to long ago... maybe a month wolverineVS1000 and appparently there had already beeen one made, so i checked it out and my old account was on it... wow... so i'm just thoughly excited and i had to share my xp.

no luck im sad whatever



lol wut?


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