So wait..

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It's actually true that Swedish girls have the most one night stands?

haermm.. I thought it'd be us Americans.. eh.

Euro trip, here I come (pun intended?haermm)

It's not November anymore haermm

Cbf changing sig haermm

Outbound loves sausage .hae

People in Czech have the most on average sexual partners in their lifetime I think I heard somewhere. hmm

Originally posted by silver_tears
People in Czech have the most on average sexual partners in their lifetime I think I heard somewhere. hmm

No thats false, LF does mmm

i want to go on holiday to netherlands to see how many prostitutes i can have



Rogue Jedi
Originally posted by Slay
As a Dutchman, Welsh people (saying things) like this really annoy me. There are about as much prostitutes in your country as there are in the Netherlands. The only difference is that you might actually encounter one that still has all of her teeth here. and this is one of the reasons I will never pay for sex. sick

Originally posted by Slay
As a Dutchman, Welsh people (saying things) like this really annoy me. There are about as much prostitutes in your country as there are in the Netherlands. The only difference is that you might actually encounter one that still has all of her teeth here. I went there for a year and surprisingly your wrong.

They all tend to hang in one area is all. Don't trust anyone.

Originally posted by Nod
I went there for a year and surprisingly your wrong.

They all tend to hang in one area is all. Don't trust anyone.
Dude, I AM Dutch. I HAVE lived in Amsterdam. I know where the red light district is, I even went to clean their windows with a couple of friends once, as a joke. I've also been to Los Angeles, and it really is just as easy to find a prostitute there as it is in the Netherlands. The main difference is that, in certain restricted areas, it is legal here.

Originally posted by Slay
Dude, I AM Dutch. I HAVE lived in Amsterdam. I know where the red light district is, I even went to clean their windows with a couple of friends once, as a joke. I've also been to Los Angeles, and it really is just as easy to find a prostitute there as it is in the Netherlands. The main difference is that, in certain restricted areas, it is legal here.

Yeah and I am talking about Wales so being Dutch means what?

Originally posted by Nod
Yeah and I am talking about Wales so being Dutch means what?
You didn't really clarify that though, did you? (Don't answer that)

Pfft implied. shifty

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