Looking for a SEGA Megadrive/Genesis game

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Neo Darkhalen
I am looking for an old SEGA game, you play as a strange creature, with a long snout that fires balls out of it and the first world is a toy world, the boss is a toy box that transforms, you have to collect teddy bears and go through this elephant like thing to go to the next level, the boss of the second world is a lava thing, the creature you play as wears a diaper/nappy.

the cartridge art shows the creature, running away from a house holding its teddy bear, can anyone help?

Game Gear FTW.

gamegear. the good old days. droolio

i wonder where my gamegear is now. mmm

I still own a Sega genesis! smile

And proud of it! big grin

Neo Darkhalen
Can anyone tell me what the game was called, anyone?

Lady Fox
Maybe you should have posted this in the game forum stick out tongue

Neo Darkhalen
Perhaps I will.

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.