Self-identity ...

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Hello all ...

In the movie, The Matrix, there's a scene where the Neo character finds himself in a computer program and Morpheus explains what has happened. The interchange goes like this:

Morpheus : 'This is the construct. It is our loading program. We can load anything from clothing, to equipment, weapons, training simulations, anything we need.'

Neo : 'Right now ... we're inside a computer program?'

Morpheus: 'Is it really so hard to believe? Your clothes are different. The plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair has changed. Your appearance now is what we call residual self image. It is the mental projection of your digital self.'
'You mean this isn't real?'

This theme of 'residual self image' and the 'mental projection of your digital self' operates on many levels and represents the most powerful form of self-delusion and, thus, self-enslavement.

It is the illusory state that I call 'self-identity' - the reality filter that controls the lives of billions because they don't realise that the biggest manipulator of their reality is themselves.

I once wrote that anyone who could put a name to what they believe is in a box because everything just is; we all just are. We are not Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or atheists. These are just the labels of a bewildered mind. You cannot label the force with no name. It just is and we just are.

I will go further. Anyone with a self-identity is in a state of self-delusion and self-denial - the denial of who and what they really are. Self image immediately transfers our point of observation from the all to the small. It is the box-builder, the guard at the door to infinity.

And by self-image I mean any self-image - I am a man; I am a woman; I am white; I am black; I am a Muslim; I am a Jew; I am good; I am bad; I am lucky; I am unlucky; I am rich; I am poor; I am loving; I am hateful. Even 'I am human' is a self-identity because 'human' is a software program - a manifestation of what I call 'body consciousness'. We are not human - our vehicle is.

All of these fake identities are the fault lines that fracture infinity into illusory 'parts'. And they fracture people and peoples across the world.

It is nothing new. Self-identities have been at war since humanity entered its amnesic state and began to perceive reality as parts and not a whole. The Christian self-identity brought wars of genocide and inquisitions of unimaginable terror and torture. German master-race self-identity set the world ablaze and led to concentration camps and 55 million dead in Europe alone; the 'John Wayne America' self-identity has 'fought-for-freedom' in war after war of calculated enslavement.

This very week self-identities in Kenya - I am Luo tribe, I am Kikuyu tribe - have brought mass slaughter. The same has happened in Iraq - I am a Sunni, I am a Shiite - and in Israel and Palestine - I am a Muslim, I am a Jew.

Self-identity is the most destructive force on earth.
The consequences of self-identity in Kenya

Its calling card is not just war and violence, either. Self-identity controls the fine-detail of what we call 'life'. It is the filter through which 'reality' is observed, edited and reconstructed. It is an extreme form of belief and what we believe we perceive.

People wear their self-identity like a uniform that goes with the job. A New Ager will invariably have the self-image of being loving, kind and 'spiritual'. Whether they are or not is irrelevant. No matter what they do or say the reality is rearranged to ensure the survival of the self-identity.

I have known people who believed themselves to be loving, kind, 'spiritual' and committed to 'waking people up' and even when they acted in ways that were deeply unkind, self-obsessed and destructive to 'waking people up' the self-image remained intact and immovable.

To observe them reconstructing reality and events to protect their self-image in the light of behaviour that was anything, but loving, kind, and 'spiritual' was a revelation to behold and allowed me to see the power it has to control a person's sense of who they are.

When they are faced with a situation in which they have acted in ways fundamentally at odds with their self-identity the reality re-write begins immediately. It starts from the premise that they are loving, kind and 'spiritual' and so anything that doesn't pass through that filter is either rejected or made to fit.

Thus, what happened and how they behaved must either be someone else's fault or have an explanation that can bring their self-identity out of Intensive Care. It doesn't have to be true, indeed by its very nature it never is; it just has to be enough to convince them and that's easy because the self-identity is telling them what they desperately want to hear.

Another aspect of this is that many people are so consumed by their self-image that they believe that everyone else must see them in the way they see themselves. 'I am loving, kind and spiritual and so everyone must see that, surely?'
'They must all think I am so great.'

Once again I have known people who went through life utterly oblivious of the fact that others saw them in ways that could hardly be more different to their self-identity. They would come off the phone or leave a room without ever thinking for a second that they could be seen in any way other than their own self-image.

Yet at the other end of the line or behind the closed door the heads were shaking at how unloving, unkind and 'unspiritual' they were. When from time to time they are faced with this reality their self-identity has another filter to cover their eyes: the people involved are all wrong and don't understand him or her.

Self-identity can be all-powerful and, like the body, its prime motivation is survival. That can make it hard to shake, but shaken it must be if freedom is the goal.

Albert Einstein said: 'The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self'. In my new book I suggest that this could also be phrased as 'liberation from the computer self' or 'body consciousness' and key to this is liberation from identification with self - self-identity.

Its catchphrase is 'I am a' ...' or 'I am the' or 'I am something or anything'.

Who are you?

I am an Englishman; I am black; I am a Jew; I am a bus driver; I am a man; I am a woman; I am rich; I am poor.

No, no, no, no, no. That is what we are experiencing, it's not what we are.

This is the confusion that leaves what we call humanity in a constant state of bewilderment. We identify what we are experiencing with what we are and so we live in a perpetual state of identity fraud - and we are the fraudster.

Once we identify who we are with the experience we become locked into Matrix reality and then we start filling in the detail, as in 'I am a New Ager' and therefore ... 'I am loving, kind and spiritual'.

What follows is the distortion of reality by the filtering and editing process that then ensues. For example, as I said in the last newsletter there are so many in the conspiracy research arena who behave in ways that mirror those they claim to be exposing, but they can't see it because their self-identity sits in the editing suite and anything that challenges that image ends up on the floor.
'Drop the bit about me not being kind and wonderful and not always being right...'

Self-identity is a trap that can mean you play out the same role for an entire Matrix lifetime. As the song goes: ... like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning, on an ever spinning wheel.

The self-identity that the best things happen to other people means that they do. The energy field generated by that state of reality will not manifest or draw to you what you do not believe exists - good things happening to you.

I see this all the time in many expressions of life, not least in sport. No matter what happens, failure is manifested to stop what the 'victim' claims to want and desire.

In England at the moment we have a football team called Derby County who are bottom of the league. Game after game they have lost, or drawn when they should have won, because of very late goals. This is not 'bad luck', it is self-identity - the belief that no matter how well things seem to be going something will come along to spoil it. The disease of self-identity operates collectively, too.

'Emergency, emergency, we are in danger of winning - do something stupid, do something stupid, emergency, emergency ...!'
'I just knew that would happen ...'

But it doesn't have to be like this. We can ditch the self-identity and just 'be'. That's not 'be someone' or 'be anything'. Just be. By that I don't mean that we just ignore the fact that we are a man or a woman, or the circumstances that we face, but to observe it all from a different angle.

Being a man or a woman is an experience, not an 'I', and so are our circumstances. They are illusory, temporary, transient. We are infinite.

The trick is to observe the illusory, temporary and transient from the perspective of the Infinite that we are. They can then be put in their rightful place in the file marked 'irrelevant'. For, from that point of observation, almost everything is irrelevant in the greater scheme of eternity.

Yes, even all those things we think are so vital, so incredibly important. Their importance lies only in their affect on the experience because none of it can touch the Infinite 'I' unless we believe it can and so manifest another illusory experience, another self-identity.

The Infinite is All Possibility and thus cannot be affected by any possibility. It already has the set. Experience is affected by choice, not Infinity, which is all choice, all that is and ever can be.

I am not sitting on top of the mountain here preaching to the lesser mortals. We ALL get caught in the self-identity flytrap and only awareness of this can allow us to be free. When life becomes a struggle or something is causing you stress and grief it is worth asking: 'From the perspective of the Infinite, eternal 'I', does this really matter?'

Invariably, the answer will be no, just as life looks very different from a death bed than it does from an executive jet.

The transformation I have been going through this past ten months, and have mentioned in newsletters here and there, is continuing apace and the stripping of my self-identity is a major part of what has been going on.

I may still see the name 'David Icke' and sign it on the gas bill, but I identify with it less and less. It's just a name given to an experience. I am no more 'David Icke' than you are whatever they call you. I am All That Is looking through the eyes of 'David Icke' in this illusory movie we call 'physical life'.

And when you move your point of observation from 'David Icke' or 'Bill Bloggs' to the Infinite All the world looks very different.

Who am I? I just am. What am I? Everything and nothing. Where am I? Everywhere and nowhere. When am I? Now.

uh... could you summarize that?

Most people are think they are a little man in a head and whatever they see in the little windows called their eyes, windows on which are images which the MIND produces based on what it gains as input, they believe.

But there is something beyond this which cannot be explained, which I have experienced often but you can only understand it if you have experienced it yourself.

Im not joking or insane, look and you will find amazing things.

Originally posted by LORD JLRTENJAC
uh... could you summarize that?

no...he cant...if you're some point in your life you'll have to read more than a few sentences at a time...why not start now?


Unfortunately, I think my understanding of the world is too grounded in the old Archetype Philosophy to really embrace or fully understand this on all levels.

At least, for the time being.

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