open and informative discussion with an "INSIDER"

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Taken from another forum..

suggest you sit down,
Shut up.
focus on your breathing


this is a very open and informative discussion with an "INSIDER" into the direct bloodlines that enslaved humanity, and still thinks it does.


ok care to know more. im sure this may have atempted to be posted here.
but the time has come and i am posting this here for all to read.

SERVE YOURSELF> write yourself to freedom.

IM sure your all aware of DESTENI productions by now. this is a amazement even 2 them. that this "INSIDER" posted so much so quickly that it is infact genuine. but yet DESTENI PRODUCTIONS has interjected into the replies here as to post some real clarity as to "how this insider" still see's himself in seperation and serving his "knowledge" the best way he knows how.

i urge you all to start looking at yourselves as what you have allowed yourself to become,

I myself am in process, i am in process of realising myself and what i have allowed. what i have done to others. what i have become, and from there applying self forgiveness, and self honesty. to work my way thru this.


still want the truth.



[Something fascinating happened on a forum in a span of a few days and it has caused quite a stir in certain parts of the Internet.

A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer. At first it looks like another internet hoax, some lightweight questions were followed by lightweight answers, but then things started changing drastically. Anyone who understands dialectics knows that the answers Insider gave were designed to force/provoke others to ask questions which went to the core of the matter. First some questions are being asked by Insider like "Are you really living on the planet you think you are?" which made people react differently than before. The answers this person started giving to those following questions showed a deep, broad understanding of philosophy, history, metaphysics, religion, magic, politics, and more in a way which is very innovative, detailed and some answers are thought provoking to say the least. What amazes is that Insider answered these questions in a very short time span and if you keep in mind that the topics are diverse, some indepth and some epic answers showed up literally minutes apart, one must wonder how it was done. Copy/paste from internet? I checked intensively and the sentences Insider used cannot be found on internet. Like one person observed, this was way over the heads of the usual suspects. Some people started getting upset, others were drawn to it and this all lead to a dialogue where so much was revealed, including by the other posters that it can be studied for years to come. Sounds hard to believe? Read on.

here it is...


Statement Insider:

I am a member of an Elite Family who you despise...ask me a question

and I will answer them in short.

Because I can.


What's an "Elite Family"?

That's how most are calling it.
Families who for a long time have been ruling the people who are not from these bloodlines.


Arrow Desteni = The bloodlines were placed by Anu and co--just another preprogrammed system with certain programmed advantages in the Unified field


what's your thoughts on "peak oil"

It is known within certain circles that it is manufactured.
The Earth is producing more oil/gas than is being used now even believe it or not, it is a natural process "the more you take, the more it produces to balance itself".
Study the bees and the way they produce honey and you will understand.

On top of that there are many places with large amounts of natural resources which never have been touched.

The agenda?
I think you know.


Arrow Desteni = The earth has compensated under the law of the more you take--the more it gives--that is stopped--for now--as the disappearance of the bees indicate


what commonalities do the bloodlines share?

and have you ever f---ed a child?

Understand that "bloodlines" have been chosen to rule, it didn't just appear out of air.
The souls which incarnate into these bloodlines who rule are picked by Divine Law.
Other things don't have to be mentioned.

The second question shows you read to much Icke who is a tool that is being used.
But to answer, no.


Arrow Desteni = Look at Icke--his info was very explosive prior 2005--and now is only what is in the news anyway--so--what happened to Icke's sources



Sorry, OP. No one rules me...never has!

A little old saying:
The perfect slave is the one that says "I am not a slave".
It is like an alcoholic saying he isn't an alcoholic so therefore he will always be an alcoholic.
Get my drift?


Arrow Desteni = speaks for itself



Where do you elites store your mentally ill relatives caused by centuries of inbreeding?

It is a myth that inbreeding always causes problems.
If the 2 persons who procreate carry genes which are of better quality than the rest....


Arrow Desteni = Common sense dictates that if 2 match with better genes --the result better in unified field--inbreeding is a myth in as far as creating misfits and undesirable mutations--that was preprogrammed


why have you allowed us to breed like rats if population is what you feel threatens you?

1. We haven't allowed that, you have more power than you think you have.
2. Population does not threaten "us" in any way, shape or form....again a myth.


Arrow Desteni = speaks for itself


Q by the forum owner:
I am curious what a member of an 'elite family' thinks of GLP.

So what do you think?

The more divided people are, the easier it is to rule over them.
Making them believe they have a sword in their hand which they think makes them powerful and able to fight "the dark sider" while it is just a toothpick.
You have to be very careful who you give that imaginary sword to, Trinity.

Do you know that not just spoken words but also written words emanate a frequency which have a direct effect?
And I would say that a vast majority of the written words here are not helping the cause you think you are fighting for.


Arrow Desteni = Exactly what we are saying--the written word fuse and direct the unconscious mind and division and diversity was handled in an interview


What is your religious affiliation?

Religion is created by "us".
The religions which rule now are the ones that are under total control.
I can't give out to much about this but Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Buddhism are a bit off, let's say.
There is a core of truth, but it is drowning in a sea of perversions....for you to pick out, good luck.

What we believe in does not matter but it is about serving the Divine Law which was passed onto us.


Arrow Desteni = Exactly so and their belief is as they stated--also just a belief passed down--they have no real power


How about the world economy?

One thing conspiracy theorists are right about is that it is based on money that doesn't exist, never existed, never will.

The ones who own the banks also own the media and politics, so it can be portrayed the way they want you to believe it.


Arrow Desteni = we have indicated this in various interviews


When will the wheat be separated from the chaff?

Or do you want to get rid of the wheat and leave
the chaff for your slaves?

Whichever, when will it happen?
(tired of false dates,
please be honest this time)

I know 100% sure there is no end time, at least not like it is being portrayed everywhere, be it religion, media, etc.

This place was never meant to end the way it is being described.
There will be a time when everyone will be released but that is not a mass event, but rather 1 by on yourself.


Arrow Desteni = as we have indicated--one by one each must release themselves



I'm curious to know why the Elite do not lead? They seem to be more of a parasite on society.

A fish in the ocean can't see that birds are flying in the sky.


Arrow Desteni = clearly what is really leading is not seen--you never see what you do not understand


Have you or any of your family members ever participated in an occult ritual and, if yes, what was the nature of it?

Rituals have a meaning which cannot be understood by most.
Rituals are there to connect with the higher beings who govern this realm.
We are doing our job.


Arrow Desteni = the elite have no direct access--thus ritual necessary--their beliefsystem as the divine elected by what they perceived God to be with all the "proof" they got for that as their mind****--they do what has been done to them and are not aware that they were just slaves as well


well I'd have to say your divine law has ****ed up this planet and its people very well!

Peasants like you don't understand that you do it, nobody else.
Btw, by what you just said you lenghtened your stay here on Earth one more condolences.


Arrow Desteni = yes--man is ****ing up the planet--the karma-reincarnation thingy was stopped--but was used to punish beings in the "old" days


Do you frequent the Bohemian Grove and fully participate... in cremation of care.. sacrifice to Molech ... screwing the male homosexual prostitutes... orgies ... etc..

Those and other similar places are for the politicians and media people, they are obligated.
Sometimes a bloodline will be present but will not participate in those acts which are not the rituals we do.
Don't believe all that "gurus" tell about us and you will do fine.


Arrow Desteni = this is so--thus beware--the endgame movie from Jones is a fraud--he is a placed pawn to misdirect man


do you consider the prevalence/success of organised crime families and syndicates as a massive failure of your colle3ctive will?

They are there for a reason.
They aren't as succesful as they look though, they are broken.


Arrow Desteni = this is so--placements--bush and other crime families are just for show--they have no real power or say


Why do you continue to attempt to control mass consciousness by by spreading fear though every outlet available to you.

Why not set the knowledge free as was intended long ago, the written word is spreading the wings of truth.

The sword has been given to the sheep, and the day of reconing is soon at hand. I believe in no law of divinity or hierarchy, we are all equal unto th eyes of the creator and for that must you answer in your time.

The meek are inheriting the Earth presently, I pray for you.

If that was the aim, it would be done in an instant.
You do not understand what this world we live in really is.


Arrow Desteni = clearly this could be done--if that was the plan--it was done in the dimensions to set them free

the real agenda was always enslavement--not by the Elite though

but by God---Anu and co

that is stopped infinitely


I have no questions. I do however have a statement.

The time of reckoning is at hand.

It is not.


Arrow Desteni = there is no time of reckoning--there is corrections as equality and oneness directs all--you will now experience yourself as equal to what you stand one with


it goes..the best slave is one who thinks he is free.

13..ultimately it is all a matter of genes, n'est ce pas?

do you understand self-cloning?

do you agree that the planet is replete with false allies and false enemies?

That's not how it originaly goes....about the slave.
If you read carefuly you will see.

Last question has a yes as an answer, there are also no real allies or enemies.


Arrow Desteni = all illusions--


Op IF you are indeed who & what you say you are, then you will know that you and your ilk are in big trouble...

Your time is short and those you belong to,
who are in our space quadrant as we speak, already know it! I imagine they are a tad busy right at this moment.

But of course you must keep up appearances even when you know you fight a losing battle.

Personally I will be very happy to see the day... and it is coming, sooner than you think

There is no end of time.
A long time ago, the people did ALMOST manage to take over, and then bad things happened on earth to those people....what are you seeing now?

Are you really living on the planet you think you are?


Arrow Desteni = true--and are u really living on earth



The "higher beings who govern this realm", do you serve them? By what names do you call them? Have you ever seen them? Where do they reside?

They penetrate everything and they are benevolent.


Arrow Desteni = they did penetrate everything through a preprogrammed magnetic gridline structure that was removed in one moment--so much for millions of years of planning

the response on benevolents just confirms again the beliefsystem that was engrained into the Elite--they had no direct access or real knowledge beyond what they were told to do--they then created similar models based on a God-idea to tell all the slaves what to do--and obviously to never question


dang insider you skipped my question about what really hit the pentagon....does that mean you aren't going to answer it?

Does it matter what hit it?

Too much question dodging

I did not sign a contract which says I have to answer everything.
Some questions do not need an answer and others do not mean a thing eventhough you think it does.


Arrow Desteni = many things you see as important is not--misdirection--like--911--not important



Statement by Insider:
How strange that some of you who talk about love, light and peace are the ones who 2 sentences later cuss and talk about murdering others, smirking about it being soon..

Are you sure you are on the "good" side?
And who is Natascha?

For the ones who are a bit smarter than that, ask away, I will answer the way I choose to.
Before you ask the question, force yourself to think outside the box that was created for you by others...ask a real question that you thought about, formulate it in detail.

For the others, if you could leave out cussing, hate, bigotry and prejudice (which is based on your gurus' amazing wisdom), it would show you are a bit more evolved from the peasant stage.

I will not answer all questions, sometimes because it is obvious if you think about it or parts of it have been answered, other times because I do not have the obligation to do so.


Arrow Desteni = the statement focused on love, light and peace specifically with disdain as these that follow this are really the most dishonest and the Insider shows the necessary understanding of this disdainful nature of these so-called enlightened ones



so is bill gates more elite than you?
how about queen elizabeth?
are you an arab?
can't you control the oil instead of the arabs?

The ones you know the names of are not true bloodlines like you have been taught by theorists. They are not the ones who write the symphony, neither conduct it.
The ones you mentioned and other known names merely play the violin or cello when they are told to, the way they are told to.

It does not matter what race I am, has no effect on anything.

Oil is already under full control like all natural resources.


Arrow Desteni = as we indicated in the elite interviews--who you think are the elite is not--they are not known to the public or even the ones apparently in power

and yes--all is controlled--food--natural resources--every thing


Why does visualization work?

It does not work for everybody, you have to reach a certain stage in your development.
This means living by strict rules, applying them to everything you do in life, in detail.
Most humans do not have the discipline nor temparence to achieve that stage.
Some here talk like they can, but I know even without knowing anything about their lives that they are further away from it than they think.

"Visualisation" works because it is an essential way of the creational process in this material universe.
The Universe is a living entity who uses it's Mind to create and the beings created from that may have that same power to within their boundaries.


Arrow Desteni = this is so-- more will be revealed on this--no access will be given to the self dishonest


Now the question is, who is using Icke?

and better question... Why?

Icke has a core of truth he is trying to pass.
What he does not realise is that this actually works against him.
The reptilian part was fed him by the ones who work for the bloodlines.
In a period of 7, 8 months he was bombarded with "victims" who witnessed shape-shifting, satanic rituals, etc. in such a way he could not refuse to not believe it.
Sometimes the "witnesses" were lead to him a few times a day, depending on his location.
Others like Icke (and there are more than you think) have been fed similar stories.

Really, I am not reptilian.

The answer why does not have to be answered.


Arrow Desteni = this is so--Icke was also fed by his interdimensional "higher" self at the time through the gridlines--that has been stopped--have tried to contact him to assist him--his ego now bigger than a reptilian one--and he cannot hear as he has become the beliefsystem and self honesty and self forgiveness will be a massive journey


Hello Insider!

Are you part of the Divine Brotherhood? Are you ME? Are you he who manipulates the Matrix? Enquiring minds want to know, cuz I'm thoroughly confused. You say we despise you, but I could not imagine despising any Being from the Devine Realms! Then you act like your part of the "elite bloodline" on Earth, but what would bloodlines have to do with the Spiritual world? Again...I'm confused. Could you clarify? Just what IS the Elite of whom you say we despise, and yet who apparently has all the "inside scoop"??



You are confused for you have accepted the other versions of the "truth" and you think you have a sight of the big picture, but what I say dismisses huge parts of it.

There is a misconception about bloodlines....obviously, the questions that are being asked here prove that.
But there is a reason for that, and it serves an important purpose.

We manipulate this world only as far as we are allowed to by the Divine Law.
We provide you with tools and then it us up to you to determine how you use it.
Tools can be used in a maliscious way but noone is forcing you to use them that are choosing yourself.
So despising the ones who provide you with the tool that you voluntarily chose to "sin" with is about you trying to camouflage your tracks.

You get what you deserve, that is how this universe works.
We do our duty, so do yours.


Arrow Desteni = the Divine law he talks about was also what he understood-- not the real law--but the unified field laws as designed for control--thus--clearly see in the statement that the elite is also sheep--following

and on the point of abuse by humans--that is so--fear of death and fear of the survival the motivators for man


There is a very old saying...unrecorded in open history--"the devil doesn't know he's the devil...he thinks he's God."

It actually states that humans who worship the "bad" think they worship the "good".


Arrow Desteni = as we have stated in the interviews


"You do not understand what this world we live in really is."

Care to elaborate on this statement...?

Further Considerations

Only if you formulate the question and understand that certain questions need to be answered by yourself only not others, otherwise they have no purpose.


Arrow Desteni = this is so--certain questions must be answered by self--this will be understood by those that become self honest--the self dishonest will create their own misery


Hey 13 --

I'm not coming back to your planet next time.

Smoke on that.

What gave you the impression that when that time comes, you have a say in that?


Arrow Desteni = before 2.5 years ago--no one had a say in where you go--what life you have--all was controlled and directed by the "laws" in place


What is the reason that your people came to this planet?

Almost the same reason you came.


Arrow Desteni = that is correct--the elite was placed as you were placed


you had no choice --even now


Now, what "elite" family does anyone know well enough to "despise"?

Dubya, is that you?

To clear this up once and for all....the Bushs are not fact, they are your kind who wanted to be worshipped by your kind.

I will sum it up again in short, the ones that have known faces/names are not directly bloodline.
They are not the composers/conductors, they just play the flute the way they are told to.

Bushs, Clintons, Sharons, Arafats, Hitlers, Dalai Lamas, Mandelas, Blairs, Gores, Chavezs, Ghandis, Kennedys, Lennons, Dylans, Einsteins, Michaelangelos, Popes, Ceasars, Aristotles, Herodotus, Akhenatons.

They all play/played their part the way they are/were told to.

These people who love recognition and praise of your kind would not be allowed to be in the same room with some people I am related to.


Arrow Desteni = as I said-- just pawns

so stop worrying about the world and Bush and get self honest and self purified

read alot more here


Bad fiction at that.

lord xyz
"Beware long posts attempting to tell the truth when nothing is proven." -- Green Leaf (member on that forum)

thats true.

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