Which Cartoon Translates better

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Which Cartoon past or present do you think would translate best into a comic? and what changes would they have to make to fit better or Translate better to deliver what a normal person who is into comics today would want to see?

here are some cartoons off the top of my head ~

Birdman & the Galaxy Trio
Captain planet
Ben 10
Megas XLR
Samurai Jack
Code lyoko
Kids Next Door
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Robot boy
Xiaolin Showdown
Power Puff Girls
Jackie Chan Adventures
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!
American Dragon Jake Long
Earthworm Jim
Ozzy & Drix
The Pirates of Dark Water
Storm Hawks
mighty Max

just to name a few american cartoons, i think with the right tweaks and changes any of these could make an interesting comic if not an nice addition to an already existing comic.

just wanted some others opinions/thoughts on this.
feel free to mention anything i forgot to.

The Pirate of Darkwater would be awesome to see in comic book form.

As would Captain Planet.

Swat Cats could be alright I guess.

Gargoyles definitely.

The other ones on your list would be very hit or miss IMO.

Most of those are pretty crappy modern cartoons. I'd like to see some of the classic 90's ones.

But KND kicks ass.

grey fox
Birdman & the Galaxy Trio - Crap
Captain planet - Darker Miniseries perhaps
SWAT Kats - A one-shot would be interesting. Anything else would be silly
Ben 10 - Practically Silver Age.
Freakazoid - Too random
Megas XLR - Pretty good
Samurai Jack - As comic as a Cartoon could be
Code lyoko - Manga
Kids Next Door - Crap, or a Manga
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee - Crap
Robot boy - Crap
Xiaolin Showdown - Crap
Gargoyles - Already has a comic
ReBoot - Too under loved
Power Puff Girls - Meh
Jackie Chan Adventures - Mediocre
A.T.O.M. - Crap
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! - Manga
American Dragon Jake Long - Meh
Earthworm Jim - A deadpool style wacky comedy with seriousness.
Ozzy & Drix - Meh
The Pirates of Dark Water - Mediocre
Storm Hawks - Mediocre (Although the show gets a 6-7/10 in my book)
mighty Max - Acceptable.

lol cool opinions, im a little surprised no one else had any other cartoons to add to the list, im sure i missed ALOT.

There was this one cartoon done by french animators. It was called the Magician and it was on Foxkids. it was actually really well done.

I'd like to see a Turbo Teen comic. I was going to say Centurions but they had one already I guess.

Samurai Jack, I'd love to see. And on the topic of samurai, wouldn't Afro make an awesome comic series?

Birdman & the Galaxy Trio - laughing no no expression
Captain planet - No no no
SWAT Kats - I agree with Grey Fox. A one shot.
Ben 10 - too reminiscent of dial H for Hero
Freakazoid - would've done well in the early 90's
Megas XLR - Pretty good
Samurai Jack - good work
Code lyoko - I hate the cartoon. I'll be to biased to advise.
Kids Next Door - oh please no.
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee - Who?
Robot boy - What?
Xiaolin Showdown - Why?
IGPX - No.
Gargoyles - Been done
ReBoot - Could use some more cred
Power Puff Girls - I suppose
Jackie Chan Adventures - I'm as big a fan of Jackie as anyone and I'm against it.
A.T.O.M. - ....
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! - Funny but no.
American Dragon Jake Long - No, no, no....Oh God...NO!
Earthworm Jim - I was under the impression that it already happened. Am I wrong?
Ozzy & Drix - No
The Pirates of Dark Water - Yes.
Storm Hawks - Never seen it.
Mighty Max - It had a fairly comic book feel to it anyway.


Reboot was the ****ing SHIT.

I could swear Pirates of Dark Water already had a comic book. Reboot would make a awesome comic...As long as it's with Bob and not Matrix. Mighty Max and Swat Kats are the only other ones I'd think would make a good comic though Freakazoid might but I think it wouldn't be as good without it being a cartoon.

reminder! your not restricted to what i listed, it was just all i could think of.

i think with some tweaks Ben 10 could be turned into an actually good comic, cut some of the crap, make it funny but more serious in some aspects and it could be good.

Pirates of dark water, as is for the most part would make an awesome comic. same for mighty max. just slight update, not to mention the crossover possibility.

SWAT kats? maybe a four issue mini series. if its done well and not half-assed it would be cool

Gargoyles hell yes! someone mentioned they had a comic, did they? or was it like teen titans go or batman strikes, just a cheap-ish copy? id like to see it now, well thought out story and art with some effort and skill behind it.


Originally posted by Soljer

Reboot was the ****ing SHIT.

Cosigned thumb up

how bout these?

The Herculoids
Migthy Mightor
Blue Falcon & Dyno Mutt
Thundarr the barbarian

Megabyte>Bob. shifty Dot=naughty

How about a classic style Speed Racer?

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