FIREFLY – Wayward Bound (Discussion and Suggestions)
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Any and all Out of Character discussions as well as suggestions, requests Etc are to go here.
First thing I'd like to say, thanks for showing interest in my game idea, I've got a story line already planned out for the foreseeable future, also I'll be doing some artwork on this (hopefully)as I'm already working on drawings of captain Jacques and a few other character items and things.
well when Ive been here for a lil bit more then I can post my character's pic up hehe
Character done, if no one else calls the second Crew/gunner class when the game starts Ill change mine to that.
Well I'll ask that you make your choice ASAP; the second gunner slot is not necessary same as the first officer, and you can't play 2 characters in this game, just makes things a bit too messy at times.
Minimum additional positions needing to be filled:
-Mechanic x1
-Pilot x1
Additional positions:
-First Officer x1
-Gunner/Crew x1
-Passengers (No limit)
Ill leave it as passenger, leaves me more options.
You'd be limited to passenger'd actually have more options if you where part of the crew...
Yeah but as a passenger I can 'leave' if I dont have much time to RP online or get bored or something, crew member is too much commitment at the moment.
OK! This game will be starting soon (a week or two) if we can get a Mechanic, if not I'll just play an npc as our mechanic until someone wants to fill the job ^^
Looking good so far, everyone seems eager ((plus the characters are quite interesting

in a few weeks? awwwwww!
be patient XD I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment... there is a small possibility to start within a week... we'll see XD
Its also to give other people a chance to jump in before the game starts, i still would like a mechanic and a first officer XD
I know you would...but but but...*goes silent and pouts*
*sighs* you can't guilt-trip me into advancing the starting date XD I know your methods too well *Glares and points in an accusative manner*
*chuckles shortly and smiles cheekily*
I thought this might come in handy. :-)
anyone heard from Aliies? Ive PM'd him...but no answer
haven't heard anything and no-one's posting to the game thread

Well I cant do very much either because my character's in a conversation and Aliies' character is still out cold...
We created a bit of a jam for ourselves by doing the classic RPG no-no: meeting up randomly at a bar.
Hopefully Aliies should be back soon.
yeah, but Aliies didnt leave much to open with imo...the lead character being incapacitated before anyone else writes in isn't cool
Merely a safety measure to ensure that he won't come back to a madhouse.

Sorry about that, I caught the flu, been stuck in bed for days -_- I'll be posting every day from now on

starting tonight.
yays (about you posting) hope you get better soon!
I check the RP for new posts everyday, I just havent posted because Im waiting for reactions.

Have to head out early, ill post tonight, since i missed last night's as promised.
I hate not being able to keep my word

Atleast you're letting us know what's going on

I'm happy as long as I'm not outta the loop hehe
Alright I posted :P , I tried to get all of the elements correct XD remember its late night and is now beginning to rain (which is why the feds seem annoyed)
I still have big plans for this ^_^
This is just a reminder so that feelings aren't hurt or anything. My character is basically an old, grumpy man and may occasionally be mean to other characters. This is entirely RPed and is not aimed at any real people. Just so you understand why I might post in an aggressive manner.
I kinda realised that as soon as you posted your characters bio LOL
Lol, I know I posted it with my bio, but just in case

Does anyone know where KingDubya went? Hasnt been online since his post in the game thread. hmm
sorry bout the delay, had alot of civil engineering and drafting homework -_-
will be back to posting by tomorrow, no later.
Try to wait out the deadlock of the bar XD been thinking of how to execute the next story arc, cya tomorrow

Nice to see how this story is getting started. This is merely my second attempt at playing an RPG through a message board.
I am sorry to say that I will post sporadically for a while. As of the end of next week, I'll be working abroad and won't have much internet access in the beginning. Hopefully it won't take too long until I can be back to normal. Perhaps Aliies can ghostwrite my character at the occasions when he is more plot relevant.
Anyways, it's been fun riding with you people so far and I hope that this game session lasts.
Oh I think it'll last and have fun wherever you're going, hopefully you'll have some good stories to share when you get back =]
it'll last ^_^ I'm making an honest attempt at writing the story before each post, not just random events thrown in random directions XD
I hope you can stick around Wave, i know how it is to work away from home base

good luck and come back soon ^_^
I'm going on a ship for 8 months, but I'll have net access there. The tricky part is my initial month of training in England where I'll be offline most of the time.
I figure I should be able to show up a few times despite the circumstances. I'll still need to check my mail and wire money on occasion.
Cool, sounds like an interesting time for you. Best of luck and Godbless
You're coming over to England? Can't say I envy you, the weather's terrible and the economy is going down the plug-hole. Just so you know, I'm English and I live in England :P
It's cool, I've been there 3 times before. The climate is hardly any different from the Swedish one and my food/board is paid for by my employer to be.
What really sucks is that all the good live acts come here just as I'm leaving the country. Roots Manuva... Tricky... AND a collaborate show with Nas, Mos Def, De La Soul, MC Supernatural and Scratch... all in the same damn month?
God must think that we've got some kind of personal issues between us.
He would, if you dont do what he asks of you...
(No joke here, being 100% serious...)
Originally posted by boiled_egg
He would, if you dont do what he asks of you...
(No joke here, being 100% serious...)
Why did he create us then, only to use us as tools?
(Sorry for going off topic, religion is both interesting and irritating to me.)
I have a reply, but I dont want to bring this further off topic and I cant stand the religion forum so Ill just let it go.
Is no-one going to continue the actual story of the game? lol
Im waiting on Aliies to reply
Originally posted by boiled_egg
He created us to stand above everything else on this earth, above the animals and plants he created. He created us to live, in His image.
No one's forced or coerced to make their choices in life. God gave us free will to follow Him or not to. It's our choice if we live or die and God acknowledges that as our basic right in life. He loves us yes, but when it comes down to our choices He will not intercede.
I think I understand your point, although I have a different perspective.
Previous experience tells me that I should drop this matter about now, since faith is a sensitive issue and it is far too easy to step on toes and hurt people.
Perhaps we can just agree to disagree?
PM me...I dont get offended hehe
You could take this discussion to the religion forum...
please take the discussion elseqwhere, I myself am religious but do not impose my beliefs on others or openly state it as fact

thanks guys, some people can get VERY offended by even mentioning religion, despite it being an important part of modern culture, no matter what faith you may belong to.
anyway, I am posting here to say things are getting VERY hectic in my life, posts will be reduced to a minimum frequency of once a week, although i may post more often if given the chance.
again, I'm not abandoning this RP anytime soon, so please bear with me.
Ok, best wishes mate
Don't sweat it, Aliies. 1 post / week is the frequency I expect to manage during my UK stay, so it's hardly a problem to me anyway.
I hope your life mellows out soon.
Originally posted by boiled_egg
PM me...I dont get offended hehe
Fair enough.

It's awfully quiet here, where is everyone?
I just wanted to mention that I still have internet access. My first week has been quite hectic so I haven't had time to post anything until now.
Im still here too =]
<--still here aswell
I'm just sneaky.
*skitters across the floor out of the darkness*
Nothings happening, just waiting...srug
Ok I havent watched the show in a while, what kind of currency do they use? And is it equivalent to our money, eg $1 their money = $1 our money, or is it do they use yen, or gold or what? I should probably bust out the dvds....ermm
heh im not sure actually, look it up on the net... when in doubt pure trade is always the best of currency ^_^
As far as I know its trade and not sure if they use actual currency on a regular basis
Depends where/who I guess. Core worlds use currency, outer worlds use trade more. Most of Mal's jobs get paid in cash so he can pay the crew, Simon would have earned money as a doctor, Inara earns money etc. I was just thinking about it and theres quite a few instances where money is mentioned or used, like when Mal gives Patience a small pouch of coins etc.
But anyway without needing to get into it, it was just a small detail. I was going to have my character use money to stay on the ship since he has no real trade skills of any worth, but then I remembered he doesn't have much money, so I guess it's trade time srug
lets just call them credits or coin... no fancy name XD another thing is that in this game you can't have a small fortune with you... you signed onto the crew because you need the money.
also your personal wealth will be kept track of as the game progresses as things like equipment and such will also be recorded as well as chance of jams, breakages oro misfires (with weapons)
i wont go into it and bore you with tables of how often you might break something, blah blah blah, just adding this to make the game more real. ^_^
Everyone has 20 coin to start off with, jax keeps little over a hundred away for ship and crew emergencies and nothing for himself.
How will combat take place? I'm not sure how to word it out, if we're typing in story context but still need you to decide out hit factor etc.
Hmm let me use an imaginary scenario as example:
A single Reaver boarded the Firefly while the crew were asleep. Captain Jacques, sitting awake at the helm, was the only one who heard the Reaver on the ship. He jumped to his feet, grabbed his pistol and headed out the cockpit towards the kitchen, where the Reaver was. The Reaver looked up and saw the captain in the doorway, it grabbed a knife off the table and charged towards him.
How would you go about filling in combat while keeping it story-related?
you type your reactions to the story/attacker, and then actions but leave them open. no closing statement:
Jax waited until the last moment then ducked, hitting it in the shin and using its momentum to roll the thing over his shoulder.
As it stumbles and rolls, trying to get back to its feet, jax walks up and shoots it n the head, killing it.
Jax waited until the last moment then ducked, hitting it in the shin and trying to use it's momentum to roll it over his shoulder.
The first example shows you controlling the situation, the second and more accurate method shows your character trying to counteract the enemy's actions, if done in the second manner, where as you allow the GM (myself) to depict how the NPC reacts and acts to your behavior, i will then calculate the chance of your actions suceeding and what happens i nthe next moment.
Example Reaver's reaction:
The reaver, expecting it's prey to run is completely blind to Jax's maneuver. However the adrenaline running through its veins fuels a cunning mind and drops it's weight instead on jax, grabbing whatever of his clothes to remain in close quarters, trying desperately to get at whatever part of his body with the knife.
Example Jax's reaction:
Half expecting this, he instead jumps up with the weight and moves to ram his shoulder into it's jaw, whilst lining up his pistol for a shot.
Example Reaver's Reaction:
Jax's attack lands home into the rabid thing's jaw, whilst reeling for a moment, the shot scores a hit to the neck, it flails for a moment before choking on it's own lifeblood, swipign the knife wildly around it trying to get at it's attacker.
Final Jax's reaction:
The knife slices through his upper arm and he is sent backwards from the pain, the Reaver no longer has the ability to track it's prey and so remains flailing fr a moment before it finally drops to a knee, slumping with a loud growling gurgle to the deck.
Hey everyone... just spoke to Aliies and he said he'd be back in a day or two... and that he'll explain everything then.
Well if this doesn't start back up in a week I'll be leaving... just got moved to a busier department at work so wont have time to keep checking up on things to see if Aliies has come back or not.
Captain REX
Out of curiosity, is this game still running? It has been awhile since it's gotten a post. I understand Aliies is out of commission or something?
Just made a slight bump to see if anyone was still playing...
sweet... much appreciated however Maggie's in the kitchen atm... lessee if anyone else's still round...
Originally posted by Captain REX
Out of curiosity, is this game still running? It has been awhile since it's gotten a post. I understand Aliies is out of commission or something?
Aliies has been busy with work far as I know... he hasn't kept regular contact and keeps saying that he'll post but doesn't... I understand that he's busy but yea...
Captain REX
Ah, gotcha. I had been considering joining or perhaps running my own, but I didn't want to shunt this one out of existence. ermm
might be the better idea to start your own then wait to see if and when Aliies comes back to join this one
I'm still here btw

I havent posted in awhile but i still keep tabs here to see if anything is goin on. I may re-surface on the x-men thread soon too. <3
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Shad0w_Frost
I'm still here btw

I havent posted in awhile but i still keep tabs here to see if anything is goin on. I may re-surface on the x-men thread soon too. <3
I thought you got hit by a zebra or something.
Captain REX
Originally posted by boiled_egg
might be the better idea to start your own then wait to see if and when Aliies comes back to join this one
Alright, thank you.
Any word from Aliies yet?
nope... this rp's officially dead imo...
yep... its dead...

Don't know what the status is anymore, but regardless I'm officially pulling out, got too much study work to do and can't be distracted by this RP commitment.
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