Force powers

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In ur opinion what is the greatest force power of all time. I personally like force storm.

if we go with greatest USE of the force, i would say the single greatest use of the force was Dorsk 81 pushing an entire fleet of star destroyers out of a solar system.

(he also disabled the hyperdrives of each one in the process)

I agree with the above.

Red Nemesis
Originally posted by JesterTheFool
In ur opinion what is the greatest force power of all time. I personally like force storm. Are you referring to Palpatine's Force storm, or KotOR's force storm. The two are very different.Originally posted by truejedi
if we go with greatest USE of the force, i would say the single greatest use of the force was Dorsk 81 pushing an entire fleet of star destroyers out of a solar system.

(he also disabled the hyperdrives of each one in the process) BUT TEH BANE MADE SUB-ATOMIC CHANGES111111

I think that Palpatine's clouding of Jedi perceptions is darn impressive. Also, I'd like to include the Infinite Empire, because I miss KotOR. The Infinite Empire burned out an entire species of the force- rendering themselves deaf by overuse. (Also their fusion of Force/Tech is cooler than "Sith Alchemy" which seems out of place in Star Wars)

Disagree with truejedi and Faunus, since Dorsk 81 nearly murdered Pellaeon in the process. Nothing great about it.

wouldn't nearly murdering someone else make it greater? (or are you just saying cause Pellaeon almost died, and we all love Pellaeon?)

Tangible God
Am I... am I the only one? MIND TRICK. Seriously, in all practicality, f*cking with people's minds=#1 Fun.

Originally posted by truejedi
wouldn't nearly murdering someone else make it greater?

So you define 'great' by who is nearly killed?


Precisely. I shat six bricks (more than Sadow could handle) when Karen Traviss murdered Pellaeon. The *****.

agreed. and it would have been okay if his death had actually brought about the destruction of Jacen's armada like was planned, instead it was absolutely useless, the remnant went and joined caedus anyway...

Edit that post. Now.

Under no circumstances is it permissible to murder Grand Admiral Pellaeon. Ever.

The other two major screw-ups in LotF was completely forgetting -- completely -- about the war in the final book. Erm, wasn't the whole major premise (other than Caedus's fall, which is simply the personal story) of the series about the civil war between the Alliance and Confederation?

They killed Pellaeon. Unacceptable. They killed Mara. Unacceptable. And, lastly, they forgot about Phennir. Unacceptable.

lol, didn't you get it? with caedus dead, all those people who hated each other suddenly didn't hate each other anymore! even the 4 groups that met on Kashyyk after Caedus's defeat in Fury (the Bothans, The Jedi, the wookies, and the correllians) immediately put away all their differences, and became friends.
The Correllians decided to immediately rejoin whatever alliance was created with a random IMPERIAL admiral in charge.
The Killiks immediately forgave the unprovoked attack from the imperials, and became peaceful, ditto for the mando's who were attacked as well. Just Peace Peace Peace everywhere. Caedus was the ONLY REASON that anyone hated anyone! Everyone is friends without the unspeakable EVIL that was Jacen Solo! big grin
big grin big grin

I was actually more upset over the pathetic plot that led to the death of pelleon. We hear about him for the first time at the beginning of the novel he is going to die in. (sniffing flowers in the garden, thinking about retirement) I mean, with an intro like that, you just knew he was going to get it by the end of the book.

Also Han's little "joke" with luke at the end, after he decides not to shoot any Moff's, and decides to scare them by saying "how many can you give me" was stupid. Han Solo would be in NO mood to make ANY kind of humor after what he just finished going through. It was like they wanted a happy ending SO BADLY that they ignored the fact Han's SON just died.

Solo came to terms with Jacen's death before that book. He himself admits in Invincible that he'd give anyone his best wishes if they wished to assassinate Caedus.

In terms of power, Nihilus' drain and Palpatine's Force Storm.

Originally posted by Gideon
Solo came to terms with Jacen's death before that book. He himself admits in Invincible that he'd give anyone his best wishes if they wished to assassinate Caedus.
still.... it had been jaina that was almost killed doing it, besides that, he's still jacen's dad. lastly, there had been the attack on Allana and Tenal Ka, AND the needless waste of life from the imperial elite guard that he had just witnessed and was fuming about.
It was poor writing. The drastic shift in the mood of the book to all light-hearted, happy ending was VERY poorly done.

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