Venturing Outside The Box

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Who are more likely to think outside the partisan box? Republicans or Democrats?

Put another way: who are more likely to cast their vote based on a critical examination of the issues (ie, not voting out of blind partisan allegiance)?

Red Nemesis
Definately Democrats. Part of the problem with a 'Democratic controlled Congress' is that ordering Democrats is like herding cats. Sen. Ben Nelson (Nebraska, Dem.) votes with Republicans very frequently. The Democratic party doesn't have the same sort of Party loyalty that the Right has.

Quiero Mota
Definitely Democrats. Republicans, especially the really to-the-right ones, have a hive mentality.

Any moderate. Both parties have them.

I would say both as well. Also both have their own partisans *cough* fanboys/fangirls *cough* that would rather be damned than been seen flirting with the opposite. But good thing there is always the ones willing to listen and not follow...

What exactly is venturing out of the box? I think Bush walked outside of the box, lit on fire and forgot about it.

I think Republicans would be less likely to venture outside the box, simply given the nature of conservatism.

Probably equal between the two parties.



Admiral Akbar
Originally posted by dadudemon


Independents are already thinking outside the box.

Originally posted by RedAlertv2
I think Republicans would be less likely to venture outside the box, simply given the nature of conservatism. That was my thinking, and it sure seems to hold up in my discussions with Reps and Dems.

Originally posted by Admiral Akbar
Independents are already thinking outside the box. That's why I didn't include them in the poll.

Definitely Ron Paul.

Admiral Akbar
Originally posted by Mindship
That was my thinking, and it sure seems to hold up in my discussions with Reps and Dems.

That's why I didn't include them in the poll.

I know, but I don't think dadudemon realized that.

Aequo Animo
The more liberal group. It switches between Republicans and Democrats every once in a long while, but right now they constitute the Democrats.

Originally posted by Admiral Akbar
I know, but I don't think dadudemon realized that. He's just thinking outside this thread's box. wink

Bada's Palin
I'd like to see some better thinking inside the box before I want to see more outside it.

Admiral Akbar
Originally posted by Bada's Palin
I'd like to see some better thinking inside the box before I want to see more outside it.

Ron Paul.

a chance taker...

Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Bardock42
Definitely Ron Paul.

I thought he made a big deal of being the most consistently conservative person in Congressional history. That's the opposite of thinking outside the partisan box.

I think it is more of an individual thing than party thing. I beleive parties kill this kind of thinking anyways sad

I'd say the dems are the most consistent, but largely hold to party line just as much as the reps. The fact that the political center has shifted so far right in America probably means that dems really just look outside the box because they represent constituents who are much further left than is Washington DC. I certainly don't think there is more originality or dissenting voices within the party establishment of the democrats vs the republicans.

King Kandy
Depends on the issue... right now, the environment is such that democrats do, but I don't think it really has to do with some kind of different way of thinking.

Originally posted by BackFire
Any moderate. Both parties have them.


This is more in line with what I wanted as a choice.

There's things like Blue Dog Democrats, conservative dems, liberal republicans, libertarian republicans, and so forth.

Brain washing the ignorant ummmm....

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