what time line to follow
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So what time line is T4 going to follow. Does it pick up from the end of the abomination that was T3, or will it follow a timeline that is a result of events in SCC? Even the trailer has Connor saying that this future is not the future his mother told him about.
Does anyone know this info? If it has been addressed I apologize.
As far as I'm aware Terminator Salvation picks up 14 years after Terminator 3. I don't think SCC is taken into consideration, and thankfully so. The interesting thing about Salvation is getting to find out what Connor means when he says the future is not the one Sarah told him about.
screw SCC
im glad they're following 3
SCC isnt bad besides the time line mess up
with jumping ahead from 1999 where sara is suppose to be dead (accoriding to T3) to 2008 (how are they going to fix that?) but the movies already have a flaw with T2 takes place in 1995 John is 10 but then all of a sudden on the tv show it's 1999 and he is 17 or 18 when he should 14
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