X-Men: Codename UNWANTED

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Name: Hexhellen Kalandra
Age: will tell in the rp
Power: will tell in the rp
Likes/dislikes: She likes peace. If something is wrong then it has to be taken care of as quickly as possible, no matter what. She hates noises. Again the calm theme. Her home is kept in order and it stays that way day after day. She's a kind heart but doesnt know how to deal with people. She isnt much of a talker, but is a natural born leader. Shes a spoiled rich classy brat. She loves foods with a lot of flavor to them (sushi, herbs and spices, ect.) Her favorite time of day is sun set. She loves reading, animals, writing, and art. Music is her life, but only if its soft and rhythmic. Her image is always changing. (youll see what i mean by that soon)
Personality: quiet, orderly, confident, keeps to herself.
History: what isnt in the description of the rp will be revealed in the rp itself.

here she is when you first meet her:

jalek moye
Name: Akir
Age: 14
Power: an underdevelop X-gene caused his natural body armor to soften causin him to be hurt eaiser then a normal human. He also has the potential to effect minor things with willpower( like thinking more bullets are in a gun then they are. and able to shoot more out) instead it makes everything less useful.
Likes/dislikes: likes being alone, and stayin safe. hates pain
Personality: shy and a loner
appearance: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2091/2535109892_2b8659f9a9.jpg

Name: Raken
Age: 21
Power: can explode and reform himself with various power output. the more power generated the longer to reform. Can do the same with single body parts. Enhanced physical attributes
Likes: fighting, training, animals, being outside
Personality: friendly at times but cold at others. he is very determined and honorable.
History: He is the son of the villian Nitro of n alternae future, sent back in the past when Cable went to the future he was sent back. He is currently the Island guard and enforces the rules of the students.

appearance: http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/5735/jin7oi.jpg

alright approved. each char will get a specially made room to fit their powers.

Raken's room

Akir's room

Uhmm... don't really have the time for characterizing but I don't mind helping occasionally if this hosted...

awww ok miss ya Hun

Name: Cyrus Alexander

Age: 18

Power: Manipulate Metal (Right now all he can do is maybe crush a Soda can from a distance or move a metal object no bigger than a knife. He can Liquefy or harden metals)

Likes/dislikes:Likes Playing guitar and Archery(Wants to be a Rock Star or Olympic Archer one day. Spends most of his time practicing both. Dislikes Computers(they make his head hurt),Never watches T.V. and doesn't like People.

Personality:He is Hateful and disgruntled at the world. Bad attitude. He likes to fight makes, him feel powerful.

History: His mother abandoned him when he was 7 and the only time his father had for him was when he got drunk and beat him to a bloody pulp. He has a Genius I.Q. and is very snobbish about it. Cant relate to most people,thinking them morons. This did not make him very popular in school. When he needed money he would pull change out of kids pockets (with his powers) and if they got upset he would beat them with no remorse on how bad he hurt them. He was in and out of Juvi many times finally being taken in by Professor Xavier but his attitude got him thrown out and sent to Kalandras Island.

yep your good I'll get your room up here in a sec

lycan your char's room has alot of space for his unstable attitude stick out tongue

Name: Jacob klos
Age: 16
Power: Fire manipulation (Only small flames for now)
Likes: Girls and sports
Personality: Cocky, thinks hes tough, good sense of humour
History: ill do it later, cant think of anything now

approved... though a bit more detail would be cool ^^

anyways here is your room:

Hey why do I have such a small picture of my room
*Pouts* I want BloodRed walls and Black RodIron Candle holders with red candles ,and Sculls , With Morbid Angel and Behemoth band posters on the wall LOL

*eye twitch* click on the picture

Originally posted by DangerousBeauty
lycan your char's room has alot of space for his unstable attitude stick out tongue

First thing my Char's going to do is spray paint the walls and put posters up everywhere and put black sheets on the bed. Its too bright and classy for him. evil face

do it then you'll see what hex does to you

here is the house btw:


Damn, Wicked Cool House!!

spray paint it and i'll have Raken destroy you

Raken can try mad

jalek moye
raken will put him ina headlock then explode

Did you read my bio. He was beatin daily by his father growing up, do you think you are going to intimidate him. And you can blow yourself up all day. How is that going to affect Cy LOL

ok ok cut the clutter. you'll have time to beat eachother later.

jalek moye
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
Did you read my bio. He was beatin daily by his father growing up, do you think you are going to intimidate him. And you can blow yourself up all day. How is that going to affect Cy LOL

lol because hes nitros son, And nitro killed wolverine by blowing up full force

but i wont do that cuz that woul be godmodding stick out tongue

My apologies.

*Bows low*

I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL! take it to pm please. ^^

Oh yea of course you had to be the most powerful one on here. Silly me.

jalek moye
i have two chars Raken is the guard and enforcer of the rules of course hes strongest.

my student is really weak

I didnt know we could have 2 char's?

jalek moye
I don't know. she asked me to be a guard so I made 2

hun you can have as many as you want

Well She's the Boss so I guess I have to accept you being "The Guard" I'm just saying I am playing the Character Like I wrote the Bio. Pic Of my Character

jalek moye
i know my kid char is weak. but the guard is the guard becuase he can level the buidling if he puts enough energy into his explosion

guys... please..

Wei Phoenix
Name: Doorman
Age: 16
Power: Doorman is a class-10 teleporter, meaning that he is capable of teleporting someone anywhere, but with the limitation that it has to be in the next room. His mutant ability operates by tapping into the Darkforce dimension. He can also collect souls of the recently deceased and bring them to Oblivion.
Likes/dislikes: Likes whatever makes him feel good and dislikes whatever doesn't make him feel good.
Personality: Random guy.
History: He was recently fired from the Great Lakes Avengers for being even more useless than the rest.

Scarlet Fox
Name: Alex Diego
Age: 16
Power: Laser eyes. Pretty much as powerful as a store bought laser light.
Likes/dislikes: People with Attitude and Video Games./Elevators and Greens
Personality: Alex has a bit of a Attitude and she never seems to want to do anything. Shes more of a TomBoy then a propper lady.
History: She was a trouble maker in her school, never doing what she was told and lived with her parents. She discovered her powers in a movie theater when it seemed someone was playing with a pair of laser lights. She didnt know it was her so she was looking around to find who was doing it while others saw her eyes glowing a light red and began to freak out. So now she is being sent to some kind of institute where others like her are at.
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j48/winxgurl7/Anime Girls/Anime-2.jpg

Scarlet Fox
lol sry didnt think it would be that big.

lol np your both approved here are your rooims.


the rp is open. you all are going to start out on a helicopter heading to the island. ill guide you from there.


Name: Jason Freeman
Age: 17
Power: Be Revieled in RP
Likes/dislikes: Animals, Music, Books / People who think they are better then others, Idiots,
Personality: Quiet type
History: Unknown

umm... i kinda need to know your power.... its a little important... but ok..

anymore room?

always ^^

oh. sry. lol I idnt say what the power was becuse I didnt know either. stick out tongue but I have one now.

Power: Controls Shadows. But only in the sense of making them move. He cant use them to attack or even defend. Its good for making shadow puppets though.

And here is what he looks like

ah ok very nice ill get your room

here ya go

If I may join...

Name: Kyle N. Moree
Age: 14
Gender: FEmale
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'3
Body type: Athletic/Skinny
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Naturally straight, about shoulder length, platinum blond

Power (Over all): *Excretes a sticky poison to cover her body when feeling in danger *Able to release the poison through the air as well. *It is later discovered that when her poison is mixed with certain things is will explode.

Power (Currently): *Keeps making things explode randomly and is unsure why. The reason is that she doesn't have complete control over her powers as of yet.

Likes: Being the center of attention
Dislikes: Being told she's wrong
Personality: Know it all, - Center of attention - Overly confident

History: Kyle was born into a social elite family in upstate New York City. Her father owned one of the largest companies world wide and her mother was not but a supposed 'stay-at-home-mom'; most of the time Kyle was left to the care of several capable nannies. For fourteen years she grew up as an only child, spoiled and the constant center of attention where ever she went, even school. It was because of her selfish nature that lead her to discover her 'power'. One day after school and after throwing one of her well known temper tantrums Kyle stormed off only to be followed by a group of boys. The boys attacked her, their plans left to the unknown, because suddenly a sticky thin film covered her body and she screamed releasing the very same poison into the air killing just one of her attackers. The boys lost their nerve and abandoned her in panic. It wasn't until a week later she found the true extent of her killing power when she discovered her attackers had all been hospitalized. The film that covered her body could also kill when ingested or absorbed through a normal person's skin. She became panicky and dangerous once discovering what she had done and that she was powerless to stop it. In true bad timing her mother became pregnant with a set of twins and her parents, fearing for their lives and the lives of their unborn children, drove Kyle away from their home.

Personal appearance (Brief): Kyle wears a one piece, spaghetti strap (the straps are a light purple), navy blue dress coming down to about mid-thigh with a button down plain white short sleeve, collared blouse over it. Only the last few buttons are actually buttoned to her blouse and she wears navy blue and light purple wristbands to match her dress. A simple side-shouldered pack (such as the ones you would wear to school and put your books in) serves as her purse of sorts. Her feet are adorned with something akin to navy blue tennis shoes to complete her outfit.

very nice. ill find your room.

for anyone who needs an intro just speak up and pretend like you were there the whole time

here is your room

Originally posted by SaSsYlEz
If I may join...

Name: Kyle N. Moree
Age: 14
Gender: FEmale
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'3
Body type: Athletic/Skinny
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Naturally straight, about shoulder length, platinum blond

Power (Over all): *Excretes a sticky poison to cover her body when feeling in danger *Able to release the poison through the air as well. *It is later discovered that when her poison is mixed with certain things is will explode.

Power (Currently): *Keeps making things explode randomly and is unsure why. The reason is that she doesn't have complete control over her powers as of yet.

Likes: Being the center of attention
Dislikes: Being told she's wrong
Personality: Know it all, - Center of attention - Overly confident

History: Kyle was born into a social elite family in upstate New York City. Her father owned one of the largest companies world wide and her mother was not but a supposed 'stay-at-home-mom'; most of the time Kyle was left to the care of several capable nannies. For fourteen years she grew up as an only child, spoiled and the constant center of attention where ever she went, even school. It was because of her selfish nature that lead her to discover her 'power'. One day after school and after throwing one of her well known temper tantrums Kyle stormed off only to be followed by a group of boys. The boys attacked her, their plans left to the unknown, because suddenly a sticky thin film covered her body and she screamed releasing the very same poison into the air killing just one of her attackers. The boys lost their nerve and abandoned her in panic. It wasn't until a week later she found the true extent of her killing power when she discovered her attackers had all been hospitalized. The film that covered her body could also kill when ingested or absorbed through a normal person's skin. She became panicky and dangerous once discovering what she had done and that she was powerless to stop it. In true bad timing her mother became pregnant with a set of twins and her parents, fearing for their lives and the lives of their unborn children, drove Kyle away from their home.

Personal appearance (Brief): Kyle wears a one piece, spaghetti strap (the straps are a light purple), navy blue dress coming down to about mid-thigh with a button down plain white short sleeve, collared blouse over it. Only the last few buttons are actually buttoned to her blouse and she wears navy blue and light purple wristbands to match her dress. A simple side-shouldered pack (such as the ones you would wear to school and put your books in) serves as her purse of sorts. Her feet are adorned with something akin to navy blue tennis shoes to complete her outfit.

You took so much effort to make a Character. Where are you SaSsYlEz ???

jalek moye
just wait till you all meet Raken

Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
You took so much effort to make a Character. Where are you SaSsYlEz ???

Don't worry she'll be here, she's my buddy in the other X-Men rp. I'll post tomorrow.

Silent Guardian
I do not know if your are still accepting templates. But if you are here is mine.

Name: Alex Acconerro
Age: 16
Gender: male
Ethnicity: African American
Height: 5'8
Body type: Athletic/muscular
Eyes: brown
Hair: short black hair

Power: In his normal from he has no powers other than an ability to detect other mutants nearby his person. However, Alex's true power is his ability to transform his skin into a hard rock like metal (he appears similar to the Silver Surfer but with a jet black skin color and yellow eyes). This grants him increased strength and reflexes, as well as a measure of invulnerability and the ability to increase his body temperature to volcanic temperatures. However, as of now Alex cannot control this transformation, it usually only happens when he feels threatened.

Likes: Hanging out with friends, playing sports and video-games and just lounging around

Dislikes: Fighting and mayonnaise

Personality: He is a free spirit, just like everything to be peaceful and not think about complicated issues to much

History: Alex was an average kid, growing up with a working mom and dad who took good care of him. Growing up in New York City he became very street smart at an early age. He was normally the voice of reason for his friends on there many adventures throughout the city. Alex's powers only manifested themselves recently, when he was out with his friends and a group of thugs attempted to mug them at gun point.

Personal appearance (Brief):

Name: Pia
AKA: Gryph
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Power: Flight.
When at any highly emotional state, Pia has the ability to fly, however she hasnt had much practice yet.

Born a normal baby to a small family in the outter suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Pia was the eldest of three children to a Christian religious family.
At the age of ten however, things started going wrong. Pia (being an outgoing and boisterous girl) started becoming an outsider, her grades remained the same but her body was changing beyond the normal spectrum of teen-hood.
Within 14 months her wings and the feathers had fully grown, her once blue eyes had shifted to a coarse (yet striking) tone of amber and branded as a freak even by her church she saught refuge away from home.
Her parents, knowing deep in their hearts that their daughter would be killed if she didn't leave passed her the trust fund they'd been saving for her future and sent her packing to America.
Now, alone and wanting to find out why this happened to her, Pia is living a life only heard of in the fantasy section of libraries.


Take reference for her eyes from this picture:

Take reference for her feathers and wings from this picture:

lol ok your guys jump in when ever. ill get your rooms up tonight

alex- plenty of places for you to lay around in


The Big O
DB, i want to join this but i cant post a character until tomorrow. And i think ill post 2 or three.

The Big O
Name: Simon Marx
Age: 16
Power: Emotion Manipulation. Due to his abilities recent manifestation, he isn't able to control his powers and almost always picks up others feelings. This often causes Simon to act on someone elses feeling and do something he wouldn't do. He also uncontrollably makes people feel what he feels.
Likes/Dislikes: Varies
Personality: Varies
History: Not much to say. He didn't know about his powers until just a little while ago and his parents dropped him off at the Xavier Institute. Because of his powers and his inability to control it, he was sent to the island with the promise to be able to return once he gains control.

Name: Nolan Ryans
Age: 14
Power: Amnesia Inducement. Has the psionic ability to induce amnesia in people. However, this ability is uncontrolled and he often causes himself to have amnesia whenever he uses his powers.
Likes/Dislikes: Often can't remember.
Personality: Varies
History: Nolan thought he was normal up until just recently. His parents were often forgetting things like that they had to go to work, where their car keys were, directions and things of the such. And Nolan thought nothing of it until it started happening to him. That was when he was approached by Professor Charles Xavier. He told him of a place where there was people like him and that he would be able to get him there. And that is how he's on the island now.

o.0.... ok, hang on!... *runs off to find some last minute rooms*


stair cases going up to the bedrooms

dark guardians

dark forest

dark rangers

light rangers

light guardians

the horses form now

the stables

first floor library

second floor library

tv room 1

tv room 2

game room

the pool


boys bathroom (please dont spray paint it)

girls bathroom


you have no idea how long it took me to find those

Kudos DB. The Visuals are a appreciated. I hope the Elves clean house lol

haha yea I do appreciate the work you're putting into this DB, I've been rping for close to 10 yrs n run a few of my own rps over that course of time... its good to see a GM thats so willing to give their time =]

yeah i thought you guys would like it. if theres anything i could do to make it better dont hesitate to ask.

Wei Phoenix
An arcade for Doorman?! Words can not describe the love I have for you right now!

i feel so loved ^^

Hey where is my Archery range and Recording studio. LOL rock

talk to the elves babe

ask and you shall recieve! Seriously if you guys want anything for your chars just ask.

archery range
recording equipment (goes in your room)

Scarlet Fox
Alex has some training with Martial arts and likes to keep in shape. So maybe a work out room? Something with a punching bag. big grin

can do

Scarlet Fox
^_^ You So Totaly Rock! Gimmi Fin.... Noggin.... Duuuude ^_^


o.0.... duuuudddeee...


Scarlet Fox
Cool. Ty.

Unfortunatly I can not see it from this computer. its a tiny red X to me. I have to get home to see it.

"Excuss me Mister Turtle?"
"Woa woa woa. Mister Turtle Is my Father. Names Crush!"

ok so here is a recap for all of you who missed what happened yesterday.

you got your horses you need to personalise them, make them what you want.
harkin asked pia to talk to Akir
she is going to ride double cuz her horse is missing

anything else you have to catch up on your own.

we have horses!!! big grin

Catch up Mr.Alex smokin'

its ok guys i wont go on until everyone (who has posted before anyways) gets their horses done

Who knows if they will post? If we wait too long, the people we have might lose interest sad

yeah i know... but wei said he was working on it and i think alex might post tonight. those are who i am waiting for.

K wink

im leaving for florida tomorrow guys... i dont know if ill be able to get on there. i might be able to through my itouch... but ill miss you guys.

jalek moye
u already know how much i'm gonna miss you

i dont want to go

jalek moye
why not?

and its funny how we are talking here and on aim stick out tongue

because ill be away from you guys all day... i might be able to get on at the hotel.

jalek moye
well i dont want you to go either, but *shrugs* if u can get on at the hotel just tell me.

how long u gonna be there

till the third

jalek moye
well that sucks sad

thats why i dont want to leave

jalek moye
well atleast it should be fun

not without you guys

jalek moye
well i wont have fun without you either

*cries* nuuuuu I DONT WANT TO LEAVE!

jalek moye
*hugs* it's ok, you'll be fine

but... but... i dont wanna! promise you wont let anyone drop out of the rp. i dont want to loose anyone cuz im gone.

Well that sucks. I was enjoying the RP we had. this one was fun too. However we arent going to stop just because you will be gone a few days. I suppose we could just say Hex had to go on an errand and leave Raken to supervise until you get back. It would be a good way for the characters to get to know one another. Be more willing to act as a Team. I promise we wont blow up the house. stick out tongue well at least I wont. Raken might not be so... willing... to hold back. anyway have fun.

jalek moye
I won't. just make sure you get them ack to the manson before you leave so that can just do whatever till your next post.

But you have my word that i wont allow anybody to drop out, i'll kill them if they try

I wont drop. And I think Scarlet is having too much fun to drop out either. but its really up to her. and if she is still there Lycan may remain. stick out tongue....

I might get in trouble for that one but oh well it was funny anyway. XD

lol well i hope not. if i dont post by 2 nights from now then jalek will guide you.

jalek moye
If it comes down to that. I shall not let you down *stands up and salutes*

i know i trust you and everyone else.

jalek moye
and we won't let you down.

anyone who does won't be around too long after words

YEAH! *pumps shotgun*

I G2G WHAAAAA! *cries* bye everyone *sniffles*

ps: im playing in the orange bowl at halftime. keep an eye out for millard south high school from omaha nebraska.

jalek moye
bye babe *hugs*


Lycan why can't I pm you? Did you block me or something?

Zalindrana has permission to do what he needs to in this rp

Originally posted by DangerousBeauty
Zalindrana has permission to do what he needs to in this rp

So what does that mean?

And were is everyone? IS everyone still interested?

it means him and i have talked and i gave him permission

Wei Phoenix
Yeah I'm here, Jalek is here, Scarlet is here, Egg is here, DB...I don't know about her...why on earth would she want to be interested in this? roll eyes (sarcastic)

psh you guys can kiss my dangerous butt why would i want to stay here and hang out with you nerds? stick out tongue

Wei Phoenix
Because we're the closet thing to a succesful social clique you'll ever belong too.

Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Yeah I'm here, Jalek is here, Scarlet is here, Egg is here, DB...I don't know about her...why on earth would she want to be interested in this? roll eyes (sarcastic)

Just curious as to why the game hasn't gone anywhere in so long.

Wei Phoenix
I thought the majority posted yesterday and today. Even me!

Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Because we're the closet thing to a succesful social clique you'll ever belong too.

psh probably

and i've been waiting on mr. alex. hes been quiet a lot, so has scarlet.

soz i havent posted 4 a while, any1 give me a recap plz. big grin

ummm we left the forest and went back to the house then everyone went off to do their own thing


Im leaving the rp for personal reasons... been fun but cant keep it up

jalek moye
awwwwwwww sorry to hear that.

you'll be missed

aww hun it wont be fun without you

just wanted to say that I'm sorry about last night

Don't sweat it DB.

If anyone wants to talk to me about this, PM me cuz I wont be checking this from now on

jalek moye
i'm leaving till somethings get explained well enough for me to stay

what about akir?

jalek moye
his whole angle is made pointess now.

so i'm out

Originally posted by jalek moye
i'm leaving till somethings get explained well enough for me to stay

Its an RP man. What are you taking this personal?????
Role with it.

jalek moye
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
Its an RP man. What are you taking this personal?????
Role with it.

its more about both my chars being made pointless

I get why you can be angry about Raken but what was Akirs angle?

What??? How are your Chars pointless? You are still the Son of a Powerful X-man The Lycan is just part of the story to make it interesting. Do you have to always be ALL Powerful? instead of quiting, think and adjust.

.... how... why... jalek.. you said youd help me... what happened to always saying that youd never leave?...... was that all a lie?... oh god... i cant do this on my own... srry guys but i dont think im going to be doing anything in here until i figure things out... this... oh god this just isnt fair...

PS I told lycan to make the char

jalek moye
Originally posted by Zalindrana
I get why you can be angry about Raken but what was Akirs angle?

he has negative rality warping which is why he coudlnt et a mount,. It was gonna affect things around the hosue. and now raken is a normal martial artist complely making his job pointless.

and its not about being all powerful with their powers gone all the time now, it takes away something big. i was fine with it happening at certain times

Its ridiculous. Its just an RP it evolves as people add to it. I think JM is being selfish by acting this way. I dont want him to leave We can write in that Raken kills the Lycans for all i care. It is supposed to be fun.

ok you know what im just going to close this down everyone is leaving and my partner is abandoning me. srry guys but i have no urge to work on this anymore.

F'n Great! The only RP i was having fun with.

jalek moye
im fine if its temporary. but i cant play them depowered for the whole rest of the rp

jalek moye
Kesey calm down i already told you i'll stay

if you dont want any more t do with me fine. but dont ruin it for them because of me


jalek its because i want you that i feel i should shut it down. if you leave i cant run this... i need you more then you think i do