Fallen Earth (Character Registry) and Chat
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This is where you register the characters
This is also where members chat about the RP.
Side Heroes, or Aliens
Name: Catwoman
Age: About 30
Bio: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Selina_Kyle_(New_Earth)
Weapons: Whip and gloved claws
Powers: None
Costume: Pitch black jumpsuit with hooded cat ears and black lens goggles
Appearance: http://www.eddiewong.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/takara_catwoman_cool_girls_1.jpg
Side: Heroes (Cat Burglar turned crime-fighter.)
Name: Damien Wayne
Age: Unknown
Bio: Geneticly Perfected and Grown in an Artificial Womb. He was raised by the assassins League and became a Master in Martial Arts in his Pre-teens. After his skill reached high levels his existence was revealed to his father. Bruce Wayne. AKA Batman, and left in his Custody. He was Precocious, spoiled, and violent at first and always fought with Robin to take the sidekick role beside his father. After the Incident with Ra's he Fled to an unknown location. After the news of his fathers death he quickly made his way back to Wayne Manor.
Weapons: A mix of both Batman and Robins gear.
Powers: No Powers but highly trained in Martial arts and has the gear of the Caped Crusader
Appearance: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/09/Damianwayne.PNG/250px-Damianwayne.PNG
Silent Guardian
Name: The Parasite
Age: unknown
Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasite_(comics)#Rudy_Jones
Weapons: none
Powers: Absorption of energy, superpowers, and intelligence through physical contact
Costume: The parasite wears no iconic garments, but his mutated purple skin is its own disguise
Appearance: http://www.quickstopentertainment.com/comics101/images/2005/oct26/parasite.jpg
Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.
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