John Connor's real father?
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I always wondered who John Connor's real father. Who is he? Im aware of Kyle Reese but He is younger than John and he only met Sarah by time traveling to the past.
I'm not sure if I'm remembering this correctly, but I think Sarah mentioned some guy in T1 (I think it's when she is getting ready with her friend to go out). I assume this guy would probably end up being with Sarah if Kyle didn't arrive and therefore possibly being John's dad. Don't quote me on that though.
The issue of who John Connor's "original" father was has always been a point of contention on this board. Before "T3" came out, one could argue that Kyle Reese had always been John's father; that was, it seemed, the paradox driving the first film - just as, in "T2", there appeared to be another paradox in that it was the Terminator coming back through time in the first film that led to the very creation of Skynet (until, of course, Sarah Connor and the T-800 intervened).
"T3", however, appeared to disprove this second paradox, since Judgement Day still took place - the actions of the Connor family merely delayed it; as the T-800 noted in that film, the nuclear holocaust was "inevitable". Therefore, if this second paradox was seemingly proved false, then why not the first one as well? Perhaps Kyle Reese was not, in fact, John Connor's father in the timeline prior to the events of "T1"? I imagine, however, that this will remain a subject of much debate amongst Terminator fans, and that the movies will never provide us with a definitive answer either way ...
T3 threw most of the logic out the window.
U Neek
Throw another twist into the franchise; name Skynet as the father, LOL!!
Originally posted by U Neek
Throw another twist into the franchise; name Skynet as the father, LOL!!

Originally posted by vvvrulz
T3 threw most of the logic out the window.
Very true!
While its probably not true, AndyGarcia's argument has some merit. In theory there is nothing stopping her from already being pregnant before she met Reese.
We are only talking about potentially a few days between meeting the two.
Originally posted by barand1
I think your right, but I always thought that John's biological father was the boy who put the ice cream in Sarah's pocket when she was working. Oh well.
Was the boy called Kyle or something? Man, I really need to watch T1 again. I don't remember any of the small details.
Darth Macabre
The first one is not so spoilerish, I tagged it just in case. The second one, however, I wouldn't go near if you have not seen Salvation yet.This was addressed, in a way, in Salvation.
If Kyle Reese died, John was worried about the future being changed and him not existing anymore.
jinXed by JaNx
Originally posted by vvvrulz
T3 threw most of the logic out the window.
as well as quality
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