Rurouni Kenshin RP
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I'm looking for someone who knows the anime well, has seen seasons 1 and 2 at least and has a good grasp of the characters.
Please respond if you would like to do a Rurouni Kenshin RP! ^^
Scarlet Fox
Please read the rules. If you wish to make an RP you must first Put the idea in the proper forum. Then it must be Accepted before you can post the idea as a seperate thread. If you fail to do so your anime rp will never be allowed.... Also, most rps that are derived from Anime dont work.... Most of the time.
I would have thought that anime topics would dominate. At least, the popular ones, anyway...
Figured I'd ask.innocent
Sorry u.u I really didn't intend to rp here, but elsewhere on the internet...and it's hard to find someone to rp Kenshin with.
Wish I could help, but I am not too familiar with all of Kenshin, just a little bit I saw back when it was on toonami. Looked cool, though.
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