Alucard vs. Meier Link & Carmilla

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Carmilla has Meier Link under a spell tricking him into thinking Ceras Victoria(police girl in Hellsing) is his dear Charlotte. Believing Carmilla, Meier hunts down Ceras, who he thinks is Charlotte, and tries to take her with him. Alucard chases Meier all the way back to Carmilla's Castle. Both Carmilla & Meier know Alucard is near and they are both ready for him. Can they as a team take down Alucard or do they get dealt with?

They don't have a single chance in heaven or hell.

oh they would kick his trash, he does not have nearly enough power to overcome ONE of them, let alone both, maybe mire. but then again neither of them could kill him about we stop puting alucard in vs forums, he cant die, there is onl y one way to do that and it makes no sence


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