StarGate SG1 RPG

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I was wondering If anybody wanted to start a StarGate SG1 RPG game online let me know If you don't have the sufficant stats (there is a book) I will help there. It will be following normal StarGate time at the start of it. If yeas and you have the book right your characters physical discription, name back story ability scores, class race, and height/ weight. (I will give you ranks.)Also if you can find a good image of your character post it

glitch ignore this

This is a pic the NPC in the SG team you will be in stats will come soon alien

Scarlet Fox
Did you get permission to open this thread? And if it was a glitch y r u posting a picture?

the glitch was me being incapable of rmoving that comment of me saying glitch ignore this I accidently wrote someing over again in there

You can always post your story ideas here first, jaffacreep:

Hope this helps. smile

HI i made a character for the sg-1 rp thread
big grin

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.