teen titans generation X sign ups

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Ok so i need 5 people to start the game.

You have to come up with your own teen that has super powers of some sort. He or she cannot be from the show but can be their son or daughter or can resemble the person from the teen titans show.Here is the charecter info.


Here is an example-

Name-ice boy
powers-controls ice, can make anything out of ice. His body becoms ice when he turns loo% full power.
Looks-Handsome Bluw hair.
Origin-Is the son of ice man from the x-men.He was abandoned by ice man since he didnt have his powers at child hood.
costume-White and blue costume with the letter I in the middle.
weapons- Ice sabre
pets- Ice dragon
Family- ice man, ice girl, has one evil brother called Freeze lad.

Just copy the details WRITE Them down and put them in this forum remember that this is only the sign ups or registrations.

If you have any questions just write them down in the forum.
And the first 3-5 people that join can make 2 charecters. OK SEE YAH!


Anon E. Mous
you didn't get permission to post this thread.


sorrymy computer blew up so i wasn,t on. I need atleast one more person to join. Or ifyou want to sart it already then just say so i will put up my charecter today.

Anon E. Mous
No, mihir, you can't post rp's without getting permission in the PERMISSION thread at the very top.

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