nith battles (need lots of char)

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Nith is an aliance of animals, the alowed animals are: wolves, bears, dolphins (only in ocean missions), horses, owls, and mountain lions.

we are currently training for battle. we are fighting the same specice that are in the alince.

forum for joining:

age (human years):
sex (same gender as you):
power (if none put n/a):

my info:

name: Noba
specice: wolf
age (human years): 16
sex (same gender as you): female
fur: pitch black
eyes: green
power (if none put n/a): n/a

Why you made another thread you have to post this game idea in the hosted idea thread its the first thread you see its say READ THIS FIRST

Obey the rules of the forums, or please leave the website.

It's pretty self-explanatory. "Hosted Area Game Ideas Submission- READ THIS THREAD FIRST!" can't be anymore blunt..

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.