Z-Day Sign-up/OOC

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This will be a Zombie Survival RP that uses some aspects from various video games, movies, books, and some twists of my own.
In this rp you will all start out in the massive city of Silvertown before the event/infection occurs. You will be ordinary people going about your lives, doing your jobs, etc. Gradually the infection will happen and begin to spread rapidly throughout the city and other places in the world aswell.
You will have to try to survive, find weapons, other survivors and interesting characters. Zombies may not be your only problem, you may face other creatures, and even some people you encounter may turn out to be completely psychotic.

I will be controlling Zombies/other creatures, some other survivors you may meet, and the events that will occur.
I will also be keeping track of your characters' equipment, and rewarding you with weapons and other supplies in different and interesting ways. Other than the obvious stuff like a hospital having medical supplies... if there is anything of interest on the bodies of people or fallen zombies, and in certain places, I will let it be known and the group can re-supply/ get upgrades and whatnot.
Please don't run around randomly finding rocket launchers, etc. I will have kool weapons and stuff for you and interesting ways to get them.
For the most part this game will be free roaming, with some NPCs and creatures i might use to nudge you in the right direction at times.

Additional Notes/Tips: ( Please read )

Play carefully and smart, and don't be afraid to run if you need to. So you can keep your character alive. (For Example: If a hoard of 50 zombies are headed your way fast... you probably don't wanna stand there and try to kill them with your knife :P )
It is very possible that your character will die if you don't play careful/smart. I will decide if you come back as a zombie...or something else based on how you die.
Warning: Some events/descriptions in this rp may be very graphic and violent.

Here is the Template character sheet. Once enough characters are created/approved i will open up the RP thread.

Please be original and creative with your characters. Have Fun smile

Character Sheet.
Nickname/alias: ( What you would like to be called. )
Clothing: (What are you wearing?)
Appearance/Distinguishing features: ( Hair color, Physical build,etc... Or just post of pic of who you want to look like.)

Occupation/Career background: (You may have standard Occupation/s, Doctor, Police Officer, House wife, Porn Star, Box boy at a Grocery Store, Mcdonalds Employee working the drive through etc... Or you may even be a Criminal type, Thief, Gangsta, etc... Use your imagination.
Personal background(Optional): (Your character's story up until this point. Why you are here in this city, etc.)

Primary Skills: (Try to make this fit in with your occupation/s.)
^Examples: If you are a doctor you would have improved medical skills for situations that they may be needed.
A soldier may be highly trained in the use of firearms,explosives, etc.
A Fast Food employee may know how to cook...But hey... everybody needs to eat, don't they? stick out tongue

Secondary Skills: (Doesn't have to be tied to your occupation/s. However i would like a description of how you know these secondary skills.)
Melee combat/street smarts (Maybe you grew up on the streets and learned to fight and fend for yourself.)
Knows how to use a gun (Maybe your father took you to the shooting range as a child),
Survival skills (Were you a boy scout?).
Note: Your Primary skills don't have to be better than your secondary skills, they just have to go along with your profession. Some secondary skills may prove more useful against the dangers of this RP.

Weapons/ammo: ( I will keep track of this and update it at times. Remember your character will be starting out before the event happens so you might not have aquired any weapons yet.)
Note: If you choose to start with a gun, please limit it to a simple Handgun and a good reason as to why you have it. (Example: If you are a police officer, security guard, criminal, etc. You might carry a handgun.)
I wont be keeping track of ammo much but be realistic, dont go around taking out 100 zombies with one handgun clip. I will however provide more ammo and other supplies at times, so no worries.

Other Equipment/Items carried on body: ( As with weapons, i will be keeping track of this and updating it. Please try to keep this stuff reasonable, not everyone will be allowed to start with lockpicks unless they are either criminal types or a Locksmith,etc...They must know how to use it.)
^Examples: Backpack, first aid kit, tactical vest, Flare gun, etc.
(Can also be simple character items like bubble gum, etc.)
^Examples: Cell phone, Lighter, Matches, Cigarettes, Bubble gum, Lockpick, etc.

Here is a more Copy/paste friendly version lol.

Character Sheet.
Appearance/Distinguishing features:

Occupation/Career background:
Personal background:

Primary Skills:
Secondary Skills:

Other Equipment/Items carried on body:

Ill post the sheet ina bit lol your lucky u didnt have to wait long for this

Originally posted by TwilightxGirl
Ill post the sheet ina bit lol your lucky u didnt have to wait long for this

Hehe yeah, it was pretty fast.

Its cool though its sounds really fun to roleplay in thats why i signed up for it plus i like zombies lol

Originally posted by TwilightxGirl
Its cool though its sounds really fun to roleplay in thats why i signed up for it plus i like zombies lol

Yeah hehe, i have some good stuff planned. I've been watching a ton of horror/zombie movies the last few days for even more inspiration lol.

Do you know the occupation part do you have be military or something along them lines

Originally posted by TwilightxGirl
Do you know the occupation part do you have be military or something along them lines

Nah, you can be anything you want smile

Okay cool

Character Sheet.
Name: Leanne
Nickname/alias: shawty
Gender: female
Age: 19
Height: 5.8
Weight: 125
Personality: sassy,sweet and hip and cool
Clothing: hipster jeans, belt. short tank top and a sweat shirt with a hood and wears boots
Appearance/Distinguishing features: long brown hair, blue eyes,

Occupation/Career background:shes a street dancer but works at a daily newspaper as an intern
Personal background:she takes care of her little brother as her dad left the home when she was small and her mum works a lot

Primary Skills: very flexiable and can run quite fast might come in handy
Secondary Skills:has has cadet training and been on a first aid course her mums idea shealso done karate.

Weapons/ammo:she find them in the game
Other Equipment/Items carried on body:bag,note book and pen cell phone also has a voice recorder some pepper spray and a small knife for defence.

lol i cant think of anything else is this okay i can change it if you want

Originally posted by TwilightxGirl
Character Sheet.
Name: Leanne
Nickname/alias: shawty
Gender: female
Age: 19
Height: 5.8
Weight: 125
Personality: sassy,sweet and hip and cool
Clothing: hipster jeans, belt. short tank top and a sweat shirt with a hood and wears boots
Appearance/Distinguishing features: long brown hair, blue eyes,

Occupation/Career background:shes a street dancer but works at a daily newspaper as an intern
Personal background:she takes care of her little brother as her dad left the home when she was small and her mum works a lot

Primary Skills: very flexiable and can run quite fast might come in handy
Secondary Skills:has has cadet training and been on a first aid course her mums idea shealso done karate.

Weapons/ammo:she find them in the game
Other Equipment/Items carried on body:bag,note book and pen cell phone also has a voice recorder some pepper spray and a small knife for defence.

lol i cant think of anything else is this okay i can change it if you want

Approved smile

jalek moye
working on a char. will have one later

jalek moye
Name: Sano Kyu
Nickname/alias: Sano
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Weight: 190
Personality: kind, smart, always seeking to understand things
Clothing: (What are you wearing?) shorts and a white tee shirt
Appearance/Distinguishing features: http://www.k-1fightclub.com/images/fighters/k/Buakaw_Por.Pramuk%20_m6.jpg
Occupation/Career background: kick boxer, but really wants to be an artist
Primary Skills: great all around athlete. great at noticing details
Secondary Skills:good at improvising with what he has to make do
Weapons/ammo: none
Other Equipment/Items carried on body: cell phone. note pad that he sketches in, a few pencils

(and no, he's not gonna go all Versus on the zombies. even if that was an awesome movie)

Name: Sophie Bennet
Nickname/alias: Cinnamon
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'7
Weight: 139lbs
Personality: Kind to those she's close to,but short tempered with those she's not close to and very protective of those she love.
Clothing: What's in the pic
Appearance/Distinguishing features:

Occupation/Career background:College Student studying Acting.She current performs at the local theater
Personal background: Her life has been an normal life for the most part.After high school she moved to Silvertown to attend college.

Primary Skills: Drama,Studying an persons actions togain insight on how they would react,Along with Acting she can boost one's morale
Secondary Skills:CPR(Had to learn it in Highschool),Judo( taking it at college after being mugged one night after an show)

Weapons/ammo: (nothing)
Other Equipment/Items carried on body: (She's an actress so she'd mainly only carry around what the averge woman would carry around.Makeup,Cellphone,etc.)

Anon E. Mous
Name: Richard Creed
Nickname/alias: Creed
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 160 lbs
Personality: Calm, collected. Doesn't get angry, and laughs a lot.
Clothing: Tuxedo
Appearance/Distinguishing features: Thin eyebrows, piercing blue eyes.

Occupation/Career background: Known as the Tuxedo Thief, Creed has pulled off some great heists. He is wanted the world over, and is currently #4 on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Personal background: He does not steal for money. He steals for the excitement of running from the scene of the crime. He is the son of a British Nobleman with plenty of money. He is currently in Silvertown researching for his next heist.

Primary Skills: Athleticism, Parkour, stealth
Secondary Skills: knives

Weapons/ammo: Several knives hidden in different parts of his Tuxedo. Each was specially made for Creed's style of fighting.
Other Equipment/Items carried on body: Lockpicks, cell phone.

Parkour: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkour

Nice, all approved.
Will start up the RP thread sometime tomorrow.

Wei Phoenix
Character Sheet.
Name: Nakoma Benton
Nickname/alias: Shotgun Shogun of Detroit
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'11
Weight: 217
Personality: Energetic and wild on the outside, something completely different on the inside.
Clothing: See Sho'Nuff
Appearance/Distinguishing features:

Occupation/Career background: No job.
Personal background: He's actually incredibly smart and has a lot of all around knowledge, but he fails to see any reason why he should apply himself.

Primary Skills: Great with any shotgun, but he prefers his sawed off shotties. Dead aim, but he prefers up close and personal shots.
Secondary Skills: Extremely persuasive and intuitive when he actually applies himself, but that is rare.

Weapons/ammo: Starting off with two sawed off shotguns and 20 shells, 10 for each.
Other Equipment/Items carried on body:

His appearance: http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/9510/shonuff1mt.jpg

Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Character Sheet.
Name: Nakoma Benton
Nickname/alias: Shotgun Shogun of Detroit
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'11
Weight: 217
Personality: Energetic and wild on the outside, something completely different on the inside.
Clothing: See Sho'Nuff
Appearance/Distinguishing features:

Occupation/Career background: No job.
Personal background: He's actually incredibly smart and has a lot of all around knowledge, but he fails to see any reason why he should apply himself.

Primary Skills: Great with any shotgun, but he prefers his sawed off shotties. Dead aim, but he prefers up close and personal shots.
Secondary Skills: Extremely persuasive and intuitive when he actually applies himself, but that is rare.

Weapons/ammo: Starting off with two sawed off shotguns and 20 shells, 10 for each.
Other Equipment/Items carried on body:

His appearance: http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/9510/shonuff1mt.jpg

Haha approved, Sho'Nuff is awesome.

weight:230(ofmusclebig grin)
personality Nice and happy
clothing:he has all urban camo with football gear on
personal background: he's a football player and he's still in school
Primary skill:good with any melee because he trained with a lot of difrent mele weapons in the company of friends
secondaryskill:he's easy to anger as in he gets a boost of adrenaline when he's fighting while angry he has this because of his warrior blood line,badtemper and his strength
weapons/ammo he starts with lucky combat knife, 2 custom 9mm pistols with 6 15-round clips 3 for each
other equipment: he has his backpack which can allow him to hold stuff.
career:he's still in school

he is supposed to look like carlos but wih urban camo, football gear, backpack and 230 pounds of muscle big grin

This RP Is officially shutdown. Sorry Folks.

hey shadow did you like my character? even though i can't use him sad

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.