Indiana Jones 5
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So I just heard on the radio that Shia Lebauf (or whtevr) announced that Lucas and Spielberg have finished the script for Indiana Jones 5. Can anyone confirm this? Deny it? hopes
Sadako of Girth
*Loads gun, cocks it, points it at his own temple*
I'd be up for a 5th one as long as they put a bit more effort into it.
Long as George and Steve don't ass rape Indy again then sure it'd be good
and hopefully Lucas does'nt decide to put alien related stuff into the story again.
Sadako of Girth
Originally posted by Kazenji
I'd be up for a 5th one as long as they put a bit more effort into it.
By 'more' you mean 'some', naturally.
Not good that Shia LeBeouf announced ANYTHING concerning Indy.
Unless his prick character dies in this movie, Im done with any Indy movies after Last Crusade permanently.
Originally posted by steverules_2
Long as George and Steve don't ass rape Indy again then sure it'd be good
Maybe they want seconds.
Sadako of Girth
Sadako of Girth
Yup, they want that piggie to squeal again. Their very own version of 'Babe in the Big Movie City'.
Sadako of Girth
Only with more spitting, biting and name calling.

I expected there to be some criticisms when I opened this topic, and I wasn't disappointed.
I really did not think that Indy 4 was bad at all. It felt different than the other ones, which put me off at first but then I took into account that it was nearly 20 years between 3 and 4, plus it's about that big of a time gap in the actual movies. Could it have been better? Ya, I think so, but then there are a lot of movies, especially sequels that have their flaws.
At least we didn't get Jaws 4, or AVP:R.
I kind of look at Indy 4 like Quantum of Solace; not as good as it's immediate predecessor, but still a lot of fun.
I'm looking forward to Indy 5, and what it brings to the table.

That is what worries me.
Sadako of Girth
Mutt's head served on a plate with an apple in his mouth...?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease let it be that way.................
Just two hours and 17 mins of Mutt rotating on a spit, slowly charring as the film progresses.
The aliens and that didn't bother me that much, and i did enjoy the movie and was entertained, but what did bother me was the fact that spielberg and lucas were waiting and waiting and waiting for the right story and this is the best that they could come up with!!!!!!
They should of put sahla in it ( john ryes davis)
and they could of taken one of the games from years ago like
the emperors tomb or the lost city of atlantis and just tweaked the story and made it into a film.
To get people to accept a 5th movie the story had better be great.
Sadako of Girth
Indeed. Its mediocrity was a crime in itself.
Originally posted by darthmaul1
the emperors tomb or the lost city of atlantis and just tweaked the story and made it into a film.
Its "Fate of Atlantis" and yeah i agree with the tweaking of the story since the game had couple of different paths and endings.
Plenty to choose from
Indiana Jones 4 should've been Fate of Atlantis but of course they piss farted around for 19 years.
no aliens, more history stuff (sci fi is not the way to go for indy, IMHO) and action. And a bit more effort into it.
I thought that indy 4 was too different. It's an okay movie, I mean, compared to the other crap hollywood has produced, but it could have been better.
Sadako of Girth
Im totally with you on that 'too different' tag.

Not on the crap thing.

Sadako of Girth
Indeed. Its was poo.
Pure mindmelting poo.
Hmm, what does that mean?
Sadako of Girth
My argument is that it was not better than most of hollywood produced crap.
Because that would approach the quality of an Indy film.
(As opposed to the garbage that they marketed to us.)
Even with the comics they did a sequal/follow up to Last Crusade
"Indiana Jones and The Spear of Destiny"
Originally posted by Sadako of Girth
My argument is that it was not better than most of hollywood produced crap.
Because that would approach the quality of an Indy film.
(As opposed to the garbage that they marketed to us.)
ah, lol.
hm, okay, maybe just some of the hollywood produced crap.
the 4th one is still bizarrely lost to me. at first i enjoyed it when i was watching, or maybe its just the excitement of watching a new indy film, and then it slowly dawned on me that it was one of the stupidest movies i've ever watched. well, sort of.
i hope if they're going to make a fifth it would be better than that sludge we saw.
Sadako of Girth
Originally posted by
ah, lol.
hm, okay, maybe just some of the hollywood produced crap.
the 4th one is still bizarrely lost to me. at first i enjoyed it when i was watching, or maybe its just the excitement of watching a new indy film, and then it slowly dawned on me that it was one of the stupidest movies i've ever watched. well, sort of.
i hope if they're going to make a fifth it would be better than that sludge we saw.
I can understand the feelings of having enjoyed some of it.... it did feel like a momentous occasion too, like you say.
Kinda hard getting all swept up in it and then being dumped down a express chute to the poop room...
Im sure that with the same team as KOTCS doing it, it will be exactly the sludge you refer to.
A future in which the new Indy is Shia LeBeouf, is no future I would ever want to live in.
Originally posted by Kazenji
Even with the comics they did a sequal/follow up to Last Crusade
"Indiana Jones and The Spear of Destiny"
Indy already used that to spawn Mutt.
Sadako of Girth
I thought he used his schincter to do that.
I spawned a gang of Mutts only just this morning.
Originally posted by Sadako of Girth
I can understand the feelings of having enjoyed some of it.... it did feel like a momentous occasion too, like you say.
Kinda hard getting all swept up in it and then being dumped down a express chute to the poop room...
Im sure that with the same team as KOTCS doing it, it will be exactly the sludge you refer to.
A future in which the new Indy is Shia LeBeouf, is no future I would ever want to live in.
true, all true.
somehow, something must change. we can't take lucas and spielberg out of the picture...
what's wrong with Shia LaBeouf? is it that he just wasn't made for the role? he's a pretty decent actor.
Sadako of Girth
He is too overacty, but yeah, like you said, basically. Miscasting maybe...
any other actor that could pass for a decent Indy Jones' kid?
Sadako of Girth
A good question: I'll have to think about that.
Certainly not Hayden Christian, though.

No! A big fat NO.... everytime Lucas is around that guy he starts acting really badly.
Originally posted by queeq
No! A big fat NO.... everytime Lucas is around that guy he starts acting really badly.
I don't know, I still stand by he acted out Anakin pretty decently, just not how we were expecting. I actually liked how he acted out Anakin.
Some of his scenes were just bad and stupid.
Hm. This is kind of hard - anyone who'll be Jones' kid would be hard-pressed to try and reach even just the tip of Ford's Jones.
Hayden is a fairly decent actor, but he wasn't in SW. Sorry, it has nothing to do with expectations. If one doesn't believe what an actor is saying, it's not acted out very well. Mind you, I think Portman is a good actress, but she wasn't very much so in SW. Even the great McGregor needed about two films to find a way to get his acting up to par. There's more going on that just the portrayal of Anakin.
I rather liked him in ROTS, though. better than AOTC.
He was better.... but still.
Sadako of Girth
Its like losing only one teststicle in a bizarre industrial pressing accident.
Even though you could a lost both, you still got your happy sack crushed by a 40 ton iron press, when you were expecting (based on 3 previous visits) it to be tongue bathed but a bus load of hot young swedish girls that night..
Originally posted by Sadako of Girth
Its like losing only one teststicle in a bizarre industrial pressing accident.
Even though you could a lost both, you still got your happy sack crushed by a 40 ton iron press, when you were expecting (based on 3 previous visits) it to be tongue bathed but a bus load of hot young swedish girls that night..
uh. wow.
You better believe it.
Sadako of Girth
'Relativism in film quality' essays can get colourful.
I was so high when that one came to me...
*giggles at memory of the moment and eats a cookie.*
Sadako of Girth
Sadako of Girth
Was that his name-o..?

Sadako of Girth
Philo Beddoe..?
Sadako of Girth
Against a Black Wid-oh..?
Orville's Chick Ec-ho..?
You're in dot mode now?
Sadako of Girth
Nooooooooope... Not mouse mode. Nooooooo.

Sadako of Girth
Like the first agonised vocallings of a newly thawed out preserved moose.
They are usually a bit more eloquent.
"Autobots, Roll Out!"
Sadako of Girth
The finest words spoken by man.
Also the Autobots, whilst being handicapped by being fictional, could still probably have written a better movie than Indy IV.
That dog of LeBoeueoueoueoouef's in the movie...?
HE could have written a better one.
But TFS in Bay form suffer from the same shitness-virus thats been going around Hollywood of late.
Sadako of Girth
Thats a fair part of it, yeah.
Originally posted by Nephthys
So I just heard on the radio that Shia Lebauf (or whtevr) announced that Lucas and Spielberg have finished the script for Indiana Jones 5. Can anyone confirm this? Deny it? hopes
Please oh please no.
I mean I'll admit I enjoyed the fourth. But a fifth is overkill.
They even try to make a series of Mutt. I'm going sever someone's spinal cord.
Originally posted by queeq
CGI for everything.
they really need to balance it out.
Sadako of Girth
I fear the Queeq is right.
He always is. Or so I hear.
Sadako of Girth
He is a lot, thats for sure in any case.

Even cases involving murder ?
Sadako of Girth
Sadako of Girth
And rape (especially of much loved movie characters).
Sadako of Girth
Well I suspect, sadly, that you will -until the mixed wrong message of rewarding their rape with DVD sales money- have lots and lots of work in the coming years.
*sigh* You may be right.
Sadako of Girth
.....if trends follow, most of the rapes will be in 3D at least.
I suppose that's called progress....
Sadako of Girth
Thank f*** theres no such thing as smell-o-vision.
Hey.... don't be relieved too soon.
Sadako of Girth
"Wooow what an amazing smell you've discovered." - Hansolo, ANH
I wonder what that smell will actually be like.
Im now dreading the legendary campfire scene from Blazing Saddles.
Sadako of Girth
All those detective movies where they come in and find a body thats been there a few days in the height of summer, will also be deeply unpleasant.
It will certainly enhance the scene in the Naked Gun 21/2 when he's swimming in the raw sewer: "I love it!"
Sadako of Girth
Yep......And the Shark autopsy that Schieder and Dreyfuss did in Jaws.
Or the Dead Marshes in LOTR.
Sadako of Girth
And certain German pron films that you could mention.
I coudn't, but I'm sure you could.
Sadako of Girth
Not by and you acknowledged them, clearly knowing what I was saying...ha!
We have all seem a shizer vid, im sure.
Ah... you seem to be in faeces mode these days.
Sadako of Girth
Nahhhh thats Hollywood, you're thinking of...not me.......
..but we have all seen at least one of those vids.
(often mesmerised and sickened at the same time)
Only the infamous Two girls and One Cup.
Sadako of Girth
There ya go.
But that was more... due to the fantastic video's of people watching it.
Sadako of Girth
Its all a part of that psychology....yes.
The best bit is always gonna be showing people and witnessing their horror, revulsion and their turning green/ill-looking.
Its the ones that dont react like that and sit silently masturbating at it, that we should be more concerned about.
Sadako of Girth
(y' the people who rated Indy IV 9 or 10 on IMDB....)
Sadako of Girth
Those folk need help.
It's always the quiet ones.
Sadako of Girth
Yes. Thats usually true.
Yet they werent quiet enough on this occassion, sadly, when they were faced with the choice of falsely recommending a big stinking pile of malformed, ill concieved, odourous piece of slimy effluence, or remaining angrily silent, perhaps writing embittered reviews on websites.
Which is the best, in the end.
Sadako of Girth

Oh the freedom of the internet.
Sadako of Girth
Ahhhh freedom.
Sadako of Girth
"Okay....They may take our freedom, but they'll never take ourrrrr internet connections....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - contemporary version.
Bu they will.

Sadako of Girth
Probably. The bastards.
Sadako of Girth
*Arbitrarily punches/smashes something*
Oh no!!! You smashed the TAOS DVD!!!
Sadako of Girth
*War ends, suffering and death are suspended, and all live in perfect harmony and all getto smoke and drink all day, shagging for ever and ever and ever and mankind abandons the monitary system and heads for the stars..*
And there we find Lucas giving us more movies.
Sadako of Girth
But they'll all be great movies once the curse would be broken.
Free food for all, and new dawn of a spirit of peace and freedom would emerge in mankind.
And all politicians and religions, and news authorities would be instantly compelled to tell only the truth, all pairs of sock would match, there would be enough parking spaces for everyone and Burgers would resemble how they look on the picture above the counter.
Bay would be working only in car adverts and adverts for 360 camera tracks and orange camera lense filters.
District 9 would be the IQ level of mainsteam cinema , rather than teen date movies.
Epsodes 7,8 and 9 of Star Wars would released, with a gripping storyline that would continue the pace set about by the OT after digital replicas of 80s Luke, Han, and Leia could beused to complete the new trilogy. etc
Transformers is rewritten by Simon Furman, and made using Alternators based physical designs for the TFS, then directed by James Cameron.
No longer would we have to endure Hollywood alterantely raping and sterilising much loved classics thate were markers in our lives their onscreen destruction in later 100% financially motivated affairs.
Dammit. Why. GL/SS..........why?
Talk about teen date movies.... I saw Twilight. Here's my advice: don't bother.
Sadako of Girth
May they burn in hell.
I hate that genre.
I'll take that advice, Mr.Q.
Yup. A new one coming up in october though.
Sadako of Girth
Then it is a useless month.
Originally posted by queeq
Talk about teen date movies.... I saw Twilight. Here's my advice: don't bother.
Agreed, I like Vampire movies but damn that one just does'nt appeal to me.
Sadako of Girth
Its just a matter of time before Salem's Lot is re-remade with the cast of Dawson's creek.

I liked 30 days of night.
Sadako of Girth
That was an awesome movie.
Watchting "Let the Right one in" now.
Never heard of that.
Sadako of Girth
Thats Mother Thersa's real name.
Ah. I'm learning news things these days.
Originally posted by queeq
I saw Twilight. Here's my advice: don't bother.
Originally posted by queeq
Talk about teen date movies.... I saw Twilight. Here's my advice: don't bother.
you watched it? Even with Rifftrax I almost fell asleep on it. It was that bad.
lol, why does my head scream "PANIC!" whenever I see "Indiana Jones 5" used in any situation?
I read the Twilight novel but the reviews were awful. So I decided to torrent it by major exception. And indeed, it's not really worth paying money for it.
Sadako of Girth
Your insight served you well.
Thank you. Now please excuse me while I'm off to conquer the universe.
Sadako of Girth
When conquered, can you command hollywood to stop making dire, dire, souless shit, please.
That would be a really, really great.
Hey, good idea. But by then I doubt I can tell the difference. It sucks to be rich and powerful.
Sadako of Girth
Then you will have to log in still to KMC and let the protracted and lengthly rants be your guide.
Sadako of Girth
Thats intesresting point, were you to leave KMC, who else would co lead Vaginra*.....?
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