FIREFLY RPG- Character Creation
Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.
Captain REX
When at the controls of a starship- whether it be a nippy interceptor or a sizeable freighter- you might have some preferences for how you handle whatever it is you are flying. These schticks cover that.
"They'd have to be insane to follow us through here."
You love to get the maximum out any ship you fly, pulling the stick as far as it goes, your instincts still working even at maximum G-Force. Any ship you fly has 1 added to its Maneuverability Rating.
"I can speak a word and send a missile to that exact location inside of three minutes..."
You have a real nerve and steady hand when making a target run on a large opponent. Gain 3 extra dice to your Piloting pool when making a bombing run.
"What you care about is ships, and mine's the nicest."
You do more than own your own ship, you are almost one with it; you know every part of how all of it works. When flying that particular vessel, you get one extra die on ALL Pilot rolls made with that ship. This schtick cannot be taken as Gan Ying is Captain Kelly's ship.
"I'm a dangerous minded man on a ship loaded with hurt..."
You have a phenomenal sense, during a battle, of where the opportunities to get kills are. About half of the 'Melee' Starship Combat Event types can be converted into 'Closing In' instead if you have Killer Instinct; the event will say if this can happen.
"That's just 'cause I'm going down too quickly. Likely crash and kill us all."
Even in a crisis you have a knack for getting your crate down safely. If you crash you may make a Pilot roll with a difficulty set by the GM depending on circumstance. If the roll is successful, no-one in the ship is hurt in the crash and the ship will always be salvageable.
"This kind of flying really wakes a guy up!"
You can handle a ship at extreme speed, and love to tweak power settings to get the most out its engines, going where others would not dare. Any ship you fly has its Thrust rating increased by one.
"Target the Reavers! Target everyone! Somebody fire!"
You have a great sense for the position of ships around you and are rarely caught off guard. About half of the 'On Your Six!' Spaceship Combat Event types can be converted into 'Melee' instead if you have Tactical Awareness; the event will say if this can happen
Captain REX
These are special character-specific qualities that are chosen at the beginning in character creation, advantages from the character's background. They cannot be added to with experience (except through those earned in-game) but they can be lost! Be careful with these, they can be important.
A friend of yours who can back you up. Note that it is a friend, not a slave; they will be available when they are able. A bodyguard will specialize in protecting you and be around always, but a smuggler, someone with a wide set of skills, has his own life. Specify what it is this person does when taking this Merit. This can be taken multiple times.
An information source. You must state where your contact is and what information he would be able to supply you with. Aim for something broad, like 'a snitch in Alliance Intelligence,' rather than specific, like 'price of cheese at St. Albans.' This can be taken multiple times.
The 'verse is a dangerous place, and sometimes you just need to disappear for awhile. A Haven is a secret and secure place that you can hide at.
You believe you're in the 'verse for a bigger reason than mere existence. Some sort of weird destiny thing. This adds 1 to your Willpower.
REPUTATION (costs 2)
You are famous throughout the 'verse for whatever reason, something you have done in your lifetime. Whilst not a guarantee that everyone will know who you are, there is a good chance that you will be recognized. This can be some heroic feat that you achieved- saving children from a burning space orphanage, some sketchy act that isn't too terrible- robbing the rich and giving to the poor, or something just outright horrid- robbing the poor to give to the rich while blowing up a space orphanage. It will get you different reactions socially.
MONEY (costs 2)
Your character has, by some inheritance or event, come across a ridiculously sizeable amount of money entering their bank account. It gives you 3 Money points to play around with each game, rather than the 1 that Passengers (automatically spent on passage) and the 1 that Crewmembers earn from working for Kelly. Please do explain how you got this, however.
TIES (costs 3)
A more powerful and direct form of Contact, you are actually an active member with official standing or rank inside an organization. You may wish to consider making this appropriate to your template.
LUCKY (costs 3)
No power in the 'verse can stop you... you can re-roll two failed rolls in a game.
Nadra Bell
Strength: 2
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 3
Willpower: 2
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 5
Perception: 3
Seduction= 5
Savoir-Faire: 4
Languages: 3
Guns: 1
Combat: 2
Observation: 1
Persuade: 2
Companions receive the free Merit 'Ties' to the Companion's Guild.
Money (Nadra is from a very wealthy family, of course she's got money to throw around)
Eagle Eye
Steady Hand
Whirling Strike
Snake Eyes
Dodge and Weave
Companions may re-roll dice that didn't show 5 or 6 when making social checks with someone interested in the character's gender.
A native of Bellerophon, Nadra grew up in a very wealthy family, wanting for nothing. Living in one of the floating estates of the world, she was largely insulated and sheltered from everything else, and as a result even now still tends to be naïve about how things tend to work in reality; her family were supporters of the Alliance and as a result so is she. One thing she did decide was that she didn't want to have to settle down and marry when she grew up; such an idea was boring to her and something she didn't want to do. Instead she decided she wanted to train as a Companion, something her family was fine with, as members of the Guild were among the most respected in society.
Nadra rather enjoys her position as a Companion. While she would certainly never be poor, due to her family, she has wealth, respect, and a high position in society on her own, instead of it simply being due to her name and family. She enjoys the freedoms that she has, even though she is still bound to Guild rules. She is a bit arrogant, tending to think she's somewhat better than others, but knows well enough to not actually voice such a thought. And she's not afraid to use a combination of her charisma and looks to draw people under her thumb. She is currently traveling on the Gan Ying, looking for fun and 'adventure'.
General Kaliero
Kenneth Lloyd
Strength: 3
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 4
Willpower: 3
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4
Perception: 4
Medicine= 5
Observation: 2
Guns: 1
Combat: 2
Languages: 2
Persuade: 2
Savoir-Faire: 2
Higher Purpose
Eye of the Storm
Focused Blow
Snake Eyes
When making Medicine rolls, the Medic can change a rolled '1' on a die into a '6.'
Kenneth started out as one of them fancy doctors what was trained on Londinum. Professionally trained and everything, making whole hills of money. At least, 'til he got it in his head to ask why he was being told to give some folk medical care but not others, when they were all sick with the same thing. He was given questionable answers about some not being able to afford it, and it was better to leave them sick and dying than healthy and in debt, but after a while he realized the truth: the folk he was told to refuse to treat were all Browncoats back in the war.
Well, Kenneth decided he didn't like the idea of that. He left for the Border, figuring he could do more good on his own than as part of the big, corrupt hospitals.
Harmony Cien
Strength: 2, Agility: 4, Dexterity: 5
Charisma: 4, Intelligence: 3, Perception: 5, Willpower: 2 (3)
Dexterity ( 5 ) + Pilot ( 0 ) +5 = 10
Dexterity ( 5 ) + Guns ( 0 ) +1 =6
Agility ( 4 ) + Combat ( 1 ) +1 = 6
Perception ( 5 ) + Fix-it ( 1 ) +2 = 8
Intelligence ( 3 ) + Languages ( 2 ) +0 = 5
Perception ( 5 ) + Observation ( 1 ) +0 = 6
Charisma ( 4 ) + Persuade ( 1 ) +0 = 5
Charisma ( 4 ) + Savoir-Faire ( 1 ) +0 = 5
Charisma ( 4 ) + Seduction ( 1 ) +0 = 5
Higher Purpose
Schticks: (Gun and Combat Schtick numbers reversed, with permission)
Gun: Big Guns
Pilot: Daredevil
Pilot: Favorite Ride (the Eclipse- with permission)
Pilot: Soft Landings
Pilot: Speed King
Pilot: Tactical Awareness
Combat: Sidestep
Combat: Leaping Attack
Combat: Martial Artist
Background to come... eventually.
Captain REX
Just a note, I allowed Thraxis to make edits to his Schticks. If anyone strongly feels that their character needs to be edited, talk to me.
Though Elizabeth Cien might be more of a Contact rather than an Ally. Allies normally actively help you in some way, while in your company. Contacts can give other information but have other perks from time to time.
Herr Rob
Name: Christoper Jackson
Class: Drifter
Strength: 4
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 4
Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 3
Perception: 4
Guns= 4
Combat: 3
Savoir-Faire: 1
Languages: 3
Medicine: 3
Fix-It: 4
Observation: 3
Higher Purpose:
Christopher has been a witness to many lives across the verse in his travels and wanderings, and has come to beleive that God did not allow him to meet these people without reason. He is on a mission to find that reason.
Being of a generally good nature, and holding a deep respect for the basic civilized rights of others, Christopher has somehting of a reputation on the more rowdy planets as a defender of the little guy, putting crooks and generally bad people in their place for the sake of those they abuse.
Having been to many planets and helped many people, he has earned himself a few select places among these planets as safe havens. Which is good, because he's also made himself a few enemies in earning the people's general hospitality.
Gun Shitcks:
Lightning Reload
Straight Shooter
Hair-trigger Neck Hairs
Combat Shticks:
Martial Artist
Focused Blow
Street Fighter
Drifter bonus, Savoir-Faire +3
Background: Christopher is a man who has traveled the verse well. He's been to many planets both on the fringe and in the core, but has never settled on any one of them. His time roaming around has given him somehting of a reputation, those who know of him basically associate him as the guy who saves orphans from burning buildings and what have you. He spent some time during the Unification War as a Browncoat, beleiving that while unity is good, universilization is the death of societies and cultures. Despite being on the losing side of the war, he has taken to adapting to the Alliance and its laws, which generally aren't all that bad, and respects the men and women of it, as their ideals are just as important as anyone elses. As for why he has come on board the Gan Ying is yet to be seen, as he's currently just doing what he always does: float around the verse.
Gabriel Thornby
Strength: 3
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 4
Willpower: 2
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4
Perception: 4
Guns: 4
Savoir-Faire: 3
Observation: 3
Intrusion: 2
Combat: 2
Gambling: 2
Lying: 2
Languages: 1
Medicine: 1
Drifter Bonus Observation +3
Gabriel is known through the galaxy because of an somehow mysterious incident where him and a few others successfully fought back against a reaver attack, saving a small town in the process. Although many people are even unsure whether Reavers exist most have indeed heard of the legend surrounding the incident.
Kyle Doyle is an adventurer and friend of Gabriel. He fought with with the Browncoats in the war and after their defeat took to exploring the Universe and having some fun. He is very extrovert and rather loud as opposed to Gabriels more laid back and quiet attitude. The two have been through a lot of dangerous situations sometimes travelling together, sometimes just meeting up on some obscure planet.
Wu-Lao Katarina was a high ranking officer on Alliance side, turned criminal and an old girlfriend of Gabriel. She is the right hand of a crime syndicate of smugglers and thieves operating from within the Alliance center and as such has an excellent information network at her disposal, which at times, if Gabriel didn't piss her off again, she shares with her old friend.
Originally posted by Herr Rob
Name: Christoper Jackson
Class: Drifter
Strength: 4
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 4
Willpower: 4
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 3
Perception: 4
Guns= 4
Combat: 2
Savoir-Faire: 3
Languages: 3
Medicine: 3
Fix-It: 3
Observation: 2
Higher Purpose
Gun Shitcks:
Lightning Reload
Straight Shooter
Hair-trigger Neck Hairs
Combat Shticks:
Martial Artist
Focused Blow
Street Fighter
Drifters, being well-traveled, can pick a non-combat skill in which is he very knowledgeable and gains a +3 pool bonus.
Background: Christopher is a man who has traveled the verse well. He's been to many planets both on the fringe and in the core, but has never settled on any one of them. His time roaming around has given him somehting of a reputation, those who know of him basically associate him as the guy who saves orphans from burning buildings and what have you. He spent some time during the Unification War as a Browncoat, beleiving that while unity is good, universilization is the death of societies and cultures. Despite being on the losing side of the war, he has taken to adapting to the Alliance and its laws, which generally aren't all that bad, and respects the men and women of it, as their ideals are just as important as anyone elses. As for why he has come on board the Gan Ying is yet to be seen, as he's currently just doing what he always does: float around the verse.
Looks good, our characters are kinda similar...but will we be best friends, or mortal enemies...only time will tell. Oh, you do have to choose one non combat attribute though for which then +3 bonus applies. Savoir Faire, Fix It and Medicine all seem good choices, really.
Captain REX
Edited as Rob's request, putting backgrounds to his Merits and picking Savoir-Faire as his bonus after tweaking skills a bit.
Nadra- just missing your background, as you already stated. Might want to tie in why your family is so wealthy.
Kenneth- you told me that the Money merit is from being a doctor in chat. Formerly an Alliance guy, right? Not much to made in the outer planets.
Harmony- everything's set there, Thrax. Looks good.
Christopher- Okay, only one thing to nitpick. Your Haven is going to be one specific place that you can run to. A Drifter might have friends everywhere, but this is somewhere really secure that nobody will find him at.
Gabriel- I'm thinking Kyle will be a soldier?
Herr Rob
Ok, I'll put some thought into a specific location to be Christopher's "haven" and PM you with the edit when I think of something.
Looks interesting, Rex. May think about it.
Yes, Kyle is a soldier.
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Captain REX
Edited as Rob's request, putting backgrounds to his Merits and picking Savoir-Faire as his bonus after tweaking skills a bit.
Nadra- just missing your background, as you already stated. Might want to tie in why your family is so wealthy.
Kenneth- you told me that the Money merit is from being a doctor in chat. Formerly an Alliance guy, right? Not much to made in the outer planets.
Harmony- everything's set there, Thrax. Looks good.
Christopher- Okay, only one thing to nitpick. Your Haven is going to be one specific place that you can run to. A Drifter might have friends everywhere, but this is somewhere really secure that nobody will find him at.
Gabriel- I'm thinking Kyle will be a soldier?
Yeah, former Alliance.
Just a heads up, Craft... Reroll aside, Harmony is currently a better mechanic than Alan. Might want to move another point into Fix-It to keep your specialty...
Not possible, the '=' sign means it's a fixed stat and can't have anymore skill points added into it.
Originally posted by Craft
Not possible, the '=' sign means it's a fixed stat and can't have anymore skill points added into it. Well, that might be slightly problematic... guess it could be a point of contention between our characters?
Possibly, or it could be an advantage having a couple of capable fix-its on board.
Originally posted by Thraxis88
Just a heads up, Craft... Reroll aside, Harmony is currently a better mechanic than Alan. Might want to move another point into Fix-It to keep your specialty...
To be honest, it might make sense for you to take some of your points from Fix-It and move them elsewhere...after all, the Mechanic is meant to be the one best with Fix-It. Your points would likely be better spent elsewhere.
I'm in, I just haven't figured out what I want to do about this game yet.
My favorite type from the show is the gunslinger-y pistol shot style that Hal has. But I don't know if I want to play that, or go for something different.
And there seem to be quite a few Alliance scum on this ship. Might have to spice that up a bit...
Captain REX
Indeed, Browncoats need representation! Let me know if you need help sorting anything, Stefan.
Just a note to prospective players- Gan Ying's crew only needs one Pilot, one Medic, and one Mechanic, all of which we now have. Smugglers and Soldiers by the basketful are welcome, crew-wise.
Originally posted by Captain REX
Indeed, Browncoats need representation! Let me know if you need help sorting anything, Stefan.
Just a note to prospective players- Gan Ying's crew only needs one Pilot, one Medic, and one Mechanic, all of which we now have. Smugglers and Soldiers by the basketful are welcome, crew-wise. And we could always use more passengers and their mone- I mean, company!
Captain REX
Since the roster is pretty much filled out, we will be starting the prologue this week! Best to finalize what you want for your character by then (including backgrounds, I hope?). After the prologue, we'll see if anyone needs or wants to make any changes to their characters (and if I need to tweak the system at all!).
Oh nice, it's going fast.
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Tptmanno1
I'm in, I just haven't figured out what I want to do about this game yet.
My favorite type from the show is the gunslinger-y pistol shot style that Hal has. But I don't know if I want to play that, or go for something different.
And there seem to be quite a few Alliance scum on this ship. Might have to spice that up a bit...
If it helps, Kenneth is a Browncoat sympathizer. Working on that background!
Well, here's Harmony's backstory: or, at least what she'd've told other people. She keeps to herself about this sort of thing quite a lot, and doesn't like prying questions.
Harmony was born on a Border moon- one of the ones surrounding Beaumonde, if you must know- though she and her father had to move out when he went through a rather nasty divorce and was no longer welcome in the house they'd called home. Before that, she was studying to become a pilot, almost an apprentice to an Alliance freighter's own helmsman. But, since the divorce and subsequent move to Persephone, Harmony's father started to drink, and she's been forced to take whatever piloting gigs she can to make ends meet. There is, of course, more to it, but that's all she'll say.
Giant Intimidating, will **** you up Browncoat soldier coming soon...
Looks nice, I'll create a character later.
Captain REX
Make it soon, I want to get things rolling.
Is there any crew template that you have too much of already?
I think you can do either Smuggler and Soldier really, the other Crew are taken, I think.
Alright, is there a maximum you could have for guns and combat?
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Alright, is there a maximum you could have for guns and combat?
5, unless it is fixed.
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Alright, is there a maximum you could have for guns and combat?
Dude, read the first page. Everything you need to know is there.
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Alright, is there a maximum you could have for guns and combat? You know, all the information you've been asking for is in the thread: the crew types and stat maximums are listed in one of Rex's first posts, and reading over people's posts would tell you who's playing what. It's only two pages long, and it's all information you'd want to know to play in the game; it's not that bad a read.
Come on, guys, don't be dicks before the game's even open
General Kaliero
Just pointing toward a convenient source of information...
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Just pointing toward a convenient source of information... It is rather useful
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Just pointing toward a convenient source of information...
Which someone who is a veteran of these sorts of games should know about already
Some information isn't listed though, such as how reloading works here...
Name: Vash Tamrion
Class: Soldier
Strength: 4
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 5
Willpower: 2
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 3
Perception: 5
Guns= 4
Combat: 4
Heavy Weapons: 2
Intimidation: 1
Leadership: 1
Intrusion: 2
Observation: 3
REPUTATION: Vash's fame had grown as he began to show his outstanding performance with a gun. Born into a wealthy family, he left all the wealth and riches behind and instead chose the simple life of a soldier, for reasons unknown to many. One particular incident earned him most of his fame. Serving as part of the guard of a famous and wealthy politician, they were ambushed by bandits and pirates. Fighting to protect him, an overhead beam collapsed between the guard forces and the politician. Most of the soldier forces decided to abandon and flee while they could, as they were outnumbered and they couldn't waste their time looking for the politician. Ignoring this, Vash decided to follow his duty and bravely began to try to shoot away and dig through the collapsed ruins so he could get to the politician. Digging him out of 'his grave' Vash ran for the nearest emergency escape ships. Encountered by several bandits he barely made it out alive, with the politician. In gratitude to his savior, the politician offered more wealth to Vash, but he refused. Seeking another way to repay him, the politician instead spread the news of his heroic deeds throughout all the systems he could, maybe even exaggerating some and telling everyone of how fearsome, spectacular, dutyful, and invincible Vash was.
CONTACT: One of Vash's former girlfriends was Catelyn Ukira, an officer in the Alliance. He tries to maintin all his relations with her, and tells her he's still loyal to her and they could maybe even get married after he gets enough funds. Using this to his advantage, Vash gathers priceless information on the Alliance from her.
Skills with an equal sign you cannot add a point to. They're set at that and can't be changed. Meaning you cannot put that point in Guns, it's set at 4.
There will be a Main Rules thread explaining the functioning of the game, this is just for Character Creation, I believe.
Captain REX
Indeed, the Main Rules thread is on the way and will explain everything (hopefully). Otherwise, this should be pretty similar to Star Wars, Vlad.
Only one question about Vash. In Combat schticks, he's got Street Fighter and Whirling Strike. The first is unarmed only, the second is armed only. Sure you want that?
And Shaftoe looks ready to kill everyone around him, Stefan.
Captain REX
Also, there is a question that I wish for ALL players to consider...
Why did you join up with Gan Ying? If ye be a crewmember, why work for Kelly? If ye be a passenger, what caught your eye?
Originally posted by Captain REX
Also, there is a question that I wish for ALL players to consider...
Why did you join up with Gan Ying? If ye be a crewmember, why work for Kelly? If ye be a passenger, what caught your eye? ...You know, for the hell of it, I'll answer that question in character.
"What caught my eye?" Harmony asks, looking around, "Well... I need money, like everyone else. But this job in particular? The ship, really. It's packing some pretty up to date hardware, and it was that or some run down Series 3... But what really sold me was once I had a tour of the cockpit... well, I just had to. It just seemed like the right fit, you know? The Gan Ying's as close as I'm going to get..." She trails off wistfully for a second, and then shakes her head, seeming to snap back to the matter at hand. "Oh, and Kelly? Well... he doesn't ask questions, and he's paying me. Not as much as that Series 3 guy, but... well, his ship was in need of help, and I didn't like his mechanic. He was kind of... overly tattooed, and I don't think he really knows as much as he thinks he does."
Basically, why not? A chance to see new things and it just happened to be the right ship in the right place at the right time.
General Kaliero
Kenneth's been travelling for a while to get away from the Core. Gan Ying just happened to be the last ship he chartered on his way to the Border Planets. He's currently acting as crew, fixing folk up on the ship until he finds where he feels he's supposed to be.
Originally posted by Captain REX
Also, there is a question that I wish for ALL players to consider...
Why did you join up with Gan Ying? If ye be a crewmember, why work for Kelly? If ye be a passenger, what caught your eye?
Alan has nowhere else to go. Kelly's job offer meant his first real home in a year so he took it. Once he had settled in Alan had no wish to leave and be forced to meet new people. Two years of service has left Alan very loyalty to Kelly and he is still thankful having for a place to stay and a place where he can let his mechanical talents be put to good use.
Captain REX
Welcome, Gazzar! Your character sheet seems to be in order. Any reason that Raven decided to join the crew of Gan Ying?
Let's take a current look at our roster, then...
Raven (Smuggler) - Gazzar
Harmony Cien (Pilot) - Thraxis88
Shaftoe (Soldier) - Tptmanno1
Vash Tamrion (Soldier) - Spidervlad
Kenneth Lloyd (Medic) - General Kaliero
Alan "Overhaul" Prowler (Mechanic) - Craft
Nadra Bell (Companion) - Peach
Christopher Jackson (Drifter) - Herr Rob
Gabriel Thornby (Drifter) - Bardock42
I'm thinking 9 players is perfect. I'll get the Main Rules posted and we'll push into the Prologue episode soon.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll keep Street Fighter and Whirling Strike. Just in case I find myself without a weapon to bash someone's head with.
Originally posted by Captain REX
Welcome, Gazzar! Your character sheet seems to be in order. Any reason that Raven decided to join the crew of Gan Ying?
Let's take a current look at our roster, then...
Raven (Smuggler) - Gazzar
Harmony Cien (Pilot) - Thraxis88
Shaftoe (Soldier) - Tptmanno1
Vash Tamrion (Soldier) - Spidervlad
Kenneth Lloyd (Medic) - General Kaliero
Alan "Overhaul" Prowler (Mechanic) - Craft
Nadra Bell (Companion) - Peach
Christopher Jackson (Drifter) - Herr Rob
Gabriel Thornby (Drifter) - Bardock42
I'm thinking 9 players is perfect. I'll get the Main Rules posted and we'll push into the Prologue episode soon.
I'm noticing a rather frightening gender divide, here... one female passenger and crewmember, and then eight guys, counting the captain? Those long trips through the black are going to get a mite interesting...
General Kaliero
Well, at least the ensuing brawls will give Kenneth good reason to stick around...
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Well, at least the ensuing brawls will give Kenneth good reason to stick around... Oh boy. The game hasn't even started, and I'm already feeling sorry for Harmony for being the only non-professional female onboard. This will be fun.
Originally posted by Thraxis88
I'm noticing a rather frightening gender divide, here... one female passenger and crewmember, and then eight guys, counting the captain? Those long trips through the black are going to get a mite interesting...
Heh. Oh, don't worry. That's...pretty much the norm around here - I'm very used to be the only, or one of only two (maybe three) girls
We should just poke Brit into playing.
I bet she would, too.
Brit! Join us!
General Kaliero
Brit, play with us and be sexy!
Captain REX
I'll give her a jab, perhaps Vera as well.
And Vlad, you will always have your melee weapon unless you are disarmed, really. Still want it?
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Brit, play with us and be sexy!
Though not as much as I am
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Peach
Though not as much as I am
That'd be haaaaard.
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Bardock42
Thinking way too small, I see...
Originally posted by General Kaliero
That'd be haaaaard.
General Kaliero
Originally posted by Bardock42
You sir, are a master of subtle and dignified humour.
Well, we are off to a good start..
Captain REX
Main Rules are up! Feel free to peruse and ask questions.
Also, changed the Mechanic's specialty to 'lowering difficulties.' Mostly just means he will need one less success on Fix-It jobs, really.
Captain REX
Indeed he doesn't. Kelly is a man of few words and doesn't like to pry.
General Kaliero
Jordan, I'm disappointed. You were supposed to start the game as soon as we were preoccupied, to piss us off.
Maybe he was put into a nice mood after watching a Jedi get pimp smacked by a Smuggler.
...Totally my bad.
Originally posted by Craft
Maybe he was put into a nice mood after watching a Jedi get pimp smacked by a Smuggler.
...Totally my bad.
I can relate, Rex owned me in the first fight with two little thieves....and I had the aid of a Master Jedi
Ew... I suddenly feel safer that Ush is pulling the strings of the BV-50 fight and not Rex. Is that concerning?
Eh, hopefully we won't get 'pwned' on our first mission and have to attach mechanical limbs to ourselves.
And by the way Craft, seeing as Ush has always leaned toward ambushing Vlad with fourty or more droids alone, I have a feeling the BV50 is going my way. I can actually put money down on it. And to think that I was the one who recommended putting myself alone on one entrance...
If that's the case I'll put bodyguard on you first, eh?
You have to be next to each other for Bodyguard to work, and you went right into those droids knowingly, Vlad.
I'll make a character later! Yay girlpower.
Originally posted by Craft
Maybe he was put into a nice mood after watching a Jedi get pimp smacked by a Smuggler.
...Totally my bad.
Originally posted by Bardock42
I can relate, Rex owned me in the first fight with two little thieves....and I had the aid of a Master Jedi
I can top you both in Evil Shit Jordan Has Pulled several times over, so yeah
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Eh, hopefully we won't get 'pwned' on our first mission and have to attach mechanical limbs to ourselves.
And by the way Craft, seeing as Ush has always leaned toward ambushing Vlad with fourty or more droids alone, I have a feeling the BV50 is going my way. I can actually put money down on it. And to think that I was the one who recommended putting myself alone on one entrance...
Forty droids? Psssssh. Try ~30 mooks, a half-dozen supermooks, and THREE named characters. At once. While alone and waaay too far away for anyone else to come help and the fight having been designed for multiple people.
You'll survive.
One word...
Marina, Smuggler
Strength: 4
Agility: 4
Dexterity: 3
Willpower: 3
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 4
Perception: 4
Guns= 4
Combat: 2
Pilot: 1
Savoir-Faire: 3
Languages: 1
Gambling: 1
Observation: 3
Intrusion: 3
Contact (old Browncoat intelligence network still operational, for outer planets)
Contact (fencer on Athens for selling 'hot' goods)
Haven (Dunny underground hidey-hole)
Eagle Eye
Carnival of Carnage
Straight Shooter
Street Fighter
Martial Artist
Killer Instinct
Marina hails from Dunny, a moon of Prophet, on both of which the terraforming process is still ongoing. Her parents were political undesirables (labeled as such by the Alliance) and were jailed; their only chance of getting out was to join the terraformers on Dunny. Without much to do, Marina took up using rocks and terraforming equipment as target practice during her youth. When the Unification War rolled around, she joined up with the Browncoats, displeased with the miserable life her family had been forced into. She served as an incredible sniper, and after the war decided to keep at it while getting into the smuggling business.
Originally posted by Vera21
You have to be next to each other for Bodyguard to work, and you went right into those droids knowingly, Vlad.
I'll make a character later! Yay girlpower.
That wasn't the first time though, it happened at least three times.
One time in this campaign, another when Fire decided to go offline for a couple of weeks, and then another at the very beginning which I vaguely remember.
Originally posted by Peach
I can top you both in Evil Shit Jordan Has Pulled several times over, so yeah
Forty droids? Psssssh. Try ~30 mooks, a half-dozen supermooks, and THREE named characters. At once. While alone and waaay too far away for anyone else to come help and the fight having been designed for multiple people.
You'll survive.
That was meant as a climax point or a dramatic situation
Originally posted by Spidervlad
That wasn't the first time though, it happened at least three times. Uh oh. And here I was hoping Harmony wouldn't get in that many fights.
Captain REX
Then again, Vlad is also talking about his Jedi character who is involved in fighting a planet-wide invasion and unraveling a massive conspiracy to build droid armies against the Republic...
And did I mention the BV50 is making a crossover, Craft?
Your words drive fear into places I didn't think I had...
I'm assuming that we can't just pick any weapons to start off with, but rather buy them with our money points?
Captain REX
That will be addressed at the opening of the prologue.
Captain REX
And... the game is afoot!
...Right as I get majorly preoccupied!
General Kaliero
Ahaha sucks to be you.
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Ahaha sucks to be you.
Speaking of suck... I spent a good while trying to use all the data in The 'Verse in Numbers PDF to figure out the orbital paths and placements of all 215 habitable planets in the 'Verse so we could calculate accurate travel times. But...
The 'Verse has a total of 12 stars, 65 planets, 7 gas giants, at least two asteroid belts, and 150 habitable moons. I can either choose to try and remember Calculus and use the approximations presented by Wikipedia, or shoot for a Nobel prize and find that method.
General Kaliero
Lana and I both agree: Shoot for the Nobel prize.
Originally posted by General Kaliero
Lana and I both agree: Shoot for the Nobel prize. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it if I intend to debunk Kepler's laws. Though, most likely, I'll just wind up sticking with the horribly innacurate but 'good enough' system I already have...
Just go into international waters, they have no laws there.
Here's the thing: even the stripped-down barebones minimum version of this system is painful at best. Here's the simplest of cases: let's take a trip from Rubicon to Ariel. They're both orbiting the same star, and they have relatively similar orbital distances. Let's assume their relative positions in their respective orbits aren't that close to each other at the time of our trip, just to make things a little interesting, so we'll have to go around Bai Hu. Discounting the detour of a sun... I then get to solve for the square root of (1,963,472,044 sqared + (3,085,456,069 - 1,963,472,044), squared), then divide the whole thing by 159,571,200 to find out how many hours it'd take the Gan Ying to travel. Which is, by the way, 14 hours, 10 minutes, plus time for take-off, landing, etc. And that was a simple trip... A complex trip, like from Rubicon to Persephone, would be worse. Oh, and if we ever fly from Bottom to Caliban, find someone else to pilot the ship.
Wouldn't you have to put in the speed of the engines/ship somewhere in that equation? Just curious about this orbital stuff, never learned it.
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Wouldn't you have to put in the speed of the engines/ship somewhere in that equation? Just curious about this orbital stuff, never learned it. I did: the Gan Ying has a cruising speed of 159,571,200km/ hour. That's more than enough to fly from the Earth to the Sun in an hour.
Also, you might've learned this stuff: what I'm using there is just trigonometry. But to calculate orbits and so on without knowing the angle between the planets and their shared center of mass (the star the planets orbit, for instance), I'd have to use derivatives. Which, unless I'm mistaken, I learned in calculus. And then promptly forgot.
However, not to be crass, but I feel that the Gan Ying will be flying at the speed of Plot this time around...
(Need to take some liberties to avoid things like advanced calculus that really don't help the fun of the game...)
Originally posted by Tptmanno1
However, not to be crass, but I feel that the Gan Ying will be flying at the speed of Plot this time around...
(Need to take some liberties to avoid things like advanced calculus that really don't help the fun of the game...) Eh, the trig equations are easy enough. Once I get the equations down, plugging in a bunch of really large numbers and then running them through a calculator takes all of 30 seconds. We'll have (somewhat) accurate flight times on hand if they're required. Besides... I like math
Captain REX
Indeed, Thrax has helped me a bunch of planetary stuff for the game, with that PDF file he linked back there. And the math I find neat, simply because it'd be fun to have accurate travel. Otherwise, I'd just assume it takes a certain amount of days or up to a month.
Question: The laser pistol is well... Better than all the other weapons and smaller as well. What's stopping from everyone using it?
Captain REX
They're restricted to military personnel only, and there are none aboard Gan Ying... except for one, but it already has an owner who never uses it. It'd cost LOTS of Money points, too.
Dropping hints already Rex...
Tisk tisk...
Captain REX
It's not THAT important... unless you considered the difficulty of getting a laser pistol by legal means.
Who said anything about legal mans...
jalek moye
will post a sheet later
Captain REX
Preferably soon, Jalek. Things are underway!
jalek moye
it will be tonight. I would have had it already but i need a bio, and some info on firefly in general
Captain REX
I suggest Wikipedia for gathering Firefly info. It is set about five hundred years in the future, in 2514. Mankind has left Earth due to massive pollution problems (it is now uninhabitable) and moved to the planets and moons orbiting around a series of stars. The setting is futuristic science fiction meets the Western genre.
Originally posted by Tptmanno1
Who said anything about legal mans...
How about one of us gets to distract Kelly, while the other intrusion rolls into his room and steals the pistol. We could even share it after!
And if anything, blame it on the drifters
Wei Phoenix
I made a few minor changes Rex, and added his bio, if something doesn't make sense or needs to be changed then I apologize and I will change it accordingly.
Soldier- Toki Kasumi
"First rule of battle, little one... don't ever let them know where you are."
Strength: 4
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 4
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 3
Perception: 2
Guns= 4
Combat= 4
Heavy Weapons: 1
Intimidation: 3
Leadership: 3
Observation: 1
Languages: 1
Choose three Merits.
After donning the seven scars and recovering from saving his captain, Toki realized that he was meant to be a savior to this world. He wants to end the fighting and save as many lives as he can. Now he is more than ready to lay down his life in exchange for another's safety as a martyr to the universe.
Toki is mostly known for his hostage/P.O.W. rescue mission where he went to go and save his fellow soldiers from captivity with a small elite force. Here he was critically injured and his chest now donned 7 scars on his body. He was a vital member to his team's success and was recognized by his captain as a hero for his noble sacrifice. He is now known by some as the seven scarred soldier.
Choose 6 Gun schticks.
Choose 6 Combat schticks.
Martial Artist
Street Fighter
Leaping Attack
Dodge and Weave
Focused Blow
Bio (I hope this fits to match the Firefly Universe)
Toki was born and raised on Jiangyin and he is of Chinese descent and a natural born speaker. Growing up he trained in the various forms of Martial Arts and takes pride in his styles. He isn't fond of guns but he realizes that you can't end a war solely with your fists, but he will quickly throw down his weapons to engage his enemy in unarmed combat.
As soon as he came of age he joined the Alliance and fought with them on a few occasions, he doesn't care who or why they are fighting, and he holds no grudges against his enemies. Toki only follows orders, and makes sure that the peace of the universe is upheld. Being trained in the humble ways of Martial Arts he has learned to see through the materialistic things like money, fame and sex, but Toki finds honor to be the greatest treasure one can attain.
Now he is a soldier above the Gan Ying and he is more than ready to lay his life on the line for his captain, fellow crew members and whoever else his path may cross.
Originally posted by Captain REX
Indeed, Thrax has helped me a bunch of planetary stuff for the game, with that PDF file he linked back there. And the math I find neat, simply because it'd be fun to have accurate travel. Otherwise, I'd just assume it takes a certain amount of days or up to a month. Pretty soon, I'm hoping to have a fully functional orbital model going, now that I've found some freeware programs that will help...
Captain REX
Trust me in saying that Kelly would not take kindly to that, Vash.
And good, Toki! The Alliance is the government that rules over the star systems, if you weren't sure. They fought the Independents (or the Browncoats) because the Independents didn't want to be under the Alliance's power. Civil war and all.
Wei Phoenix
Yeah I figured as much with a name like the Alliance then they should be the police of the galaxy. Toki follows them because he has been given orders to do so, but he understands the reasoning behind those that he fights against. So are all of the members near the hangar or should I appear somewhere else?
Captain REX
Feel free to join everyone else.
Why is Toki on Gan Ying, though?
Just a pointer Phoenix, you based your skills on Intimidation and Leadership, but then you maxed out your Willpower attribute. Intimidation and Leadership run off Charisma, so they would be much more effective if you maxed out Charisma instead of Willpower.
Just saying, if you wanted it that way then I'm just ranting.
Aaand it looks like I'm not going to be making an accurate orbital model. Because I found one. Much better than what I was hoping to make, too... Here is a direct link to a flash-based 'interactive' map.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Captain REX
Feel free to join everyone else.
Why is Toki on Gan Ying, though?
He joined in hopes of taking an easier route on his duty to the 'Verse. Aboard the Gan Ying he can go more unnoticed as the seven scarred soldier. He also gets to help the captain and his fellow crew members and anyone who's path they may cross. I hope that makes sense.
Originally posted by Spidervlad
Just a pointer Phoenix, you based your skills on Intimidation and Leadership, but then you maxed out your Willpower attribute. Intimidation and Leadership run off Charisma, so they would be much more effective if you maxed out Charisma instead of Willpower.
Just saying, if you wanted it that way then I'm just ranting.
No problem I appreciate your concern and advice. I wanted him to have high willpower because of his stern sense of duty and justice, however he could use one more on Charisma. If it's ok with Rex then I would like to reduce my WP to 4 and raise my Charisma up one.
Captain REX
So he's stepping out of the limelight, then. Reputation will still get him noticed, but he's moving away from the Central Planets so it is not nearly as bad... I get your meaning.
Certainly, Wei.
Well, I finished it. Now we've got an Excel spreadsheet that can, with some accuracy, calculate travel times from any planet in the 'Verse to any other planet in the 'Verse. It won't calculate the additional or reduced time required to reach a Moon rather than a planet, or a planet orbiting a brown dwarf rather than the brown dwarf itself, but the amount of time it'd take the Gan Ying to travel those paltry distances is pretty much negligible anyways.
Sorry for the double-post: I'm heading out of the country for ten days, so my internet access will become rather limited. Hopefully I'll still be able to check posts and keep up, but you never know.
Also, is this the right thread to use for OOC banter/announcements like this?
You can usually just post this sort of stuff in the game thread. This way the CC thread stays clean for reference, and people are more likely to check the game thread.
I think Rex mentioned he was going to put together a social thread for the game? I dunno.
Yes indeed; will put it together soon.
Wei Phoenix
My apologies for my lack of activity as well. I am still here though.
I apologize as well! I didn't anticipate how busy I would be with the start of school, but now we've gotten out of the doldrums. Next stop Gan Ying makes we'll re-evaluate who is still playing with us and who is getting off to pursue other interests.
Are you still taking character applications? I'm just now coming back from a hella long KMC hiatus and I saw this thread. I've never actually seen Firefly, but I've read enough about it and seen enough screenshots to get the gist of it. I can probably have a solid concept by tomorrow.
Imma still playin', word.
Nevermind, just noticed you're already playing. Didn't look around that well, but if you'd be looking to add a player I'm up for that.
Hey Dubya! You're more than welcome to join in. I think we've lost a few players already so I have no problem sticking you in next game (or this game, if I can work it in).
Didn't you used to play in the Star Wars games, too?
I tried joining in one of the prequel games, but never managed to really do much. I think I was in for one scene before IRL problems barged in and I couldn't play. I also signed up for one of the Matrix games, but never got a chance to do anything.
EDIT: I also signed up for one of the OT games, which I also only lasted for one scene in...
EDIT 2: I've got a bit of a concept running right now, and I wanna see if it sounds any good. The guy's a former Browncoat who's lately been living his life wandering from place to place (obviously, using the drifter template for this). I don't have much else past that, but I'm working on it.
Yeah, I thought that was you! Well, welcome back to KMC. Feel free to whip up a character for the Firefly game, and I'm glad to chip in any advice or info you need (as are the other players, I'm sure).
Tobias Dillon
Strength: 3
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 3
Willpower: 5
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 3
Perception: 4
Guns= 4
Combat: 3
Savoir-Faire: 3
Gambling: 3
Languages: 1
Medicine: 1
Intrusion: 2
Observation: 3
Ally (Bill Hayes, war buddy)
Gunslinger (Heavy Revolver)
Hair-Trigger Neck Hairs
Straight Shooter
Street Fighter
+3 Observation
Working on a background, should be done with it by the end of the weekend at the latest. A general outline of what I have so far is in my above post.
Looks good! Just post the background when you're set and I'll let you know when you're able to join in.
Okay, I believe I need to do some schtick tweaking. Normally a mook with a Gun pool of 5 is nothing, but when all the characters have a Defense of 1, that stacks up big time. None of the schticks really do much for Defense except for Bullet Time and Eye of the Storm and Close Quarters Gunman, and by extension Bodyguard does basically nothing if you don't have any of those.
Then again, gunfights are not particularly drawn out in the Firefly 'Verse. It all needs looking at.
So keep an eye out for that, I'll announce when I've made changes.
Wei Phoenix
Ouch so I brought bodyguard for nothing?
Originally posted by REXXXX
Okay, I believe I need to do some schtick tweaking. Normally a mook with a Gun pool of 5 is nothing, but when all the characters have a Defense of 1, that stacks up big time. None of the schticks really do much for Defense except for Bullet Time and Eye of the Storm and Close Quarters Gunman, and by extension Bodyguard does basically nothing if you don't have any of those.
Then again, gunfights are not particularly drawn out in the Firefly 'Verse. It all needs looking at.
So keep an eye out for that, I'll announce when I've made changes. Fights in the 'Verse are fast, but not because it's easy to land a hit. They're fast because they are shooting each other, and when you shoot someone with a futurustic space bullet fired from a futuristic space gun, they generally go down for the count. But shooting someone is tricky- moving targets and folk behind cover, especially. But one bullet per target takes out almost all of the combatants in the show, with only Mal and Jayne, to my memory, being able to take a shot of any type and keep fighting. Even Zoe got taken out of action after a single shot, and she had armor on.
I think this is because both Jayne and Mal were either using cover, or actively moving. Jayne was taking advantage of corridors lined with protrusions specifically placed to give cover during a firefight, and Mal was walking and gunning when he took his first shot. Zoe, on the other hand, was just standing there and blasting folks, and look where it got her?
So, on that note... I'd suggest altering the combat system to reward players for describing movement, cover, etc., and threaten them with catastrophic damage should they fail to. After all, Firefly's fights are great because they look cool, and because they're fast and well-done, visually: might as well try to bring that into the game, too. If you want help coming up with a good way to do this, I'd be glad to help... though be warned: I'm very much used to complex gaming systems.
However, now that I've written this, I am vaguely remembering that the 'damage' system this game uses is of the dramatic variety- a successful attack that inflicts damage might be a nerve-shaking near miss, a just-a-fleshwound shot to the leg, etc., with only the last few actual attacks causing incapacitating physical injury. If that's the case, then a character's Defense score is both a combination of their toughness, agility, cover, and calm in the face of danger- their ability to avoid being affected at all by hits, avoid being hit, and avoid being psychologically affected by near misses. And the maximum damage we can sustain is just as broad in scope, too. Maybe I'm too used to more complex systems, but isn't that too many very different things for one number to represent, particularly when that number isn't even modified by things that would, logically affect those values?
Another possible solution, one that might not lean towards a rewrite of the entire combat system, would be to have one's Strength, Agility, and Willpower add to one's Defense in some way: tougher guys can soak more of those fleshwounds, nimble chicks can dodge more bullets, and folk with nerves of steel are more resistant to the pain and stress of combat.
Anyways, I've gotta run: I'll edit in the rest of the details if I can, or follow it up with a double-post if I can't. Apologies in advance.
Damn. Missed the edit deadline by 5 minutes. Oh well, might as well make this post just as massive to compensate.
Well, as I was saying: some modifications to the system might both speed up combat, make it cooler to read and write, and help it fit the show. Either passive bonuses from Stats or active bonuses from descriptions would help boost Defense rates to keep supposedly small dice pools actually small, and keep characters alive. Reducing the amount of damage people can sustain would greatly speed up combat.
For 'passive' bonuses, I might suggest giving a +1 or +2 bonus to defense based on possible cover, with up to a +3 from other stats- for every two points over 3 between Strength, Agility, and Willpower, rounding as appropriate. In that case, someone with Strength 3, Agility 4, and Willpower 3 would have a bonus of +1. Not too major, but likely to keep that five-die pool from landing hits as reliably. Plus, it makes exceptional people even cooler.
For 'active' bonuses, it's all about the description. This is significantly easier than it sounds, because it's a PbP game. Taking 15 minutes to write how, say, Mal drops behind a barricade when the Alliance trooper raises his rifle, holding his pistol over the concrete block and firing a few shots towards the sound, may take fourteen minutes longer than just saying "I shoot back", but when we've got hours between posts, it doesn't really matter whether it's five or fifteen minutes. Much more subjective, but could be really quite cool if we run with it.
Anyways, gotta bail before finishing my thoughts again- but now my excuse is that I have to actually start paying attention in class.
...Sorry for the triple post, but I realize I left out the critical sentence that explains all of what I've been trying to say:
Transferring some of the dramatic damage effect from characters' health to characters' defense, decreasing the former and increasing the latter, allows for faster combats, increases attack difficulty, and increases the value of Schticks.
If damage levels taken becomes actual physical damage, and a character's Defense takes over the roll of dramatic damage absorption, then attacks will either miss and be resolved quickly, or hit and usually remove a target from play. Characters will need to have higher dice pools to make successful attacks, as well. And, finally, when each attack becomes a tricky proposition, every single bonus die counts, every point of additional damage is critical, and every little edge is needed, making the Schticks that provide those advantages that much more useful.
Likely I would take the 'altering schticks' route to cover Defense, and provide schticks that offer a decent defense in addition to some sort of mild offensive bonus. These schticks would also offer a sort of style; for example, one I have in mind, "Stand and Deliver" would be Eye of the Storm-esque in that the player's character would be more the steadfast one standing calmly in the midst of a firefight, whereas there'd be one rewarding quick movement, another for another kind of fighting, etc.
You are correct about the damage system, though. Everything is near misses and your character wearing down in the fight until they take an actual hit. I was thinking of maybe lowering damage capacity but I don't think I will.
I've actually thought of the 'descriptive' bonus for another game idea I had, where whoever came up with the best description of their move in the turn would be rewarded somehow.
As for cover, it effectively acts as a point of Parry for every point of cover you are in. Parry takes a successful dice from your opponent's shot and cancels it out, so if you had 1 point of cover (as Gabriel does in this current fight), they would need to roll two successes to actually hit you. As he's also got Eye of the Storm, they need three.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Ouch so I brought bodyguard for nothing?
I think I am going to rule that until I change the schticks, Bodyguard will actually ADD your defense to someone. So if Toki has a Defense of 1 and decides to cover Shatfoe with it, Shaftoe will have a Defense of 2. Otherwise I realize that's unfair to you, having bought the schtick.
You could add some more matrix scticks into the game Rex, maybe add things like shell of the turtle and things that shield you against damage and such being tappable powers.
Yeah, I might end up dragging some schticks over from there, but I was thinking of doing something similar to the Lightsaber Guards from the Star Wars game. Similar, but not the same. The Guards are a completely different matter because they deal with lightsabers, after all.
Also considering lowering Stamina for the player characters. In the Firefly 'Verse, people getting shot at is typically a huge deal and gunfights don't last long.
I can help you work that out... Guards might not work well because its based on sword fighting styles but something could be sussed.
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