"When Heros Rise" Character Creation and OOC Thread

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Welcome to the "When Hero's Rise" character creation thread!! There are a few rules on making characters and game play that I should throw out now, before you get started:

1:No controlling other peoples character. No likes to end up in a fight, or saying something stupid, when their real plan was to set a trap, or remain silent. A convo written out by one player with another character to keep the story rolling, I can understand, but just remember, some players really like their character to act and be a certain way at all times, and you don't want to mess that up.

2:No gods in human form, or secret elf princes', or super sorcerers. Depending on what kind of characters you guys/gals make, there will probably be some special "powers" handed out by me anyway.

and along the same lines..3:No 22 year old sword masters or 30 year old super wizard. Lets keep it as "realistic" as possible.

All that said, I am a very cooperative host, and if you have some sweet ideas outside of these rules that you want to run by me, please, send them out there, if they can be worked into the plot, I will usually like it.

So.....LETS START!!! Here's the basic layout:
Height/Weight/etc(your description):
Bio: (i really like a good bio so feel free to go crazy smile

And descriptions and brief history of all of the races and classes are below. Read carefully, and have a good time. I want these characters to be fun for you to play. And do not take the descriptions I write as law, but as a mold. I want these characters to be original. I'm just writing what I see in my head when I think of these. Please feel free to expound.


Humans: The humans are split into two states: Cayplan, the northern state, and Belairio, the southern state. The split, in short, was caused over where the capitol of the human province should stay on the ocean, where it was razed to the ground in the first Dark War, or should be moved further inland. Eventually, a group when with a new Queen north, to settle a new capitol, while the others stay in the south, rebuilding their city. Humans as a race are pretty simple. Though they tend to complain often, and some are quite lazy, most are strong folk who love their land, and would do anything to save it.

Elves: The Elves have remained in their forest of Famelrahd, defending their own lands from the newly invading dark men. As elves are not very aggressive in nature, they have not been doing a good job defending their lands, so they have turned to this council that has been convened in order to receive help. Do not be fooled by their lack of defense though, elves not only are incredibly strong, but they are of the smartest beings in Gealan.

Dwarves: The Dwarves have remained aggressive in their fight against the invaders as they don't want to lose their amazing under-mountain city like they did in the first Dark War. Even though the dwarven kingdom has plenty of hands and defensive position to be able to send out help, the governors of the clans refuse to admit they can not hold out forever. Only by lies and going behind the governors back, was the King able to send out the help he wanted. Dwarves are a naturally strong race. The weakest of the dwarves can usually out-lift the strongest man, and they are just as hard in the head as in the hand.

Fairy: Fairies are possibly the most Good race in all of Gealan. A naturally magical race, the fairies tend to keep to themselves and hardly ever let their "true" race known(as they look humans, sometimes elves). The fairies were not heard from until the call to arms was raised, and then they came together and brought all of their magic and strength with them. They will be a great help to the fight against the Evil, as they are strong in both lore knowledge and magic knowledge.

Gnomes: Or half-lings, are many call them, are the queerest of all the races. They not only are head and shoulders shorter then a dwarf, but quite apt at breaking into sound and dance at the most odd times. Though they are odd at times, they are a kind and happy race, and can be quite fierce if the situation calls for it. The gnomes didn't intend to answer the call to the council, but they soon found themselves under attack as well and unable to match the strength of men and ogres they fought.


You were born to fight. Okay, maybe not born into it, but you're good at it none the less. Whether you be a dwarven warrior, an elven "defensist", a human soldier, or a royal guard to your Liege, you're good to have around when steel in drawn....or when fists are raised.
Weapons: swords, shields, maces, spears, axes, hammers, fists....a big stick...
Skills: see skills section for these

Whether it be for good or bad, you are a sneaky little bastard. You are able to blend in with most any crowd, and move without being seen. Whether you are a spy for your king, or a thief trying to make a living...well it doesn't really matter which you are, because we can't see you either way. ((I will allow a "shady" character here. Not evil, but not a blessing to society, if you know what I mean))
Weapons: daggers, knives, bow, staff
Skills:see skills section for these

Blessed with "the spark", at a young age you were invited to one of the four Magic Schools or Gealan: fire, water, earth, or air. The elements chooses you based on your personality (**see special things below**), and since you have learned to harness the element inside of you, you feel like a complete person.
Weapons: knives, staff.....magic! duh!
Skills: see skills section for these

Well versed in everything in nature, many rangers have become druids, throwing themselves fully into nature and learning its magic. Rangers are fairly normal folk. Preferring forests to cities, they tend to be outsiders, though some have enlisted as archers and trackers in the ranks. Druids on the other hand are hardly ever seen anywhere near a city, usually living off the land, and keeping council with animals. Oh!... but the things both can do with a bow!...
Weapons: bow, knives, daggers, some nature magic
Skills: see skills section for these

As one of the few people who still have faith in the gods of old, you have been blessed with power you do not really understand. It was not long into your life that you noticed wounds that healed quickly, and other who were sick around you getting better at a touch. You are a basic fighter, and even though people tend to look at the talisman of the gods you wear on your armor/clothes with disdain, you hold your head high in battle, knowing you will be safe. Whether you are a fighter with the slight gift, or a healer who has worked on their blessing for years, you work for Good...and you may even bring a non believer to the truth on occasion.
Weapons: sword, shield, staff, spear
Skills: see skills section for these

This is going to be the semi tricky part. Every class has certain skills that they already posses other then the typical riding, climbing, swimming, and other such "normalties". What I need you to do is pick from the list of "available" skills I give for each class, 1 skill that will be "major" skill, which means you can use/do whatever that skill is with ease. After that, I need you to pick 2 more skills that you will have basic usage of. Which means, you can use/do whatever it is, but it takes time, or you are not as eficient when using it. The more you "train" or use these skills though, the stronger they become. If you are confused or have any questions, let me know and I'll try to better describe it.

Fighter Skills:
Known: Weapon Proficiency : you are trained how to use normal one handed weapons

Hand-to-hand Combat : trained to fight with fists ((or maybe you've just been in alot of fights smile ))

Knowledge(Battle): you are trained in battle stratagem

Available: Multi-Weapon Proficency: you are trained in the use of more then just your primary weapon.

Heavy Weapon Proficiency: you are trained to use large, two handed weapons (broad sword, large axes and maces)

Survival: Able to live off the land for an extended amount of time. (hunting, camping, foraging...these all fall under this skill)

Ranger/Druid Skills:
Known: Survival: Able to live off the land for an extended amount of time. (hunting, camping, foraging...these all fall under this skill)

Weapon Proficiency/Nature Magic: if pure Ranger you get Weapon Prof. see above. If Druid, you get Nature Magic: can call on the power of nature and use spells like summoning animals and using plants/trees as weapons.

Knowledge(Land): you have deep knowledge of all the roads, rivers, forests, and plains of Gealan. (during the game this skill will come into play usually by a PM from me telling you that you know the way to go when others don't. Whether you chose to share the way is up to you.....be nice, lol)

Available: Weapon Prof./Nature Magic: you can chose the opposite of the skills that you got above based on your specific class choice.

Major Knowledge(Land): you know all sorts of crazy short cuts and hidden ways. You also have a very detailed memory as to where certain plants and trees grow, as well as where animals stay.

Duel-Wield Weapon: you are trained in to be able to use two of your PRIMARY weapon, one for each hand.

Paladin/Healer Skills:
Known: Weapon Prof.: you are trained how to use normal one handed weapons

Survival: Able to live off the land for an extended amount of time. (hunting, camping, foraging...these all fall under this skill)

Healing: you have the blessed power of being able to heal most injuries and sicknesses. You can also sense sickness in someone.

Available: Major Healing: you can heal poisons and major injuries, like large bone breaks and some possibly fatal wounds if you get there in time.

Heavy-Weapon Prof.: you are trained to use large, two handed weapons (broad sword, large axes and maces)

Knowledge(Battle): you are trained in battle stratagem

Sorcerer Skills:
Known: Knowledge(Magic): you know how to use magic and detect magic in others

Survival: Able to live off the land for an extended amount of time. (hunting, camping, foraging...these all fall under this skill)

Diplomacy: You know what people want to hear, and you can say it well. You can talk to people in places above you, and get them to listen to you. You communicate well and can sway most to your way of thinking.

Available: Major Knowledge(Magic): you can use spells that are stronger then most, and can sence magical items and traps.

Weapon Prof.: you are trained how to use normal one handed weapons

Knowledge(Lore): You are well versed in the history of Gealan and know much of the old magics, the original sorcerers, and mythical beings

Theifs Skills:
Known: Stealth: kind or self explanatory...you can be invisible if wanted, whether through shadows, quiet steps, or a really great disguise.

Slight-of-Hand: you got sticky fingers and can hide it reeeeeealy well.

Knowledge(Cities): you know your way around any city in Gealan. You know the good taverns for information, the alley ways that provide the quickest escapes, the houses with the most money....everything.

Available: Weapon Prof.: you are trained how to use normal one handed weapons

Survival: Able to live off the land for an extended amount of time. (hunting, camping, foraging...these all fall under this skill)

Diplomacy: You know what people want to hear, and you can say it well. You can talk to people in places above you, and get them to listen to you. You communicate well and can sway most to your way of thinking.

***Special Stuff***
The Magic in Gealan is based off of the wielders personality. In a sense, the element chooses you. If your character is an angry, short tempered kind of person, Fire chooses them. Here's the official list of traits and the magic they would fall under. I may allow multiple element wielding, but you better be playing an old person....why you may ask? you will find out in the history I will have in the game thread. Some magics will share traits, this is b/c i feel that that trait could be used by both magics. Take energetic for instance. Fire would use it b/c fire is in constant fast motion, and looking to spread quickly. Air could use it in almost the same way. Again, if you have an idea, run it by me, I will probably agree. These are just molds, and molds get broken.

Fire: short tempered, angry, energetic, excitable, loud, fierce
Water:calm, cool, even tempered, relaxed, quiet, goes with the flow
Air: busy, energetic, annoying, "spazy", super smart(active brain), quick witted
Earth: quiet, steady hearted, stubborn, strong, loyal

Alright everyone, thats all I got. So, if you have any questions, PLEASE let me know or if something doesn't make sense, let me know. Have Fun.

i would like it better for you to make ur char first so i know how the Name: Age and other stuff looks please

ok, no problem. I will post two of my NPC characters this afternoon

Wei Phoenix
I think the wind personality is a little off tbh.

Well, I'm pretty smashed as I put up this bio but let's see how I go anyhow eh?

Name: Orion Vagar
Age: 25
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Height/Weight/etc: Height 6' 4", Weight 96 kg (f*** knows what that is in pounds lol), black hair, blue eyes
Likes: One on One combat, loyalty
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: cowards, liars
Bio: Fiercely loyal to those who command him.. unless betrayed. Will not hesitate to fight those who threaten his physical well being or livelihood. Not necessarily inherently evil, fights for what he believes in. Does lust for some power however.

(Xornon bro, I know it's not in the stuff you outlined, but I had in mind an ability for my dude...was planning that on occasion, when his life is in desperate jeopardy for example, he has the ability to visualize how fights will pan out...'tis how he has survived his time with the dark humans...dunno what you think, but just throwing that out there. Was planning to use an introduction to this ability in my first post but if you're not happy with that just let us know and I'll come up with something else)

Decomp: love the idea, go ahead and run with it. Remember to pick other skills also though.

I forgot to put it into the main character layout, but please list the skills you chose, and which is your main skill, and which 2 are your secondary. Also list your primary weapons

Wei: please explain

My NPC, they will not be part of the group at all time, so just because they are a ranger and sorcerer, doesn't mean you can't be one too.

Name: Rador Blackgem
Race: Dwarf
Age: 140 (dwarfs live to about 250, elfs to about 500, gnomes and humans are normal life spans, and fairies....no one knows...)
Class: Sorcerer
Height/Weight/etc: about 4.5 feet, 180 pounds, long dark hair and beard.
Likes: puzzles, loyal friends, his brother
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: fears rejection by his people, and losing his magic
Skills: Main: Diplomacy Secondaries: Major Knowledge(Magic) and Weapon Prof.
Weapons: two throwing knives and a staff with two emeralds embedded in it

Name: Narku Blackgem
Age: 140
Race: Dwarf
Class: Ranger
Height/Weight/etc: 4.6 feet, 195 pounds, long hair, but well trimmed beard, unlike his race normally wears
Likes: a good tavern with good bear, the forests, and at time, a quiet glade to eat and relax in
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: doesn't dislike much other then dark beings and forest killers.
Skills: Main: Duel Wield Weapon Secondaries: Major Knowledge(Land) and Nature Magic
Weapons: two one handed axes, and a bow

Bio for both:
Rador and Narku are twin dwarven brothers. They were born to a family in the mountains of relatively high standing, and were thought to be handicapped at birth. Dwarven twins are considered handicapped because their strength, intelligence, skills, and traits are inherited from their parents, and are split between the two at birth, making them less then normal. They came close to proving their peers right at an early age, as Narku was bigger and somewhat strong then Narku, while Narku was much smarter then his larger brother. The brothers knew this was only normal, as all dwarves have their strengths and weaknesses, but all their people saw was weakness.
Narku was never comfortable under ground, and at a young age began venturing out into the forests surrounding his mountain home. While his friends were chiseling rock and mining, he was whittling wood and planting things.
Rador found out early he was blessed with the spark. He was invited to the Magic school of Air, where he became quite apt at his element. After returning from the magic school, Rador met his brother once again, and they journeyed far and wide. At the onset of the recent invasion, the brothers were the two of many key factors in the salvation of the Dwarven capitol Valhroke, as Rador had a great tactical mind, and Narku was able to use the forests around Valhroke to ambush the enemy camps.
The brothers have come to the council of races of their own accord, as they are still considered out casts by most other dwarves.

hope that helps. Remember, you don't just get the skills you list, you also have the ones that come with being that certain class.

Name: Niko Edge
Race: Human
Age: 29
Class: Thief
Height/Weight/etc: 6'1" 176 Ibs
Likes: Knives that are easily concealed. People that wave muny around so he can take it
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Dislikes abnormal magic, weak agianst magic thats not a element
Skills: Multiple knives to use agianst his enemies, very fast just like how he steals
Weapons: Kukri Knive, throwing knives. Pic ill post later
Bio: nothing special


Scarlet Fox
Name: Petal Silverwand
Age: N/A
Race: Fairy
Class: Paladin
Height/Weight/etc: Fairy Form - 0'5/2lbs ((I have no idea if that is anywhere near Accurate.)) Human form - 5'8 / 138 lbs
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Dislikes Mean People - Fears Fire - Arachnaphobia - Weak against Magic
Skills: Main - Major Healing / Secondary - Knowledge(Battle) & Heavy Weapon Prof
Weapons: Main Weapon is a Spear, Secondary Weapon is a Short Sword

First Photo is what she looks like as a Fairy.

Scarlet Fox
Just Imagine the white Clothing is Red

Here is my amended character info with the skills and weapons I forgot to put in my other post...

Name: Orion Vagar
Age: 25
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Height/Weight/etc: Height 6' 4", Weight 96 kg (f*** knows what that is in pounds lol), black hair, blue eyes
Likes: One on One combat, loyalty
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: cowards, liars
Skills: Primary - Weapon Proficiency , Secondary - Multi-Weapon Proficiency and Heavy Weapon Proficiency
Weapons: 1x Long Sword (has a Panther Head pommel w/ amber eye insets - it's name is Slash), 3x 6 inch Daggers (Dark metal w/ ivory and amber hilts), 1x Elvish Short Sword (a trophy obtained after slaying a high ranked elf in battle, Orion's greatest conquest thus far)

Bio: Fiercely loyal to those who command him.. unless betrayed. Will not hesitate to fight those who threaten his physical well being or livelihood. Not necessarily inherently evil, fights for what he believes in. Does lust for some power however.

On occasion, when his life is in desperate jeopardy for example, he has the ability to visualize how fights will pan out...'tis how he has survived his time with the dark humans!

Does not go anywhere without his most trusted friend, his sword Slash. Cannot stand to be parted from it for an instant. Is this a weakness or a strength? only time will tell...

alrighty, probably gonna post the history and a begining post tonight along with a couple of party memebers that it looks like I will have to play, and we'll get this party started.

Name: Alexander Borton
Race: Human
Age: 25
Class: Warrior
Description: See photo
Likes: the king, a good sword, peace
Dislikes: anyone evil, being called "alex"
Weapons: guard issued sword and shield (his fathers)
Skills: Main: heavy weapon prof. Secondary: Multi weapon and survival

Bio: Alexander was said to have been born with his sword and shield in hand, and loyalty to the king in his heart. He was born in the capitol city of the South, Tibus, to a royal guard and his loving wife. Alexander was taught the sword and shield at an early age, and loyalty to king was ground into his head. In his 21st year, he was inducted into the royal guard under his father the captian, and began living his dream.
Having served loyally for 4 years, his true merit wasn't tested until the dark beings attacked the city. His father fell early, and Alexander quickly rallied the guard to himself, bringing order and lead and sterling defense against the onslaught. After the battle ended, with the loyalty of the men behind him, and his father as the shadow to fill, Alexander became the guard captain, and has now been summoned by his King.

Scarlet Fox
I posted a kind of intro thing for Petal. I hope it was a good one.

Wei Phoenix
I'll make my character tomorrow afternoon

Wei Phoenix
Name: Garruk Revane (Ruh-Vain)
Age: Really old, don't know an elder age for fairies
Race: Fairy
Class: Sorcerer
Height/Weight: 198 lbs, 5'8
Likes: Intelligence, competence and learning. He is open and tolerant of all races seeing none above the other.
Skils: Knowledge(Magic) Major Knowledge Magic, Knowledge(Lore)
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Idiocy, rashness, overconfidence, cockiness and arrogance. He fears nothing, seeing that life itself is the greatest test one can endure. His main weakness is that she trusts everyone regardless of how shady they may appear.
Bio: Will fill this out later have to run.

Scarlet Fox
Zomg u made a chick!!

Wei Phoenix
I've been making chicks quite recently. I like balance in rps. One woman is like just asking for all of the guys to want to save her and be her friend. This is my third recent female I made, Musa, Tana, and Musa 2.0 in that other rp I told you about.

Scarlet Fox
Musa isnt really a girl though. I dont know WHAT Musa is. But meh. I was kinda hoping u made a guy fairy. Petal will get all Lonley. wink

Edit/Add: I just noticed I never made a Bio for Petal. o.o

Wei Phoenix
Actually the first Musa was born a woman hence why she is so different from the rest of her race. I shall make a male fairy to please you.

Scarlet Fox
yay YAY!

Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
yay YAY!



or one of the random cute fairy boys




anyway I think ill jump in if that is alright?

Scarlet Fox
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix


or one of the random cute fairy boys


I cant see the first two...
Originally posted by ShadowFiend

anyway I think ill jump in if that is alright?
And NO! You cant.

Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
I cant see the first two...

And NO! You cant.

How about now?



other guy


Scarlet Fox
I see the first guy.... and he isnt very well drawn... I still cant see Guy # 2. But so far I like the third one.

Wei Phoenix
Valtor was bad ass, he Galactused the whole magical universe.

If you like the third one then you may very well like the 2nd one. Here's the address.


Shadow: go ahead and join the fun.

Wei Phoenix
What I wanted my character's element to be is Air, but I don't think the characteristics that it requires would fit. Air and Wind would be more calm and free. It doesn't necessarily go with the flow because it is the flow. I don't find it to be the spastic annoying type, but the wise and free element. Air has existed since the beginning and is like a parent element to fire. Fire can't exist without air. Other characters that match the description would be Talim (Soul Calibur series), Avatar, Rei, Shuu, Souther (HNK) Kotaro Fuma (SW2).

Just my thoughts on it I just don't see Air depicting someone as ditzy even though I can see why you or someone else would think that though. I know you said that we could master two and I would like to do that if I could, I gave my character all of the knowledge skills and an old unknown age to tell how he could learn them.

Scarlet Fox
?? Did u mean to put that in the Elemental rp?

Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
?? Did u mean to put that in the Elemental rp?


***Special Stuff***
The Magic in Gealan is based off of the wielders personality. In a sense, the element chooses you. If your character is an angry, short tempered kind of person, Fire chooses them. Here's the official list of traits and the magic they would fall under. I may allow multiple element wielding, but you better be playing an old person....why you may ask? you will find out in the history I will have in the game thread. Some magics will share traits, this is b/c i feel that that trait could be used by both magics. Take energetic for instance. Fire would use it b/c fire is in constant fast motion, and looking to spread quickly. Air could use it in almost the same way. Again, if you have an idea, run it by me, I will probably agree. These are just molds, and molds get broken.

Fire: short tempered, angry, energetic, excitable, loud, fierce
Water:calm, cool, even tempered, relaxed, quiet, goes with the flow
Air: busy, energetic, annoying, "spazy", super smart(active brain), quick witted
Earth: quiet, steady hearted, stubborn, strong, loyal

Scarlet Fox
but.. Oh wait! Right right. Your a Sorcerer so u get to pick an element. XD Wow im goofy

Wei Phoenix
Yep I'm doing the impossible for me and making them completely magic.

Name: Jace Revane (Ruh-Vain)
Age: Really old, don't know an elder age for fairies
Race: Fairy
Class: Sorcerer
Height/Weight: 198 lbs, 5'8
Likes: Intelligence, competence and learning. He is open and tolerant of all races seeing none above the other.
Skils: Knowledge(Magic) Major Knowledge Magic, Knowledge(Lore)
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Idiocy, rashness, overconfidence, cockiness and arrogance. He fears nothing, seeing that life itself is the greatest test one can endure. His main weakness is that she trusts everyone regardless of how shady they may appear. Another considerable one would be that he lacks any physical strength at all. He has abandoned the trials of strength in return for strengthening his magic and knowledge.
Bio: Still can't think of something unique give me time please.

In my mind, I pictured air as the "smart" element, sorta what you just said. I listed the "annoying, spazy" characteristics because i couldn't think of much else to describe constant motion.
Many of the sorcerers you'll meet in game that are of the air element will be very smart and in a hurry. Picture a old professor, who flys into the room, books and papers trailing behind him, who dives right into lecture, but, when a student asks a relevent, or interesting question, he gets that twinkle in his eye and turns into wise old grandpa. Thats sorta what I had in mind. I think i've made it a little clearer....i hope. Air was the one I had trouble finding single words for.

Alright sweet. Ill post a CCS in a sec

Name: Izic Eldor
Age: Unknown
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Height/Weight: 5'11 / 152
Likes: The Woods.
Skils: Primary: Major Knowledge(Land) / Secondary: Duel Wield and Weapon Prof.
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Large Cities / Dieing for no purpose / None / None
Bio: Famous Ranger Among the Elf people. He knows the lands better then almost anyone and his skill with the Bow is incredible but his sword skill is close to matching it. He is a formidable opponent in any case.http://falxe.com/Elf%20Ranger.jpg

Scarlet Fox
Originally posted by ShadowFiend
Name: Izic Eldor
Age: Unknown
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Height/Weight: 5'11 / 152
Likes: The Woods.
Skils: Primary: Major Knowledge(Land) / Secondary: Duel Wield and Weapon Prof.
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: Large Cities / Dieing for no purpose / None / None
Bio: Famous Ranger Among the Elf people. He knows the lands better then almost anyone and his skill with the Bow is incredible but his sword skill is close to matching it. He is a formidable opponent in any case.http://falxe.com/Elf%20Ranger.jpg
what an egotistical prick....

Originally posted by Scarlet Fox
what an egotistical prick....
Hey! How dare you!.... .im not Egotistical... >_>

Scarlet Fox
Originally posted by ShadowFiend
Hey! How dare you!.... .im not Egotistical... >_>
glare ... idiot..

alright, gonna see how easy it is to get this map on here.....if this works, this should help you all understand where everything is, and where you are in any point in the game.......woohoo, it worked!
Alright, the three lines extending from the center of the map, from the lake, are rivers, everything else is the shoreline. Any questions, let me know.

Shadow: Woohoo, glad to see we have an elf. special stuff heading your way via PM

And is there a feud i need to be aware of between you two??

Scarlet Fox
Between who? Me and Shadow? Lol Oh no its just playfull banter. He is my RL brother. He isnt on as much as me but he should be on alot now. He just got back from overseas.

...btw.. Nice doodle... =P

doodle indeed! I have a full sized, nicely drawn version on my wall. Couldn't fit that in the scanner though :/

Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by XornonJay

And is there a feud i need to be aware of between you two??

They're ex lovers until they found out they were brothers. Yes Scarlet is a butch man in disguise. Watch out for her assassin Kirby army.

Other words could be: Adaptable, free spirited, gentle etc.

wow.... I.. no just wow. its all i got.

Wei Phoenix
So am I accepted? Also what are the requirements for using two elements?

Oh, yeah, of course your accepted. and the only real requirement to use two elements is to be of the proper age, which i believe you were the elder fairy, which is fine. Just let me know which elements, and I can PM some special info that only your character will know. Whether you share it with the group is totally up to you.

Wei Phoenix
Water and Air please. I now must do my best to fight the strain this is going to put on me. Time to push myself to the limit.

Sorry...I need to make one amendment to my character. He has amber eyes, not blue...don't know why I put blue really...

b/c you were hammered...lol

Ha...good point!


lol midnite, I just sooo love being cruel like that haha. I might just have to throw in a few more 'To be continued' bits like that eh?

you're evil decomp, but I like that :P

...you'll get yours someday happy. On another note...my last day in the US I decided to get a little too hammered. watashi wa baka da yo...anywho, when I wake up halfway through my 11hr flight, I'll work out something for Janey. Till then *passes out*...

Hmmm...seeing as though it seems we require a few more characters here, I'm gonna play a second character as well if you don't mind Xornon mate. A sort of partner in crime, if you will, for Orion...his older half brother even! (I will explain how this is so in the story eventually)

Name: Razotic Ellindar-Vagar
Race: Half Human-Half Elf
Age: 30
Class: Warrior
Height/Weight/etc: 6' 10" feet, 120 kgs, black hair, teal eyes
Likes: war, the thrill of battle
Dislikes/fears/phobias/weaknesses: only fears are his half brothers reaction to his appearance, his fathers Panther Head sword worries him also
Skills: Main: Weapon Proficiency, Secondary: Knowledge (Battle) and Survival
Weapons: One handed cleaver and round shield

Here is a pic of what Raz looks like:

Scarlet Fox
its unfortunate that this is already falling. Why havent people been posting?

Scarlet Fox
I like what Wei said. We know nothing about the world you made up. We dont know what kind of roads there are or what kind of enemys there are. IT would be best if we, the group, were just walking and every now and then you say we get attacked by a group of.. something.. anyway here is Lavitz.))

Name: Lavitz Slambert
Race: Human
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Weapon: Sword and Spear.
Appearance: Photo
Bio: Just a normal guard in the city. He was on duty like any normal day when a woman with bright Pink eyes ran into him for directions. Since then he keeps running into her. Now, by the womans request he is to accompany her on thier travels.

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