William vs. Alexia

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Nemesis X
Okay so I admit that the last Birkin vs. Ashford fight is terrible which is why I made up a new one. Hopefully this one does better.




Birkin in his third G form and Alexia in her first form.

Which RE mutant will win this fight?

Birkin wins.

I changed my mind. Alexia wins since she's just as agile (or even greater) than Birkin plus keeps her human intellect. Birkin is just a murderous animal and without projectiles.

When was Alexia agile?

Originally posted by FinalAnswer
When was Alexia agile?

Darkside Chronicles. She doesn't exactly go around dodging bullets but based on what she has shown, she has the potential to do so. But whether that's canon or not I don't know.

In the same game,William Birkin in his 3rd form can do roundhouse kicks and the Code Veronica Tyrant can prevent a sidewinder from exploding in its face.

Overall, I am going to go with William because he has more potential; he has better transformations and mutations when he is killed.

Although Alexia has a few forms herself, her 2nd and third form aren't much of a threat to William once he mutates into his later forms. Alexia in her first form can manipulate fire to a certain extent however, against another BOW like William its not as deadly since becoming a BOW gives the ability to resist pain.

Birkin could probably win this as his later forms are much tougher and stronger. Alexia is pretty good with her flame attacks, but it would take a lot more than that to bring Birkin down, given the amount of damage he's taken throughout all of his encounters with Leon or Claire in RE2.

If William mutates into his final form, he stomps Alexia.

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