Passion before Christmas, maybe Black Friday...

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Do you shop on Black Friday? Or, do you bury your head in the sand and avoid all the craziness? Why? Why not?

Some peopld said he prefers to celebrate the day as Buy Nothing Day:, lol!

I am never a big fan of shopping, let alone on a day when a zillion people are out doing the same thing, but I am pretty tempted to shop online this year:

hey if you like deals you cant miss it, and why not shop online. just avoid craziness. Personally i like to go to a store here or there

I probably will if I'm off my crutches by then.

when is this day? is it this upcoming thursday or the following tuesday?

Rogue Jedi
Racist ****s.

It is on this Friday.


We don't have Black Friday in Canada. Our Thanksgiving is always on Monday.
I dislike shopping at the best of times, so I doubt I'd ever take part.

That ACDC Chick
i would be out shoppin if i had monies

I never pay it much attention...I think I'm usually still staying with family. hmm

I don't like the "gift" frenzy of Christmas.

I told my family that the gifts will be just to my immediate family. I don't feel like going broke to buy everyone gifts. Christmas isn't about getting someone the best gift. It's about paying homage to the son god, Sol Invictus! Wait..............wut?

Originally posted by dadudemon
I don't like the "gift" frenzy of Christmas.

I told my family that the gifts will be just to my immediate family. I don't feel like going broke to buy everyone gifts. Christmas isn't about getting someone the best gift. It's about paying homage to the son god, Sol Invictus! Wait..............wut? Robert Redford?

Shopping online may be a good choice!

Originally posted by Cherrywild
Robert Redford?


Rogue Jedi
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
Racist ****s.

i dont like people so i try not to go out.

Steak Knife
Being that I'm a news videographer, I have spent several Black Fridays getting up at the ass crack of dawn to be let inside the Target store so I can video the mad crowd coming through the doors and running past me, almost knocking me over..... it's great video.

But that was then, this is now. I'll be asleep that day.

Don't wait until black friday. Some good deals are out there right now. One of which I'm looking at is...

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Not a bad deal at all.

Rogue Jedi
Originally posted by Steak Knife
Being that I'm a news videographer, I have spent several Black Fridays getting up at the ass crack of dawn to be let inside the Target store so I can video the mad crowd coming through the doors and running past me, almost knocking me over..... it's great video.

But that was then, this is now. I'll be asleep that day. I love you heartbeat


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