The Protector/Capoeira fighter versus Marv/Kevin...

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Rogue Jedi
The Protector is searching Sin City for his elephants. He has joined forces with the Capoeira fighter he fought in the flooded church. They are led to believe that Marv (Sin City) has them. They look high and low, finally running into Marv as Marv is leaving Cady's bar.

The Protector and the Capoeira fighter light into Marv right away. They plan to beat Marv near death, then force Marv into telling them where the elephants are.

At the same time, Kevin (Sin City), who has been hunting for Marv, watches from the darkness as the fight ensues. He plans to make Marv his next meal, then mount his head. He decides to join in and help Marv. At this point, it becomes a no holds barred fight to the death.....

Who wins?

Marv's not fast enough to keep up with Tony Jaa or Crowder, but his damage soak is incredible, Kevin is wicked fast, but Jaa can keep up with him in my opinion, especially if he plays smart like Marv did.

Rogue Jedi
Kevin goes down quick here.

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