Agent 47 vs. Jason Bourne

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Demonic Phoenix
K, so Agent 47 has been hired to take out Jason Bourne instead of the Professor (Clive Owen).

Jason Bourne is aware that 47 is coming after him. 47 knows that Jason Bourne is aware, so he decides to forgo the Sniper.

Round 1: They enter a CQC battle in the same field where the Professor and Bourne fought. Neither combatant has any sort of weapon (guns or short swords etc.)

Round 2: They start at opposite ends of the field. Each combatant has two of their own pistols, with as much ammo as they need.

Can 47 take down Bourne without needing to use a sniper?

1. Bourne wins.
2. 47 wins.

the ninjak
Originally posted by marwash22
1. Bourne wins.
2. 47 wins.

thumb up

47 can kill any man as long as he has tactical cover and ability to adapt to his surroundings.

Darth Martin
Bourne is better. Plain and simple. I would give 47 the edge in a scenario involving a sniper rifle or a sword but these here have to be given to Bourne.

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