Transformers 3 Dark of the moon trailer !!!!!!!!

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Transformers 3 Dark of the moon trailer

Looks wicked Happy Dance but no megan fox sad

I'm lookin' a tad forward to it. The trailer has also been posted here:

I for one welcome Fox not being in anymore. From what Bay has said, ths film should go a much better route than ROTF.

Hope he speaks the truth.

Sadako of Girth
Possibly. But remember how the 2nd was gonna be better than the 1st?
But I guess that even if the movie is pure dogshit, it'll still be better than the 2nd movie.

Im not falling for the old dashed expectations trick a third time.


i already said what i had to say in the transformers 3 discussion thread

I noticed for some reason alot of 3rd movies usually fail. like terminator 3, Superman 3, X3 , Spider man 3, Fast and furious 3, Batman forever

Originally posted by chomperx9
I noticed for some reason alot of 3rd movies usually fail. like terminator 3, Superman 3, X3 , Spider man 3, Fast and furious 3, Batman forever

you only just noticed that now?

i noticed it years ago

but there have been some good 3rd movies......Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.

Sadako of Girth
Return of the Jedi.

Godfather 3.

Roboco- No I cant even keep a straight face on that one. hehehehe

Originally posted by chomperx9
I noticed for some reason alot of 3rd movies usually fail. like terminator 3, Superman 3, X3 , Spider man 3, Fast and furious 3, Batman forever

For me T3 and X3 and fast and furious 3 did not fail I really enjoyed those.
And there are others like return of the king, die hard 3, austin powers 3 and the 3rd bond movie gold finger, matrix 3

But there has been sone real stinkers too. Like pirates of the carribean 3 and 2 for that matter, alien 3, rush hour 3,

I've seen the teaser and might I say, very intriguing. I personally can't wait to see WHO THE HELL THAT BOT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its your master Megatron........UNICRON

seriously who knows.

Sadako of Girth
Could also be Emmirate Xaaron or Alpha Trion for all we know right now like Kaz says.

If is meant to be Unicron, then that will be all I need to know to confirm my non-attendance at the cinema.

I wonder if they consider their audience even more stupid than when they made TF2.

Originally posted by queeq
I wonder if they consider their audience even more stupid than when they made TF2.
Couldn't be. you could only get smarter by watching TF2 and by learning that the air and space museum in washington does NOT back onto the bone yard in arizona. and that from the pyramids in egypt to the daggers tip in jordan is NOT a 15min drive
plus you can find out that you have to go through Israel to get there. and you also don't need any papers or passports to get from egypt to jordan, you just need to say you are from new york.

Sadako of Girth
Originally posted by queeq
I wonder if they consider their audience even more stupid than when they made TF2.

They'd HAVE to. Especially if people come back for a potential THIRD nut kicking. 'Cause thats just masochistic or dumb or maybe even both..

Even if its better than the 1st two, as LeBeouf mantains, that still like saying getting yer teeth kicked in and getting a sausage forced up yer bum by a violent gang of Soccer yobs a good night cause it is compared to a night out getting skinned, dipped in salt the chopped up one inch at a time from the feet up.

I was reading that Orci and Kurtzman are off the project too.
'Rats and sinking ships' spring to mind.

Sadako of Girth
Originally posted by darthmaul1
Couldn't be. you could only get smarter by watching TF2 and by learning that the air and space museum in washington does NOT back onto the bone yard in arizona. and that from the pyramids in egypt to the daggers tip in jordan is NOT a 15min drive
plus you can find out that you have to go through Israel to get there. and you also don't need any papers or passports to get from egypt to jordan, you just need to say you are from new york.

stick out tongue Indeed.
A few mistakes in that movie from IMDB:

Revealing mistakes: A group of F-16 fighters flying in formation bank off to engage the Decepticons. Inexplicably, they each launch flares, a decoy for heat-seeking missiles, as they break formation. (This is likely because it's stock footage of F-16s on maneuvers.)

Crew or equipment visible: When Bumblebee drives along at sunset, with the other Autobots, low-angle camera rigging casts a shadow on the far right of the frame.

Continuity: When Sam Witwicky drops his papers on the college steps, 3 people on the right are walking behind him. When the shot changes, the same 3 people are further back, just getting to the steps.

Errors in geography: When Jetfire is reactivated at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia, he blasts open a hangar door and steps outside. The exterior shot shows him and the other protagonists in the "bone yard" at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona.

Errors in geography: The scene involving Egypt, Jordan, and the Bay of Aqaba is a geographic mess. Petra is almost 1,000 km. from the pyramids, which are just outside Cairo, which is hundreds of kilometers inland from the Mediterranean.

Continuity: When Sam gets a green drink at the frat party, the drink is full in one shot, nearly empty in the next, and full again in the next.

Continuity: After Devastator has ripped off the top of the pyramid, Agent Simmons gives coordinates to a US Navy aircraft carrier. Simmons is supposed to be on the same pyramid, but you can clearly see the same pyramid in the background without any damage.

Errors in geography: In a few scenes in the movie, the USAF characters are at a military base in New Jersey, with a desert-like environment and mountains in the distance. New Jersey does not have a desert or big mountains.

Factual errors: When the Decepticons attack Paris, red and blue lights are seen through the streets. Parisian police lights are just blue.

Revealing mistakes: Very loud Decepticon meteorites crash down and explode by the pyramids in the distance, but the man in the foreground with the camels shows no reaction.

Factual errors: After Starscream deploys the EMP and the soldiers lose communication, MQ-1 Predators are ordered to be launched. The airframe that takes off is an MQ-9 Reaper, not a Predator.

Factual errors: An overhead scene of the Pentagon identifies it as "The Pentagon - Washington D.C." The Pentagon is in Arlington, VA.

Continuity: When The Fallen climbs the pyramid, the tip of is destroyed. In another scene, it appears to be intact.

Revealing mistakes: The short Egyptian soldier at the checkpoint is an army head, a very high rank that only 5 men hold.

Revealing mistakes: Only one Pyramid in Giza, the Pyramid of Khafre, has a smooth top. The machine to harvest Energon is hidden in that pyramid, and the whole fight takes place there. You can see the smooth top when Devastator is climbing the Pyramid. However, every shot is taken on the Pyramid of Khufu. For example, when agent Simmons is climbing the Khufu Pyramid, Khafre, which he should be climbing, is visible in the back.

Revealing mistakes: When the F-16s are flying to fight the Decepticons, none of them are armed with live weapons.

Factual errors: Tyrese Gibson's character is listed as Master Sergeant Epps, a grade of E-7. The rank stripes on his uniform are a Chief Master Sergeant, a grade of E-9.

Revealing mistakes: When the medical helicopter flies in during the end battle, you can see "White Sands Missile Range" written on the side of the door. The battle is supposed to be in Egypt; a WSMR helicopter would not be there. The aircraft was painted red, white, and Blue. The medic was wearing US Army ACU body armor, implying that he was on a "tactical" aircraft, so the plane should have been olive green. it also should have been a BlackHawk, not the Huey depicted.

Factual errors: The flag patch on Major Lennox's right shoulder have stars on the left side. Army regs state that the stars should be forward.

Continuity: When Galloway declares that NEST is being disbanded, he literally strips Major Lennox of his rank insignia. In the next scene, Lennox is wearing the oak leaf cluster again.

Revealing mistakes: When the team is jumping out of their aircraft into what should be the desolate Egyptian desert, a full modern two runway airstrip can be seen as they exit the rear of the aircraft.

Continuity: In the forest battle, Shia LaBeouf has a brace on his left hand (due to his car crash). Sam's hand was burned later on.

Crew or equipment visible: As the car dropped into the warehouse tips forward and lands on its roof, the camera mounted to the right side of the car (to capture the shot of the airbags inflating) is briefly visible.

Errors in geography: An establishing shot shows Manhattan. The very next shot shows two Transformers on top of a building in Downtown Los Angeles; the Aon Center and US Bank Tower are clearly visible.

Factual errors: In the areal shot of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, a number of F-14D Tomcats are on deck. The United States Navy retired its last Tomcats on Sept 22, 2006. When the carrier is sinking, no Tomcats appear. This is likely due to old file footage being used for the initial shot, and CGI for the sinking.

Continuity: When they leave America, it is the middle of the day. They arrive in Egypt at the same time as they left, yet it is the middle of the day there too. Egypt is 8 hours ahead of New York, so it should be evening when they arrive.

Crew or equipment visible: After the big battle, when Sam rubs Mikaela's back, you can clearly see her mic pack under her shirt.

Factual errors: When the USS Topeka (SSN-754) is operating on the surface, the footage shown is an early flight I Los Angeles Class submarine. The Topeka is a 688I class; its diving planes should be on its bow, not its sail.

Sadako of Girth
Errors in geography: When Megatron and Starscream communicate after Sam has escaped, they are on top of the "Gas Company Tower" in Los Angeles, California. They are supposed to be in New York City.

Crew or equipment visible: When Optimus Prime and Sam are having their discussion in the cemetery, green mark tape directing Shia LaBeouf where to stand is clearly visible on the grass immediately in front of him.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: According to the creators of the film, the Constructicons are a legion of robots with one of seven body types. This is why Long Haul (Green Dump Truck), Rampage (Bulldozer), Scrapper (Yellow Scoop Loader) and Mixmaster (Cement Mixer) can fight Bumblebee's group, while also seemingly being part of Devastator at the same time.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When SoundWave orders the Decipticons to mobilize, two robots, who appear to be BoneCrusher and the tank version of Brawl from the first movie, appear in one shot. Both of these characters were supposedly killed in the first movie. They could be Decepticons with similar Alternate modes.

Continuity: When Bumblebee is in car form, the Chevrolet bow tie is black with red trim. In robot form, the bow tie is gold.

Revealing mistakes: In the beginning, Mikaela used a gravity feed airbrush on a motorcycle. They have small open-topped containers on the side for the paint, and must be held straight up and down. She is holding the airbrush sideways, and no paint is in the holder or coming out of the airbrush.

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Sam meets Leo's friends, they refer to the climatic battle of the previous film as happening in Los Angeles, although in that movie it was supposed to be taking place in the fictional Mission City.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: While flying over the desert, you can see a pilot inside Starscream. In previous shots (the 3 riders on the motorcycles) and in the previous movie, Transformers often use "digital pilots" to enhance their disguise. Although the digital pilot would not really work since Starscream has a bunch of tattoos, it could just be a "default" setting to display the pilot when in jet mode.

Continuity: When we see Mikaela for the first time (on the motorcycle, painting a devil on the side), she is lying forward on the bike, leaning over the right side. When the shot changes, she is leaning over the left side of the bike.

Errors in geography: In the movie, the military frequently discusses the Gulf of Aqaba and how it is bordered by Egypt and Jordan. Israel borders the same gulf, between Egypt and Jordan.

Continuity: When Mikaela is putting the bandage on Sam's hand, the wind shot shows her crouching and then getting up. The next shot she is crouching again.

Continuity: When the Decepticons attack and destroy the USS Roosevelt, EA-6B Prowlers (they look like an A-6 with a "football" on the tail) can clearly be seen forward of the bridge, their traditional parking place on the flight deck. When the ship sinks, the Prowlers have been replaced by SH-60s, which are sliding down the flight deck.

Continuity: When Sam runs into the car to escape the college girl who turns into a robot, she sticks her 'metal tongue' through the windshield, smashing the window on Sam's side and leaving a jagged edge. In the next shot, the window is fixed (a new whole window). As they drive away, the window has been cut away cleanly, with no jagged edges.

Crew or equipment visible: In the beginning, when Mikaela is trying to force Sam to say he loves her, you can see the shadow of a camera on Sam's back.

Continuity: In the climactic battle in the desert, Sam, Mikkeala, Lennox, and Epps run from the building as the bombs are explode. As Ironhide emerges from the smoke, his left arm cannon clearly falls off as he runs. When the Fallen arrives and knocks all the Autobots over taking the Matrix of leadership off Optimus Prime, Ironhide has both arm cannons intact.

Errors in geography: During one battle scene set in Egypt, some Los Angeles buildings appear in the upper left corner.

Continuity: When Megatron is coming up, the Captain calls for hard left rudder, and the sub's rudder turns right.

Continuity: When Mikaela deliberately hits the white car on the pole while escaping from college, the pole dents the car in the center. In the next shot, the car is damaged on one side, near the headlight.

Revealing mistakes: When Devestator sucks in all of his surroundings into his machine mouth, including the large truck that is shielding Leo and Agent Simmons, but not the much lighter humans.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: During the last fight scene BoneCrusher (who died in the first one) is seen driving forward after the Decepticons land in Egypt, he is then seen later with another Decepticon killing 2 of the Arcee Triplets. Several "doubles" of Decepticons appear in this movie, who are explained as characters with the same "body type" as other Decepticons.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: According to the Secretary of Defense in the first movie there were no survivors from the base attack in Quatar. In this movie Glenn Morshower (SOCCENT Colonel Sharp) returns and is now General Morshower. As indicated by the different name, this is an entirely different character from the one who died in Quatar, so it's perfectly understandable that he is alive.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: NEST is actually part of the US Department of Energy rather than Defense, as the acronym stands for "Nuclear Emergency Support Team." However it's entirely possible for two groups in two different agencies to share an acronym, especially if one of them is secret. Given that the Transformers are radioactive, making the public confuse their unit with the Nuclear Emergency Support Team would work to their advantage in keeping them secret.

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Sam and Mikaela are running from the Decepticon, Sam shouts "go Megan go" as they jump into the car.

Revealing mistakes: When Bumblebee and the Twins are driving through the desert, the same shot of an explosion to the left of them, as they drive around a corner, is used twice in the same minute.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Near the end of the movie when Sam and Mikaela are running towards Prime, on the last Airstrike, when they drop the large bomb, at least one viewer thinks an explosion/reflection can be seen over Mikaela but not Sam, a compositing error. This is not possible - this shot was a "practical effect" in which the explosion was actually set off behind the actors, and according to the cast it set the world record for the largest special effects explosion performed with actors on set.

Continuity: When Sam is kissing Alice on the bed there's a fan in the window, but when Mikaela comes back into the room and throws the box with Wheelie in it at Alice the window is closed and the fan is leaning against the wall.

Continuity: When Mikaela runs into the library, she is wearing high-heeled shoes. When she jumps down from the upper level of the library, she is wearing black flats.

Revealing mistakes: When the film begins, at 10:14 pm in Shanghai, it is still slightly light outside, especially at the horizon. At that hour in the summertime, the sun have gone down. There might be some light in the sky, especially if there was a full moon. (Shanghai is 8 or 9 hours ahead of Zulu Time (GMT), meaning the events of the movie would be after dawn and occur in broad daylight, which is obviously not the case.)

Continuity: In the scene where Bumblebee and the other two Chevy hatchback Autobots are driving through the desert and come under Decepticon attack before the big battle at the pyramids, the same shot of Decepticon-fired shells hitting the sand around the vehicles and the vehicles swerving to avoid these strikes is used twice.

Errors in geography: In the beginning, a Union Pacific and a Missouri Pacific lettered coal hopper are on the Port of Shanghai China rail line.

Revealing mistakes: In Shanghai, China, the characters on police vehicles and helicopters are in Traditional Chinese. They should be in Simplified Chinese.

Crew or equipment visible: During Sam and Mikaela's first phone conversation, you can clearly see a large Fresnel light on a stand in Sam's room.

Errors in geography: Diego Garcia is shown with mountains. Diego Garcia is horseshoe-shaped atoll; the highest point is 9 feet above sea level.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When the Transformers are in robot form, their paint jobs are chipped, scratched and weathered. When they are vehicles, the same paint is super-glossy and waxed with no blemishes. However, it could be possible that they use the same hologram system that they use to create fake drivers.

Errors in geography: The border crossing scene from Egypt to Jordan is impossible. You must cross through Israel to get from Egypt to Jordan by land.

Continuity: When the Autobots finally catch up to Jetfire, if you watch closely, the tire marks in the grass were already there.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: At the end of the first film, the robot that hacks into Air Force One is killed by his own weapon, cutting his head in half. In this film, the head is in the freezer in Simmon's secret room, in a glass case, fully intact. Simmons could have repaired the head as a trophy.

Revealing mistakes: During the pyramid fight scene Agent Simmons calls for a fire mission from the USS Kidd. The vessel the show answering the fire mission is DDG 88 (USS Preble) not DDG 100 (USS Kidd).

Sadako of Girth
Continuity: After Starscream uses the EMP and the predator drone is called in, the first shot shows the drone with a propeller on the back. In the next shot, it has a jet engine.

Revealing mistakes: The shot when Soundwave acknowledges Wheelie's observations is the exact same shot of Soundwave ordering the Decepticons to invade earth.

Continuity: When Soundwave orders the Decepticons to invade earth, he is orbiting in space. In the next shot, he is attached to an earth satellite even though he was already attached to it earlier.

Continuity: At the start of the film, Sam's mother's hair s blonde, with brown roots. In the next scene at college, her hair is reddish-brown.

Continuity: Mikaela and Sam are running through the desert. They are being shot at; explosions going off around them; they jump and fall off buildings that explodes and collapses around them and when everything is over, Sam's clothes are in rags and pieces and he is burned, scarred and bloody. Meanwhile Mikaela, who has gone through the same ordeal as Sam, looks like she's just left the make-up chair.

Continuity: During the final scenes in the desert, Mikaela's bracelets often switch between her left and right hands.

Continuity: Sam, Mikaela, Leo, Bumblebee, and 2 other Autobots hide out in the old brick building. As the humans are run out to leave, Bumblebee drives around the building with them already in the car. In the next scene they run out of the building, jump into Bumblebee, and drive off.

Crew or equipment visible: When Sam, Mikaela, Leo, Skids, Mudflap, and Bumblebee decide to continue instead of going to the authorities, Bumblebee transforms into the Camaro and nudges Sam by rolling forward a short distance, then reversing. As Bumblebee backs up, a driver wearing a balaclava is visible.

Revealing mistakes: When the sliver of the Cube turns all the kitchen appliances into Decepticons including a Cisco router, the router is seen in its original state after the battle.

Continuity: During the Shanghai Chase Scene, Sideways runs through a building and transforms on the other side. If you look closely, you can see the wall he approached in the former shot, and the wall he is leaving behind are the same wall on the same street. He didn't go through the building, he made a huge explosive U-turn.

Continuity: (At 46:40) When Sam is talking on cell phone outside on campus, going down stone steps, a girl in flowery shirt and cut-off jean skirt passes him as he's picking up papers. He continually talks as the camera changes angles, and the same girl is yet again walking by him, even though she was 8 feet past him 1/5th of a second before.

Continuity: In the scene where Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enter the deli to meet "Robo Warrior" the time on the Neon clock in the background changes dramatically almost every time they change shots.

Revealing mistakes: The people at the Egyptian roadblock speak gibberish, not Arabic.

Continuity: When Optimus asks Sam for help, he is near the tomb of a person named Mary Louisa Baldwin. In a later shot, the name on the tomb is Charles Francis Gummey.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When Soundwave orders the Decepticons to mobilize, a shot of 4 robots flying to earth is the exact same shot of the Autobots coming to earth from Transformers (2007). Although it is the same shot, more falling protoforms have been added in the background to give the impression of mass invasion.

Continuity: In the opening scene when the Fallen steps on some primitive warriors, he clearly does so with his right leg. Then in the very next cut as he lifts his foot, it somehow becomes his left leg.

Sadako of Girth
Errors in geography: When a H-53 picks up Sam and Mikela they are on the East Coast in close-ups, but a wide shot shows San Diego in the background, including the Coronado Bay Bridge and the USS Midway.

Revealing mistakes: When Starscream begins his attack on Sam and the Autobots in Egypt by firing missiles, the actual plane in the scene is dropping flares.

Continuity: Megatron says "No more hiding" referring to the Decepticons no longer camouflaging themselves or imitating other objects, but some Decepticons still imitated Earth vehicles and aircraft, such as the Devastator bots, which were even motionless when they were being stood next to and in hearing distance of humans babbling loudly. One of the Decepticon jets was also shown with a pilot inside, which seems to go against the "No more pretending" line.

Factual errors: Orion is only visible from late October through mid-March.

Continuity: When Sam is showing Wheelie pictures of Project Black Knife, the pictures he is holding of the buggy and plane change hands several times, and the plane changes from being on the ground to being in the air.

Revealing mistakes: When Agent Simmons asks Wheelie where to find the older Transformers, Wheelie shows them by pointing lasers at a map of the United States. Simmons says "The closest one is in Washington," and they go to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. However, none of the lasers actually pointed at Washington, D.C.; the closest one pointed to eastern New Jersey.

Factual errors: When the Decepticon calls Sam's mother in Paris, you can clearly see that her cell phone is a Sprint cell phone. Sprint phones use a CDMA network, and no CDMA networks operate in France. A Sprint cell phone would never get a signal in Paris.

Continuity: When the Autobots are in the hangar, and Optimus Prime is doing his report to the general, director Galloway interrupts them and talks about their weaponry. The scene repeats at the end, when he asks if the Autobots would leave the planet peacefully.

Continuity: During the forest battle, Sam is running past a fallen tree. In the next scene, he does a flip over the same tree.

Continuity: When Sam is about to leave home for college his father is packing the car, he carries a set of golf clubs over his shoulder, in the next shot they are not there, then they reappear on his shoulder again later.

Errors in geography: They manage to go from Jordan to Egypt by crossing the Jordan-Egyptian border. The only way to cross between these two countries is to go through Israel.

Audio/visual unsynchronized: The engine sound of Michaela's sport bike sounds like a dirt bike.

Factual errors: During the CGI scenes showing the Predator UAV, it shows the UAV as having a jet engine. When in fact Predator UAV's have propellers.

Crew or equipment visible: After the Autobot twins upgrade, drivers can be seen as the camera circles around the cars.

Hahaha, I noticed most of those fails. I forgave them simple enough cuz it's a movie about toys. I really think they should add disbelief to them. Bring Cybertron closer to earth due to Meg's evil plan so the 'bots have to surf their way to him -disbelief. That was awesome in G1, why not a live-action film? That's sorta my views on it. I really hate it when a film tries to be serious, and there's major flaws in it. For example, a movie I watched recently depicted a Canadian cityscape when the film was supposed to take place in Seattle.

Originally posted by Scythe
Hahaha, I noticed most of those fails. I forgave them simple enough cuz it's a movie about toys. I really think they should add disbelief to them. Bring Cybertron closer to earth due to Meg's evil plan so the 'bots have to surf their way to him -disbelief. That was awesome in G1, why not a live-action film? That's sorta my views on it. I really hate it when a film tries to be serious, and there's major flaws in it. For example, a movie I watched recently depicted a Canadian cityscape when the film was supposed to take place in Seattle.

Romeo must die? LMAO

with transformers 2 I can accept a few flaws and that but the movie has to do a good job to draw you in so you don't notice it and can beilive it.
But with the crap humor and crap story i was so removed from the film i noticed every thing.
They would of been better of calling the air and space museum
the Obama space museum then you could think OK maybe there is a yard at that one. but when you give a factual name then you are bound to it.
Oh yeah and the transformers are a secret yet the whole city saw their big battle at the end of the first movie.

Sadako of Girth
Yup. Thats absoulutely ridiculous, along with things like Bumblebee's voice now NOT be fixed, the Twins, the inclusion of T-X in the movie, Sam's whole college trip........urrrgggh.

Its fine to argue that being slavish to realism can kill an idea,
you could try telling Bay that regarding his "mass shifting means no accurate Megs/Soundwave" rule...
(Which he has the Allspark break)
Regarding the over focus on the inner workings of the military and Sams progression through College etc and monotonus Secret service stuff too.

Originally posted by darthmaul1
Romeo must die? LMAO

with transformers 2 I can accept a few flaws and that but the movie has to do a good job to draw you in so you don't notice it and can beilive it.
But with the crap humor and crap story i was so removed from the film i noticed every thing.
They would of been better of calling the air and space museum
the Obama space museum then you could think OK maybe there is a yard at that one. but when you give a factual name then you are bound to it.
Oh yeah and the transformers are a secret yet the whole city saw their big battle at the end of the first movie.

All respectable points of view, I understand most of those irks. They got to me as well. However, I still really enjoyed TF 1 & 2, as well as GI Joe. I remember when my cousins and friends would play with our toys when we were kids, we'de make believe that our bots were in the desert, then two inches would go by and we'de be in the jungle. Five inches up, and we were in space. When I saw the loss of direction from the museum and airplane graveyard, we all looked at eachother like: "Hey, they're doing what we did, haha"

Very exited hope its better than the second one

The new trailer is out

I cringed when Sam yelled optimus!!!

Originally posted by darthmaul1

I cringed when Sam yelled optimus!!!

I did'nt.

Sadako of Girth
I did a little..

Lets hope Bay received the right amount of pages for the script this time

15 pags for Revenge Of The Fallen and blames it on that writers strike that happen.

Sadako of Girth
Scapegoating at it's 'finest'.

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