FotJ Corran Horn Versus RotS Sidious

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Jedi Master Corran Horn at his peak in power and skill, versus the Dark Lord of the Sith Sidious.

Setting is the office where Mace dueled Palpy.

1. Saber

2. Force

3. All out duel to the death


Probably going with Palpy here.

Jinsoku Takai
Sidious steamrolls Horn.

At his peak after everything he has learned and gone through? Hm.

Jinsoku Takai
Originally posted by NowYouRemember
At his peak after everything he has learned and gone through? Hm.


big grin

Palpatine would kick his ass.But I still think that Corran is underestimated.

Corran's awesome, but the only person in the NJO who could face Palps and win is Luke.

He's like... the Obi-Wan of Luke's order.

Originally posted by Q99
Corran's awesome, but the only person in the NJO who could face Palps and win is Luke.

He's like... the Obi-Wan of Luke's order.

I think that Kyp Durron has also a chance to beat a force battle.

Kyp's like the Anakin of Luke's order smile

His potential was really talked up, but has he done anything in the later books? (Serious question, I haven't followed his latter activities much. What was he up to while Caedus was around and all that)

Jinsoku Takai
Originally posted by JediMaster97
I think that Kyp Durron has also a chance to beat a force battle.


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