Ben skywalker vs Cade skywalker

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3 fishys
Grandfather vs Grandson

Who wins?

Location: Coruscant

Positions: Ben in the jedi order and cade in the middle of the galactic city

I think cade wins

no, ben will better employ better use of his lightsaber thrusts and various force techniques to gain an upper hand on his young grandson, and taking advantage of that advantage, he will subsequently either use his lightsaber, which has been deadly to many humanoid species for a long time, or perhaps his force attacks, which affect every living thing ever except for the exile and using one of those two things gain an advantage that can be the end for cade who can not bring himself back to life because he will be dead and unable to do the technique on himself.

what is this i dont even

it is some mad dunks.

Black bolt z

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