hollow ichigo vs zangetsu

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i was wondering who would win,yes they are both 2 halves to a whole but they
are totally different.so who would win; no hichigo has the ability to use bankai
and has his second hollow release form and lets not forget arrancar abilities like
cero or sonido but zangetsu(tensa zangetsu) has bankai and the mastery of
getsugatenshou for example the final getsuga tenshou or the ability to shoot a
getsuga tenshou like a cero or use it to strengthing his blade on contact. so who
would win and why? (also dont forget that zangetsu was defeated when hichigo
took over ichigo in his battle with zangetsu during the muramasa arc but
zangetsu didnt take on his tensa zangetsu form) also wouldnt it be cool if
arrancar hichigo could have a ressureccion because he is an arrancar and not
only one release but 2 like ulquiorra had, he would be like invinsible with a bankai
+full arrancar hollowfication+2 sword release

ok i personally think that hichigo would win because hes by far stronger and faster,zangetsu has mastered getsuga tenshou and is capable of final getsuga tenshou but hichigo is just hella strong he reminds me of kenpachi

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