Best adjustment

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Which of the following, stripped of their powers/abilities/connections/etc. would be best suited to be set into place as a normal man/woman and live out a normal life.

- they do have memory of their former lives as superheroes, but cannot re-enter that lifestyle (connections are gone... .think of the show "Burn Notice" but instead of a spy, the main char is a former superhero).

1. Thor
2. Superman
3. Hal Jordan
4. Wolverine
5. Colossus
6. Aquaman
7. Power Girl
8. Spider Woman
9. Hawkman
10. Storm

Bonus: who would do the worst job of it?

A couple of people on that list are human like and living human lives already.

Superman already lived a whole year as human and was actually enjoying himself.

Originally posted by abhilegend
Superman already lived a whole year as human and was actually enjoying himself. thumb up

Definitely not a true hero.

Aquaman shouldn't be on this list at all.

Hal Jordan, Colossus and a few others would have no problem.

Angel Watching
Spider Women could go the "rest of her life". The others would want to help as heroes or have a psychological breakdown.

psycho gundam

Hal would be fine. He'd go back to being a pilot

Storm would be the most assed out as she's lives with her power set her whole life and doesn't really have any thing good to contribute to anyone other then being a mojo world call girl.

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