DCnU Cheshire Vs Elektra

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What feats does Jade have?

She first appeared in Grifter, but recently in Red Hood, she went up against Roy, Ollie, and Starfire. Not only does she have 10 different toxins in each finger, but she can teleport and become intangible. She's part of the League of Assassins with Bronze Tiger.

Originally posted by Golgo13
She first appeared in Grifter, but recently in Red Hood, she went up against Roy, Ollie, and Starfire. Not only does she have 10 different toxins in each finger, but she can teleport and become intangible. She's part of the League of Assassins with Bronze Tiger.

Sounds like the wrecked a cool character even further. God i long for the Wolfman / Perez era Cheshire. The one who could solo the titans take Terminator to town, take on almost any B lister and some A listers and trouble them. The prep queen who studied every opponent before taking a job ( like she watched and noted weaknesses of the Titans before performing a hit in their town). Really starting to hate what DC does to it's characters

It was actually a good read. Tynion is knocking it out of the park with Red Hood.

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