Name the animes you can watch over and over again

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Zack Fair
And never really grow tired of them.

I think the anime I've seen most is Code Geass. Every now and then I just put one clip or episode and wind up rewatching the entire thing.

The soundtrack, designs and intrigue(eventhough I know whats going to happen) just make me stay glued all over again.

Not talking about just certain episodes or fight scenes. Talking about rewatching the entire thing.

Zack Fair
I think Future Diary will reach Code Geass status of rewatchability

Read the title, not the post and was about to say Code Geass.

Zack Fair
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Really is an awesome anime. I'm up to Euphy's massacre.

FMA brotherhood

Zack Fair
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Brotherhood. I've seen it 3 times already.

It made the first series damn near obsolete in my eyes, which says nothing much of FMA, but everything about brotherhood.

Yu Yu Hakusho.


Edit: Also, Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie.

Cowboy Bebop.

Wolf's Rain

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