Thor/w Hammer vs Current Hulk/w adamantium/vibranium knuckles

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In this fight Thor can only use his hammer for melee attacks.

Uuuuummmm...this isn't fair, at all.

You can give Thor the knuckles and it won't matter in this fight. Hulk wins in what is essentially a fist fight.

Originally posted by carver9
Uuuuummmm...this isn't fair, at all.

Doc Green wins, easily.

Super-Genius Savage Hulk wins, stomp.

Super-Genius + Super-TK Savage Hulk wins in a murderous stomp.

I think it would be a fun fight.

The Sorrow
Thor vs Hulk fights usually are fun and are back and forth but Doc Green seems considerably more ruthless when he needs to be aswell as being much more cunning. Hulk beats Thor in straight h2h fights, these stips only tip the scales further in his favour.

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