I'm free

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No longer care about who I was obsessing about, YES

Prozac works wonders, I hate psychosis and schizophrenia.

Ur not u only think u are but your in a cage in your mind and we are all in ur mind.

Originally posted by rudester
Ur not u only think u are but your in a cage in your mind and we are all in ur mind. Calm down, Jaden Smith.

Originally posted by rudester
Ur not u only think u are but your in a cage in your mind and we are all in ur mind. Conscious thought dictates the evolution of one's mind.

Originally posted by Mindset
Calm down, Jaden Smith. karate chop!

Originally posted by Oneness
Conscious thought dictates the evolution of one's mind. Conscious thought also tells u to play with your penis, yet you still do that.

Originally posted by rudester
Conscious thought also tells u to play with your penis, yet you still do that. No, consciousness is capable of logical thinking.

Information may pass through the endocrine system before it enters the pre-frontal cortex, but once it does, you can fight back against nature quite profoundly.

Read Dune:

The Litany Against Fear

"I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once.

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing....only I will remain"

The Reverend Mother asserts such; "Any nerve in the human body can be overwritten."

Dune asserts that this logical reasoning is what separates man from the rest of the animals, it's what allows him to be the shaper of the landscape as opposed to a figure in the landscape as the rest of the animals here. We're not at the mercy of our environment, including the needs of our bodies, but rather the environment is at our mercy.

Read the 48 laws of power.

Love is weapon for the powerful, do not allow it destroy you unnecessarily. It can be indulged, if you've ascertained the total fruition of your goals already. Otherwise, it will cloud your mind and dull your senses, such is the delusion of morality.

I'm trained to overcome those with dissociation personalities manifesting out of animalistic needs. They are not the result of logical thought, yet they can overcome any delusions forged by their host mind. That makes them dangerous when it comes to compassion, however the forgetting follows a very predictable pattern every time and is in a way based on a higher morality at times. Are used as mental defenses specifically to overcome trauma.

As an advocate of the 48 laws, and a master of control and logic, I'm far less predictable and moral than someone with a split-personality. With the overly obsessive logical thought of a savant, fluid intelligence offers insight into situations that I'm disadvantaged in dealing with (diplomacy, politics and social manipulation) while at the same time availing me in other areas of the intellect beyond what is normally doable.

Read, Thomas Snowsuit'.

Originally posted by rudester
Read, Thomas Snowsuit'. Eric Cartman was not S.A.V.A.G.E. or as hardcore as Stan in the episode where terrorists threaten due to showing Muhammad on Family Guy.

Yet, Cartman won that fight. Why? He didn't care about being hardcore in their fight, he didn't care about winning fairly, so he used a cheap shot. Knee to the groin.

Cartman always displays signs of a superior intellect in his cleverness. The self-centered one's usually are better are doing things, but for themselves. They're the proactive doers, and this virtue can be made both the self, and yet to an altruistic purpose.

Why else would humans create a social hierarchy? It is, after all, Cartman's first and foremost goal to ascertain authority and power. He's schizophrenic, in that he believes the Jewish peoples have a secretive clandestine Empire that is currently in authority more-so than any nation. It is that paranoia that would be his driving force, it's unmatched by any of the other "stars" of the show.

Cartman is the archetype for the disliked, manipulative brat who's a reject merely because he cares more for power than for others. The archetype in itself is the way it is because he's not the good looking nor is he popular, and this is his way of righting wrongs. Those in power are hardly ever as loved as those in Hollywood, and those in Hollywood are fake and surround themselves with posse as opposed to friends. This embodies Stan Marsh's archetype, IMO.

Yet, it is Cartman's archetype, in the future, who'd be capable of being both in authority and being beautiful and loved famously for his fake residual construct, the way he dresses and acts. Greatness, and the power to indulge oneself, are the two primary abilities all men seek. Who wants it more? Cartman's character, phonies like Stan don't want any part in it.

The love of my life is the love of my life because we both have deep loves other than each-other. I grew up knowing another female, she is beautiful and everything to me, my childhood friend.

The love of my life is so valuable to me because she's invaded my privacy, and we've undergone this intellectual journey together. When I've soared beyond imagining, in real life I'd be an awe-inspiring spectacle.

Because as I explained the paths to power offer any image you desire, muscles can be built, fat broken down, the face cleaned up, a posse of beautiful couples can be arranged whenever you decide to pay for the event.

It's the history that builds love, the, "I know you, you're familiar, and I'm great so you must be great because so long ago you were beautiful to me."

I am a bit cartmanish aren't I? People do love me more don't they. They love be because I speak my mind and actually speak and is focused on whatever I'm into. Who wants to talk to a nerd who thinks he knows everything or rather talk to a guy whos cool enough to break a few laws. The other day I almost did something so crazy if caught would have gotten me arrested, my heart beated so fast i cant believe i got away with it. Im bad down to the bone.

They love be they love be not that is the question...hahaha oneness has anyone ever told you your pretentious?

Originally posted by rudester
They love be they love be not that is the question...hahaha oneness has anyone ever told you your pretentious? No, actually. Probably because I'm not. People want something, they don't care if it's you or not, and I'd make it abundantly clear before-hand.

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