Darth Vader's Best Combat Feats

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Surviving for an extended duration Force Lightning from a pissed off amplified by natural lightning Starkiller Clone comes to mind :hmm

Same one that channeled enough force lightning in a short enough timeframe to power a laser cannon that destroyed an ISD that was likely shielded.

Combat Feats.

Not seeing the difference

Or are you implying the duress of combat somehow means something he was shown to channel instantly anyway becomes invalid?

I mean like, lightsaber feats-- like him beating characters A, B, and C, not Force/Pain Resistance feats.

Originally posted by DarthAnt66
I mean like, lightsaber feats-- like him beating characters A, B, and C, not Force/Pain Resistance feats.

Ah :hmm

That's fair then.

"The Imperial Knights wear specially crafted armor that uses materials found in the armor of one of the greatest imperial duelists of all time, Darth Vader."

He's really got tons of feats against a multitude of different Jedi Masters, (most notably Kenobi and Galen) and has tons of accolades towards the complexity and crisp execution of his lightsaber technique, but listing all of those would be time consuming. Honestly the fact that he was able to defeat Maul's clone prior to ANH speaks best for his ability at his peak, if Fightsaber is to be taken into consideration.

Would have made a crack here about TPM Maul being a better duelist than Revan, but I lack the necessary smiley to correctly deliver the punchline.

It was a pyrrhic victory. Vader held his own against Maul, but he lost in terms of his ability to perform.

I looked through his respect thread and failed to find anything that impressive. erm
I guess I will put his Kessel fight, then Maul fight, then Kenobi fight for the video. :woah:

The main ways of gauging Vader are;

-Skill accolades denoting "one of the best of all time" dueling skill.

-Accolades stating that between ANH-ESB/RotJ, Vader became far and away more competent as a duelist.

-His ability to fight evenly with Ben, whom had only lost some of his dueling skill since RotS - this being Vader far from his prime himself.

He also has his even fight against RotJ Luke, whose aptitude for dueling is extraordinary, his fights against various groups of Jedi, his ability to hold his own against Maul circa ANH, and the impressive level of technical mastery involved in his hybrid lightsaber form (although academic knowledge and technical skill doesn't necessarily mean much in comparison to dueling feats).

So some hype and beating ****ing Ben Kenobi? inb4 I give Revan the dueling edge on my video.

Someone can probably explain Vader's capabilities better than me... but hype that has actually been realized isn't to be dismissed. Take what Vader could do circa ANH and then consider how he would have done after massive improvements.

I put his dueling ability roughly on-par with RotS Anakin, personally.

Originally posted by ILS
It was a pyrrhic victory. Vader held his own against Maul, but he lost in terms of his ability to perform.

Held his own pretty well, I'd say, considering that it was the longest duel I've ever seen in a Star Wars comic. Furthermore, Maul ended up dead.

The fact that Vader can sustain massive amounts of damage, whereas other combatants like Maul can be taken out with singular blows is also a part of combat effectiveness you know. Maul may have been more skilled, more agile, and landed more hits--but Vader can take those more hits, and that's ultimately why he was able to win.

Originally posted by NewGuy01
Held his own pretty well, I'd say, considering that it was the longest duel I've ever seen in a Star Wars comic. Furthermore, Maul ended up dead.

The fact that Vader can sustain massive amounts of damage, whereas other combatants like Maul can be taken out with singular blows is also a part of combat effectiveness you know. Maul may have been more skilled, more agile, and landed more hits--but Vader can take those more hits, and that's ultimately why he was able to win. True enough, Vader's durability is essentially why he won and should always be considered. Although, maybe if Maul would have just stopped monologuing to him for two seconds he might have sealed the deal but, eh.

I look at it sort of how I looked at Bulq's death at Vos's hands.. Bulq was clearly better, but Vos got lucky. And the stupid finishing move style slice Bulq/Maul attempt at the end of their respective duels are just awful.

What about his speed feats, some of which are incredibly good? Such as appearing to teleport, being likened in speed to Yoda and jumping over blast bolts or something.

Is this just dueling feats?

Originally posted by ChaosTheory123
Surviving for an extended duration Force Lightning from a pissed off amplified by natural lightning Starkiller Clone comes to mind :hmm

Same one that channeled enough force lightning in a short enough timeframe to power a laser cannon that destroyed an ISD that was likely shielded.

That was an experimental, highly advanced cannon. That significantly muddies the issue.

His duels against both versions of Starkiller.

That's true, being fast enough to speedblitz Aurra Sing would definitely be helpful in combat; hell, the same could be said for strength.

Yeah, Vader's speed feats shit on Revan's TBH.

Eh, having a fight with Vitiate within a few seconds and blitzing an Imperial Guardsman are pretty decent.

Fighting Vitiate wasn't much of a speed feat.

Now, I'm not saying Vader is actually faster but his feats are more impressive in that regard. Basically, I was more or less pointing out the hypocrisy in dismissing Vader's "hype" when that's all Revan really has going for him when it comes to sabers.

There were only a few exchanges in Revan's fight with Vitiate.

Originally posted by ares834
Yeah, Vader's speed feats shit on Revan's TBH.
Fodder Jedi have ran laps around Vader, lol.

You're right, different authors interperet Vader's capabilities differently.

At his fastest, though, he's pretty damn fast.

Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Fodder Jedi have ran laps around Vader, lol.

Doesn't change the fact that Vader has better speed feats. Guess said fodder Jedi are faster than Revan. thumb up

Like Sasukedc said, it depends on the author depicting the battle of Revan vs Vader. wink

Oh shit... stick out tongue

Even so, I'd suggest that for your video you give examples of Vader's speed in both categories, high and low, and then explain that Vader's inconsistent speed ultimately gives him no quantifiable advantage over Revan.

That was my plan. thumb up

I suggest you also do the same for Revan. Like standing there while a bomb blows up in his face, and then explain that his intelligence is also not quantifiable.

Pft, Revan was merely demonstrating his power by withstanding the blast.

It would be one of his better durability feats.

Post-Darth Revan really isn't even close to the genius he was before the brain injury and is actually quite stupid.

He got back his intelligence in the Revan novel, IMO.

And he aptly demonstrated it by running into Vitiate's lightning, having no real plan for beating him and then going insane.

Or when he nearly eradicated both the Republic and Imperial armada with a handful of pirate ships, and got Darth Marr saying "All told, the Revanites may be the fiercest adversaries we've ever faced." thumb up

That's Dark Revan. I guess he's only allowed to be smart when he's evil.

thumb up

Just like spirit Revan said tbh.

And even then he's not that smart. I mean his grand plan to kill Vitiate is to resurrect Vitiate...

Not so much lack of intelligence, more so lost sanity I'd figure

Common fictional trope

The villain can weave multilayer deceptions, but their end goal is often nonsensical to normal common sense kind of shit

Originally posted by XSUPREMEXSKILLZ
thumb up

Just like spirit Revan said tbh.

I shall get to you soon, TBH.

...or I might not. Just a few disagreements, TBH.

Originally posted by Nephthys
And he aptly demonstrated it by running into Vitiate's lightning, having no real plan for beating him and then going insane.
So is Vitiate unintelligent then? I mean that's cool, he did run into that saber, just wanting an official ruling on this.

When Bane was using his Orbalisk Armor his intelligence dropped by 92888%, approximately.

True facts, deal with it.

Reacting faster than Aura Sing is a great feat especially when you consider that in the same book Sing was creating spheres of light around her with her lightsaber

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