What would you do as leader of a club?

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Wonder Man
I would try to domesticate some wild animals. Then everyone could have their own whale like in Free Willy.

I would arrange leisure activities for groups of people to enjoy and socialise and partake in charity events.

I would run around the country with my crew, challenging Gym Trainers for badges and trying to catch all the Pokemon.

I'd fire everyone

Only boys no girls

i would stick to what i normally do with the wolf Pack but more road trips (school is taking up our camping and roadies time)

Wonder Man
I would invent a biological clock that helps people sleep better.

As leader of..what kind of club? Plus come on, if we domesticated wild animals people wouldn't care about whales. Everyone would be riding to work on a bear from that day forward. With bears as pets all those "Beware of Bear" signs I have actually make sense. Then again even without bears as pets they still make sense because bears aren't domesticated so it is good advice in general. You ever see "Into the Grizzly Maze"? These things don't f*ck around.

has a good point

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