Tom Cruise (edge of tomorrow) vs Captain America

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Who is winning this? Tom gets everything he had in the movie.

I want to go with cap

even thou tom is good in a mimic (?) he has no way to get past the shield weapon wise and isn't overall that fast, cap could target panels or cores or what ever the hell he wants or even just wait for the battery to die

its not a stomp but cap wins

Cage wins.



Cap kills him a million times over, and does it again for shit and giggles, and still keeps on doing it for infinity.
Cap 10/10

Cap is too good with his shield, is too fast and agile. It's not easy but he wins 10/10

Cage's best hope is to keep his distance and spray as many bullets as he can in Cap's direction. If Steve gets close he will tear Cage apart.


Going with Cage.

Phil (Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day"wink, a complete douche with no physical skills worth speaking of, at some point could "predict" everything around him, thanks to his reliving the same day over and over. He could "predict," and be ready, all over town.

I don't see why Cage couldn't eventually do this with Cap, regardless of what Cap does. Cage became able to survive a Normandyesque battlefield full of very fast, stealthy and hostile creatures (and very difficult to kill, even with weapons).

Going with Cage. It's just a matter of ... time.

Well, if Cage gets unlimited restarts this thread is f****** retarded, and of course he will win eventually. Even I'd eventually get lucky and score a win if it kept repeating over and over.

Silent Master
I don't see how the restarts would matter as once Cage loses the first time, the thread is over.

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