Weirdest "Darth" Names

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As the title says, what are some of the weirdest canon Darth names in the SW Mythos?

Darth Abonis
Darth Wredd.

Darth Abonis
Sorry that wasn't canon. Their are only 6 canon Darth names and all of them rock.

Lucas-Canon Darth names then.

All of the canon ones are fine.

Non-canon? Darth Ekkage.

Darth Andeddu is easily one of the worst in the EU.

Canon wise, Darth Plagueis.

I like Andeddu.

I do agree that Plagueis is the weakest of the canon names.

Originally posted by Darth Abonis
Darth Wredd.


Darth Luft was also an odd one.

I think the writer of Legacy II wasn't good with Darth names- important sith like Wredd's Master didn't get namechecked, and some other sith only have their civilian names mentioned (like the ambassador guy leading the infiltrating Sith at the end), so we only get too.

Originally posted by Darth Abonis
Sorry that wasn't canon. Their are only 6 canon Darth names and all of them rock.

Eh, the first post just says 'mythos.' I think EU's fine.

"Weirded canon Darth names in he SW Mythos."

You know besides the fact that the OP said Lucas-Canon as well. Anyway, yeah, Plagueis, I guess.

Originally posted by NewGuy01
"Weirded canon Darth names in he SW Mythos."

Oops, missed that word ^^

Lesse, I'll just rate them all from worst to best-


Rivan XDXD How could you do worse than this????

Switching out the I for an E would be pretty bad....

Wredd (whoever came up with his name probably took more drugs than the SWTOR writing team), Rivan (shitty rip-off), and Andeddu (as lame as the way he died), honestly.

A bunch of SWTOR Sith deserve to be here too, IMO.

EDIT: Oh, and Darth Gean, too. Sounds like Darth "Jean", which makes her sound seriously retarded.

Darth Bandon

Seriously its some dude's last name.

Bandon is pretty bad, too, but not as bad as the ones I listed, IMO.

Ramage is pretty awful too.

I'll defend Rivan. Being based on Revan doesn't make it automatically bad- if it was just heard on it's own, it wouldn't stand out.

Originally posted by carthage
Darth Bandon

Seriously its some dude's last name.

Yea, good point.

It's supposed to evoke Abandon or such, but it ends up evoking something more along the lines of Brandon.

When was Bane mentioned in the movies?

His ghost was in TCW

Yeah, Darth Luft sounds pretty gay.

Originally posted by Q99
Switching out the I for an E would be pretty bad....

Yep.. But here is that we switched the E for an I... And that's just sound lazy as hell !
What's next Q99 Ravan? Rovan? Revin? O.K may Revan = Raven

Darth Lust? May the god emperor protect us from Slaanesh !

Originally posted by Emperordmb
His ghost was in TCW

Just to be sure, TCW is canon?


Some usernames would sound stupid with a Darth prefix.

Darth Carth

Darth ILS

Darth EmperorDMB

Darth Revanchiste

Darth Darth Thor

Darth DarthAnt66

Anything sounds stupid with the letters DMB put in it

Originally posted by Emperordmb

Thanks thumb up

Originally posted by Revanchiste
Yep.. But here is that we switched the E for an I... And that's just sound lazy as hell !
What's next Q99 Ravan? Rovan? Revin? O.K may Revan = Raven

Lazy, yes, but still not on it's own all that bad. Especially as it's origin is 'used by someone who liked the name, wanted his own, and most people hadn't heard of Revan because that was 2k years ago.'

|King Joker|
Originally posted by ILS
Some usernames would sound stupid with a Darth prefix.

Darth Carth

Darth ILS

Darth EmperorDMB

Darth Revanchiste

Darth Darth Thor

Darth DarthAnt66 Darth King Joker tho stoned

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Thanks thumb up

But It should not be canon, it is not coherent....

It is meant to be EU, and it do not go with the EU canon, neither the original canon !

In term of continuity it cannot be canon...... Like Rebels, just because Ashoka !!!

P.S Darth Revanchiste is fine !
What's wrong with Revenchist???? There is a Tarentino seal of approval on the name ! Revench at all cost.

Stealth Moose
Darth UnAn-deaddu.

Fated Xtasy
Originally posted by Stealth Moose
Darth UnAn-deaddu.


I always laughed at Darth Krayt cuz Crate, ooh so scurry.

Originally posted by Revanchiste
Yep.. But here is that we switched the E for an I... And that's just sound lazy as hell !
What's next Q99 Ravan? Rovan? Revin? O.K may Revan = Raven

Of those, Ravan and Revin all work about as well as Revan. Rovan, less-so. Raven, arguably more-so since it's actually a word.

Originally posted by Stealth Moose
Darth UnAn-deaddu.

Sure, but 90% of sith names are some word or other slightly altered.

Sidious = insidious. That's... at least as bad, IMO ^^

Stealth Moose
But Darth Andeddu cheats death. It's just lazy.

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