Anakin and Obi Wan vs Savage and Maul

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Round 1. Sabers

Round 2. Force

Round 3. All out

Genosis Arena

Which Duo wins?

ROTS Obi wan
TCW season 6 Anakin
SOD Maul
TCW Savage

Oh, come on. Team 1 for every round except possibly Force, if Maul manages to eliminate Obi-Wan and then the duo gangs up on Anakin.

Maul brothers vs Yoda next, pls.

So why wouldn't Dooku be able to defeat the brothers if he can hold off Anakin and Obi, and Maul and savage are below them?

Originally posted by EmperorSidious2
So why wouldn't Dooku be able to defeat the brothers if he can hold off Anakin and Obi, and Maul and savage are below them?
Because by that same logic, Ventress, and ironically Savage himself, would best the Maul/Savage duo.

Anakin and Obi-Wan frequently job as a team in TCW, doing worse in 2v1s than they have in 1v1s against the same characters.

Originally posted by Emperordmb
Because by that same logic, Ventress, and ironically Savage himself, would best the Maul/Savage duo.

Anakin and Obi-Wan frequently job as a team in TCW, doing worse in 2v1s than they have in 1v1s against the same characters.

To be fair their fight wit Dooku was for continuity reasons similar to how Anakin and Grievous could unfortunately never meet. Dooku faces them one at a time to keep the "This time we will do it together" legit. Realistacally they should have done way better against Dooku. Their fight with Assaj wasn't to impressive though. They might have been holding back.

Darth Thor
Originally posted by EmperorSidious2
So why wouldn't Dooku be able to defeat the brothers if he can hold off Anakin and Obi, and Maul and savage are below them?

He does that by taking Obi-Wan out with Physical attacks and TK. But the TK and Physical Strength of the Brothers is too much for Dooku to handle alone and they will end up cornering him.

It's not about A> B> C.

It's about how opponents stack up in different categories like Strength, Speed, Tk and Skill.

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Dooku would break Savage's knee at the very begin on the fight. He's not Adi. And his kicks seems far superior to those of Kenobi's

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