Introspective thread: Is racism prevalent and encouraged at KMC

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Ol' Shellhead
Many of the posts I read on KMC seem to generalise based on stereotypes how whole nations or races are. These posts fail to distinguish between government and populace. They do not understand many people in a nation may not agree with the policy of its leaders. Even more amusing is many of the mainly Americans posting these simplistic two-dimensional portraits themselves do not support the Obama administration running their country and do not identify with their own administrations policies. In conclusion, they paint people from other lands with broad brush strokes that are less realistic than a cartoon caricature would be. Do other posters agree it is not PC to find such posts disgusting? Instead, it is merely the difference between how an adult and a child perceives the world around them. The lack of moderation on these issues tacitly encourages the distillation of type to stereotype and proliferates ideas that lead to the hate of nations, religions and those with differing political views and sensibilities.

It's certainly tolerated.

Trolling again- now a ban

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