Comprehensive evaluation of the size of a multi-story structure demolished by Vaylin

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STEP 1:-

Natural view:


Concentrate on the arrows.

1. Left most arrow points towards the gigantic trees. They are like 7 - 10 floors tall on average.

2. Smallest arrow points towards the protagonists (Lana Beniko and the Outlander)

3. Bottom right arrow points towards the gigantic trees as well.

4. Top arrow points towards the multi-story structure that Vaylin will destroy soon. It is like 15 floors tall.

You can see how small the protagonists are.

STEP 2:-

Natural view:


Concentrate on the arrows.

1. Left most arrow points towards the multi-story structure that will be demolished by Vaylin soon.

2. The smallest central arrow points towards the protagonists mentioned above. A large lighting pillar near them is like 4 floors tall.

3. The larger central arrow points towards the grid structures that separate the multi-story structure on the left from the area in the right where Vaylin will throw its chunks.

4. Right most arrow points towards the area where Vaylin will throw the chunks of the multi-story building on the left.

5. Bottom white arrow points towards gigantic trees. They dwarf the lighting pillars in height.

STEP 3:-

Natural view:


Concentrate on the arrows.

1. Only one arrow here. It points towards a Starship that is flying close to the gigantic power core. This power core is like 10 floors tall.

STEP 4:-

Natural view:


This is a view of the entire Skyscraper-like structure. Concentrate on the arrows.

1. Only one arrow here. It point towards some Starhips flying above. They are tiny in comparison to the Skyscraper-like structure.

STEP 5:-

Natural views:


Concentrate on the arrows.

1. Left most top arrow points towards a building that is similar in size and shape to the building on the left angle that is under attack. You can count the number of floors in it; 12 in total.

2. Top right arrow points towards a huge chunk of a destroyed structure (see the bottom left most arrow). It dwarfs the gigantic trees below.

3. Central right arrow point towards a gigantic tree. It is like 7 floors tall (see Step 1 for reference).

4. Bottom right most arrow point towards another huge chunk of the destroyed structure.

NOTE: I have pointed out in STEP 1 that the gigantic trees are 7 - 10 floors tall on average.

STEP 6:-

Natural view:


Concentrate on the arrows.

1. AGAIN: Left most top arrow points towards a building that is similar in size and shape to the building on the left angle that is under attack. You can count the number of floors in it; 12 in total.

2. Top right arrow points towards a huge chunk of a destroyed structure. It dwarfs the gigantic trees below.

3. AGAIN: Central right arrow point towards a gigantic tree. It is like 7 floors tall (see Step 1 for reference).

4. Bottom right most arrow point towards another gigantic tree. It is 10 floors tall.

Rough comparison:

Legend, how bad are you nerdgasming over KOTFE right now? laughing out loud

Originally posted by Sinious
Legend, how bad are you nerdgasming over KOTFE right now? laughing out loud
stick out tongue

I'm into this.

If you never post these pics again, it will be too soon.

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.