Master Yoda runs a gauntlet

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1. Assume Master Yoda (RoTS)

2. Assume all combatants (opponents of Master Yoda) to be physically fit and not affected by aging.

3. Combatants are permitted to use the environment to their advantage, if necessary.

The opponents:

Warmup: AT-AT Walker

01. Bastilla Shan (Jedi Master)

02. Kyle Katarn (Jedi Master)

03. Tol Braga (Jedi Master)

04. Nomi Sunrider (Jedi Master)

06. Vodo-Siosk Baas (Jedi Master)

05. Mace Windu (RoTS)

06. Barsen'thor III (Jedi Master)

07. Kyp Durron (Jedi Master)

08. Hero of Tython (Jedi Master)

09. Revan (Reborn)*

10. Revan (SWTOR)*

11. Luke Skywalker (NJO; Yuuzhan Vong era)

12. Luke Skywalker (FOTJ)


A) Yoda is not allowed to take rest and heal his injuries after each battle

B) Yoda is allowed to take rest and heal his injuries after each battle

How far would he go in each scenario?


If an opponent have the capability to defeat Yoda according to you, kindly highlight it like this: possibility of defeat at 8 and vice versa.


Assume an area where large trees and boulders are present but there is enough open space to maneuver without hindrance.


*Revan is permitted to use both the Light and Dark sides of the Force.

11 both times probably

Originally posted by Emperordmb
11 both times probably
You don't think that lack of rest and/or injuries would affect his performance?

SOR Revan after he goes through everyone else is really the only one who could really give him too much trouble in this gauntlet imo.

No one short of Luke can take Yoda for a majority. Various combatants can put up a good fight, but that's the best that can be said for them.

Obviously without rest Yoda can't go quite that far; he's an old man.

Prof. T.C McAbe
A) Stops at 11
B) Stalemate at 12

First run no way he's getting past 9. He can't go so far with no rest and take on Revan Reborn. Second run probably 10. I personally can see SoR Revan taking a good amount of fights against Yoda IMO. I could be persuaded, but rn stops at 10.

Run a: possibly down at 5 but definitely done at 9.
Run b: could clear.

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8

Col. Valerian
A) 6 or 7. He's not going to get past 'Thor or Kyp after facing Windu and four other opponents. He's going to be too exhausted at this point.

B) He goes down at 12.

not sure but probably (a) stops at 10, (b) stops at 11 or 12

9/11 :3

7 for all.

dat headcanon doe

I'm sorry---I missed the part where Yoda was able to move black holes amd shit like Durron can.

I missed the part where Durron could move black holes.

U must not have read da dark tide duology, then.

no no i dide

Nuh-huh. Proofs, or gtfo.

Originally posted by Deronn_solo
I'm sorry---I missed the part where Yoda was able to move black holes amd shit like Durron can.

You missed the part where Kyp wasn't even a footnote to Caedus, someone a tier below Yoda...

Except, that was stated nowhere, Zoltan-san.

My assessment:-

Scenario (A): Might reach 6

Scenario (B): Possibility of defeat at 9 and above

Originally posted by Deronn_solo
U must not have read da dark tide duology, then.

he read that and he read that better than u

Nope, u suck. Kyp dildos Yoda.

Kek @ ^

KEK @ u KEK'ing at da truff.

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