Captain Marvel vs Thor vs Angela

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Arguably the three most iconic, influential, and popular characters in Marvel history.

Also the three most powerful skyfathers in Marvel history.

Cap can go Binary if she is able, but won't start that way.

Angela may be the least powerful of the 3... maybe, or she may be the 2nd most powerful, but she has the best moves. Power doesn't mean win. My pick is that Angela has the attitude and skill to cut either Thor, or Carol's head clean off.

Sin I AM
Lol at marvel attempt at diversity by giving a few white women a power boost. Smh

laughing out loud

Zack M

When did Carol get breast reduction surgery?

Originally posted by abhilegend
When did Carol get breast reduction surgery? ever since she decided to get rid of an iconic and sexy outfit in favor of looking like a dyke

Lol @ the Op

Take a boo, son
Take a boo

I did a match with these three in it. My look on it.

Any pure melee should go to Angela fairly comfortable, anything else should go in Thor's favor. Carol would probably het ko'd before she goes binary and Mjolnir can take anything Binary can dish out .

Mjolnir wielding a cancer patient ftw.

Originally posted by ShadowFyre
I did a match with these three in it. My look on it.

Any pure melee should go to Angela fairly comfortable, anything else should go in Thor's favor. Carol would probably het ko'd before she goes binary and Mjolnir can take anything Binary can dish out .

Mjolnir wielding a cancer patient ftw.

How do they deal with Carol's poster-girl power though?

Captain Marvel *is* Marvel bro. It's in the name.

Jane has better feats though minus binary.

Sin I AM
Has capt marvel done anything?

Well, she is more powerful than Blue Marvel, that's been confirmed.

As Binary she might be more powerful I guess. She is physically quite a bit below Jane and Blue Marvel on average.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by CosmicComet
Well, she is more powerful than Blue Marvel, that's been confirmed.

On panel feats or some random statement

All that was said somewhere was that Captain Marvel was the most powerful on planet and I was thinking that was actually a statement about the movieverse

Originally posted by CosmicComet
Well, she is more powerful than Blue Marvel, that's been confirmed.

Originally posted by celeyhyga17

The answer to your question is never celey. That was never stated anywhereand she isnt.not even close. Captain Marvel couldn't even make Hulk flinch and your gonna think she is more powerful than BM or Thor? People who could uppercut Hulk to freaking Mars and take more than one casual backhand from him and she is most powerful?

Maybe in her binary form but I doubt even that.

Originally posted by celeyhyga17

They are on the same team, and Cap was stated to be the 'mightiest hero on Earth', while Blue Marvel is sitting right next to her.

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