Japan Approves National Muslim Surveillance

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Japan's New Program

What should Obama do about this in terms of trade since he will almost certainly be against it. Will he do nothing which shows he is condoning it, while at home he condemns Trump for similar stances?

My prediction: Obama will do nothing and most certainly won't even mention it. Which proves he's an international pussy and a national honey badger with a pen in which the courts keep blocking him.

The Japanese are smart

It's almost like safety is more important than political correctness. Also there is a comment on that article that I really liked:

"What we're seeing is not so much hostility toward Muslims, but rather a growing understanding by more and more people as to what Islam is, and that it is totally incompatible with Freedom and Democracy. "

I just don't care, I don't care about the surveillance. It's not like the Japanese government is going to record videos of you in the shower and then post it online. I'd like to sit down one of the Japanese Muslims opposed to this and ask him if he thinks this surveillance will cause the deaths of any Muslims. If he's sane he will respond with "no". Then I'd ask if this surveillance saves even one life, is it worth it? What if that one life was your wife? Daughter? Sister? Would you sacrifice them in exchange for privacy?

Originally posted by Surtur
"What we're seeing is not so much hostility toward Muslims, but rather a growing understanding by more and more people as to what Islam is, and that it is totally incompatible with Freedom and Democracy. " Islamophobe
Islamophobe (is-slahm-o-fohb) - A non-Muslim who knows more than they are supposed to know about Islam.

Yeah pretty much. Also people always talk about the "moderate muslim" and some do denounce these terrorist activities. However, I do know a few of these moderates and they essentially say that in the muslim community it can almost be taboo/dangerous to be truly truly outspoken against the radicals.

It's almost like there is a sizeable amount of moderates, but they more or less are kept in fear by the radicals.

As I thought, zero response from Obama. Pathetic, weak and feckless.

Originally posted by Time-Immemorial
As I thought, zero response from Obama. Pathetic, weak and feckless.

At this point he's actually SOMEWHAT growing in intelligence though. He has finally realized sometimes the best thing for him to do is shut the f*ck up because by opening his mouth he makes things worse.

It just proves his trash talk of Trump's ideas are baseless. He does not even stand up for his own people.

Obama is massively phucking up on the Islamic front. He wants to send a message that not all Muslims like Wahhabism and sharia law, yet he continuously does deals with Saudi Arabia and Iran, which in a way legitimizes those fundamentalist sects of Islam and thus makes the entire religion look bad. It would be like saying the WBC is a legitimate branch of Christianity.

Then again though, wasn't it a white European man, Lawrence of Arabia, who put the Saudis in power in the first place? I think he should get some of the blame, even if he had an awesome movie made about him.

Now if Japan was full oh White Folk Obama then be ALL UP ON THIS!

Considering most of Japan is slowly getting cancer from the Fukishima leak, he's probably not concerned about their future.

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