Thread for all quote/source inquiries!
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Since we seem to be getting multiple threads asking for a quote or source. I figure why not make one thread to it instead? Gets rid of forum clutter when the thread question has been answered.
So if anyone has a question for needing a quote or source brought forth, this can be the place to do it!
I figure I'd also start by asking, if anyone knows.
Where is it said by Lucas or Pablo, about the speed of Force Users being faster than what the camera can show on screen?
I've seen this claim thrown around a few times for years and just wondering if anyone has a source. I've tried looking, but can't find anything on it...not sure if I'm looking in the right areas or what.
Anyone has the quote when Syn broke up his friendship with DMB?
A Caedus > Kyp quote/Jacen is MVP Jedi behind Luke accolade, if one exists.
Good thread. We needed this.
Is it possible for a mod to pin this to the front page so that it doesn't disappear?
Does anybody have the quote for Palpatine's face being a mask and Sidious's face after having the lightning turned back on him being his face all along?
Darth Thor
Oh wow, the thread's been pinned.. This should prove to b a most useful thread. I suggest anytime someone finds a quote and posts it in another thread, that they post it here as well.
Since it's been pinned I'll ask my stuff here from now on.
Gr8. Anyone got the quote that says Luke is legit more powerful than Sheev?
I only get ambiguous implications from LotF... and they're all subjective.
I will not give up hope.
Originally posted by MythLord
Gr8. Anyone got the quote that says Luke is legit more powerful than Sheev?
I only get ambiguous implications from LotF... and they're all subjective.
Sidious says outright that Luke can surpass him. And the same thing is stated in regards to Galen who Luke has equal potential to. Seems like a pretty solid basis if not outright confirmation by a third person source.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Sidious says outright that Luke can surpass him. And the same thing is stated in regards to Galen who Luke has equal potential to. Seems like a pretty solid basis if not outright confirmation by a third person source. Dat unneccessary and unrequested Marek wank.
Luke beats Sidious because of superior physical capabilities and lightsaber
But, in terms of actual Force users, Sidious has: a wider array of abilities to call upon, superior mastery, equal combative effectiveness, and greater DC.
The closest Like has to a G.O.A.T. mortal Force sensitive feat is the "Force god" comment in the paperback version of "The Unifying Force". Even then, Vitiate has similar hype, so there is that.
Originally posted by Deronn_solo
Luke beats Sidious because of superior physical capabilities and lightsaber
But, in terms of actual Force users, Sidious has: a wider array of abilities to call upon, superior mastery, equal combative effectiveness, and greater DC.
The closest Like has to a G.O.A.T. mortal Force sensitive feat is the "Force god" comment in the paperback version of "The Unifying Force". Even then, Vitiate has similar hype, so there is that.
Like has better TK feats though, IIRC.
Where's the supposed quote of Anakin normally being tier 8 before becoming tier 9 when he taps into his anger? All I've seen are quotes putting Anakin directly in tier 9.
It's just in that Nick Gillard interview that I think Ant? posted recently. He says Anakin goes to the Dark Side, it's like taking "Force LSD", and he becomes a tier 9.
I thought he was referring to a permanent shift, not a temporary one. That's what I've heard people mention.
Yeah, he's mentioned it before. About how Anakin reaching level 8 was like a kid stumbling upon Pandora's box. Level 8 is apparently where the dark side is the most tempting, because it offers a straight-shot into level 9 or something to that effect--and Anakin wasn't mentally ready to reach that stage, even though he was physically. It's bizarre, but also an interesting way to look at it I guess.
So it's a permanent level 9?
According to Gillard and the RotS novel, yeah.
Yeah, as I thought.
Does that mean Zonakin ceases to exist?
Darth Thor
Originally posted by Petrus
Does that mean Zonakin ceases to exist?
Well he never really existed in the first place. It was just our way of saying Peak ROTS Anakin (Which he attained by Unleashing his rage).. Peak ROTS Vader would be Knightfall Vader I guess given how he becomes more conflicted later.
Although Mortis is still a good case for the existence of a "Zonakin."
Does anybody have an example of Sidious utilizing multiple Force abilities simultaneously?
Originally posted by Darth Thor
Well he never really existed in the first place. It was just our way of saying Peak ROTS Anakin (Which he attained by Unleashing his rage).. Peak ROTS Vader would be Knightfall Vader I guess given how he becomes more conflicted later.
Although Mortis is still a good case for the existence of a "Zonakin."
Well, I was under the impression that some people around here thought Zonakin was the only version of Anakin in RotS that can tool Dooku like that, and that normal-state Anakin wouldn't win with such ease. My question is, are we assuming this Zonakin is actually just normal RotS Anakin now? Given his level 9 status.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Does anybody have an example of Sidious utilizing multiple Force abilities simultaneously?
Wasn't he using both Lightning and BM in RotJ?
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Does anybody have an example of Sidious utilizing multiple Force abilities simultaneously?
Believe he used Lighting and Choke in Empire's End on an Officer.
Edit: Picture won't work. <.< But yeah, he did.
I'm sure there's others, but that's the first off the top of my head.
Darth Thor
Originally posted by Petrus
Well, I was under the impression that some people around here thought Zonakin was the only version of Anakin in RotS that can tool Dooku like that, and that normal-state Anakin wouldn't win with such ease. My question is, are we assuming this Zonakin is actually just normal RotS Anakin now? Given his level 9 status.
I'd say No because he starts off in ROTS as an 8. The impression I get is he's basically a 9 from when he tools Dooku onwards.
The Ellimist
Congrats on the crowning achievement of your debating career, Zenwolf; getting a thread pinned.
Yeah, good job. So, who wants to help me derail it?
I'll help.
I'm gonna go on a DB/Omni King crusade. Should be pretty epic.
Hm... I dunno, I still feel like they're pretty overrated in these parts. Then again, the last episode was pretty out there...
Originally posted by cs_zoltan
Wasn't he using both Lightning and BM in RotJ?
Yep, thanks.
Originally posted by The Ellimist
Congrats on the crowning achievement of your debating career, Zenwolf; getting a thread pinned.
Well I don't really debate much, I just felt this was needed to make things easier.
Originally posted by The Ellimist
Congrats on the crowning achievement of your debating career, Zenwolf; getting a thread pinned.
Low key brutal.
Does anyone have the quote where Vader tells Luke he's his father? Need it for a debate.
This one?
Darth Thor
Originally posted by Beniboybling
Does anyone have the quote where Vader Luke tells Luke Rey he's his her father? Need it for a debate.
You'll have to wait on that one.
Darth Thor
Only Canon quote so far for Yoda stalemating Sidious, plus confirmation that Yoda is more powerful than Mace:
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Under Yoda's description:
"The Grand Master of the Jedi Council was the wisest and most powerful of them all..... After Palpatine fought him to a standstill, Yoda retreated into exile, where he eventually trained Luke Skywalker."
Darth Thor
Blogs on SW.COM not Canon
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Obviously the blogs aren't Canon...
Originally posted by Darth Thor
Only Canon quote so far for Yoda stalemating Sidious, plus confirmation that Yoda is more powerful than Mace:
Under Yoda's description:
"The Grand Master of the Jedi Council was the wisest and most powerful of them all..... After Palpatine fought him to a standstill, Yoda retreated into exile, where he eventually trained Luke Skywalker." Vader killed Shaak Ti? Nice.
Darth Thor
Sam Witwer confirming Rebels Maul > Kanan/Ezra but < Vader/Palpatine.
Seems to suggest a level of parity with Rebels Ahsoka:
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
This is for inquiries Thor. No one asked. uhuh
Darth Thor
Originally posted by Beniboybling
This is for inquiries Thor. No one asked. uhuh
Thought I'd just start listing some quotes instead of carrying on the derailing. Completely random quotes of course
Darth Thor
Originally posted by ILS
Vader killed Shaak Ti? Nice.
Yeah but I think he stabbed her from behind.
Originally posted by Darth Thor
I'd say No because he starts off in ROTS as an 8. The impression I get is he's basically a 9 from when he tools Dooku onwards.
But not really, because he clearly wasn't a 9 when he fought Kenobi. It does seem that he's a 9 during Knightfall, tho.
Looking for the quotes that state Vader can use lightning. Ant posted it a while back.
Same for Maul. It was in some sort of TCW magazine.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Looking for the quotes that state Vader can use lightning. Ant posted it a while back.
Same for Maul. It was in some sort of TCW magazine. clone+wars+magazine+13+maul%2Bknows%2Bforce%2Bligh
Courtesy of Erkan
The link is an error.
I don't really know why they label that as an ability if he never uses it....I mean I guess knowing of it, but there was at least once instance where it would have been useful.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
The link is an error. Try this:
Though idk where the full page is.
Originally posted by ILS
Try this:
Though idk where the full page is.
courtesy of that Kun vs Sidious thread
Originally posted by ChaosTheory123
courtesy of that Kun vs Sidious thread Danke.
Ant you got the Vader lightning quote?
You mean the one where it says Vader's powerful enough to use it but his armor would **** up?
No the one that says he can cause clouds to form in the air and call lightning down from them.
That's an entirely different power than lightning.
Oh and do you guys have the Exar Kun tuk'ata quote?
Can you be more specific, lol?
Exar Kun faced like 30 tuk'ata and it's confirmed there. Do any of you have the quote?
I can't imagine any quote exists stating that.
Kun kills some tuk'ata on Korriban, but I don't recall any works recounting that stage of Tales of the Jedi besides your standard encyclopedic entry, and I doubt they would get so specific to actually give a number.
Apparently they did.
Found the scan for Kun.
So do you have the Vader quote Ant?
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Found the scan for Kun.
die pls
It won't post. :/
Apparently there's a quote from Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! which states that the Emperor could've escaped Vader's grasp when Vader lifted him up but wanted to punish his apprentice for his betrayal or something. Does anybody have it?
Ah, so he could have saved himself even as he fell down the shaft but was blinded by his hatred. Seems somewhat out-of-character for him to not even consider other options, although I suppose the dark side was continually subsuming his mind and at this point he was practically possessed by it.
The other thing being of course that Sidious excelled at planning things over time, but not making snap decisions in the heat of things - probably because he almost never needed to.
Palpatine lost control of his power at the end. He was unable to direct his lightning at anything - he merely unleashed it in a raw expression of hatred.
Seems in character for the dark side to ultimately consume him in the moment where he needed it most. That's what the dark side does.
I'm pretty sure he lost control as soon as Vader lifted him up - he was genuinely surprised by the betrayal. Otherwise, the loss of control would've been caused by something in between the lifting and the throwing, and I have no idea what that would be.
EDIT: He had enough control to direct it at Vader when he was first lifted up, but somehow he continued to lose control over time and by the time Vader threw him over the edge, his Lightning was spiraling out uncontrollably.
Originally posted by SunRazer
but not making snap decisions in the heat of things
Palpatine was the absolute best at seizing advantage of any situation at any moment.
Originally posted by SunRazer
I'm pretty sure he lost control as soon as Vader lifted him up - he was genuinely surprised by the betrayal. Otherwise, the loss of control would've been caused by something in between the lifting and the throwing, and I have no idea what that would be.
The loss of control came with Vader's betrayal (i.e. the Chosen One prophecy being completed).
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Palpatine was the absolute best at seizing advantage of any situation at any moment.
He was the best at planning, lol. When Yoda confronted him unexpectedly, Palpatine tried to run away at first.
In any case, this all seems to support the idea that Palpatine was unleashing everything on Vader but Vader was durable enough to survive the Lightning - or at least, just long enough to throw Palpatine overboard.
Originally posted by SunRazer
He was the best at planning, lol. When Yoda confronted him unexpectedly, Palpatine tried to run away at first.
More importantly, he was the best at turning any situation to his advantage.
In the instance you highlighted, Palpatine running away was the most logical course of action.
He had the entire galaxy under his rule - not worth risking it in battle against an opponent of equal ability.
Also, in the film, you can clearly see that Palpatine's Lightning wasn't hitting or even coming close to Vader when he was flying down the shaft.
I personally don't know how the text could claim that Palpatine was trying to strike Vader out of anger as he fell down the shaft. The Emperor was clearly screaming as he plummeted to his doom and the Lightning wasn't traveling very far from his fingertips either.
I prefer the Legends depiction which states that Palpatine never had a chance to actually direct his Lightning; when Vader lifted him up, it just arced between the two of them and shocked them both. Sidious was just driven by the dark side to keep firing Lightning to try and destroy Vader (painfully) before Vader could throw him over the edge, which of course, he failed in doing due to Vader's durability and a possible case of Oneness.
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
More importantly, he was the best at turning any situation to his advantage.
In the instance you highlighted, Palpatine running away was the most logical course of action.
He had the entire galaxy under his rule - not worth risking it in battle against an opponent of equal ability.
I agree that it was a logical course of action, but that's hardly turning the situation to his advantage. In any case, this was even more of a snap decision than that one - this one was based purely on instinct, and his instincts, which were controlled by the dark side, directed him to attack Vader instead of saving his own skin.
Originally posted by SunRazer
I agree that it was a logical course of action, but that's hardly turning the situation to his advantage. In any case, this was even more of a snap decision than that one - this one was based purely on instinct, and his instincts, which were controlled by the dark side, directed him to attack Vader instead of saving his own skin.
That's because there was no alternative option.
No shit. Palpatine lost control over everything in the end - like I said.
Suggesting Palpatine is shit in-the-moment has to be the most outrageous statement you ever claimed though.
The text that Zenwolf posted clearly states that the Emperor might've saved himself with his powers at that moment, but chose instead to attack Vader. There was an alternative - he just didn't/couldn't see it because he was so consumed by the dark side. It's the same as him not sensing the conflict in Vader beforehand since he was so sure of the fact that he owned Vader and that that could never change.
And by in the moment, I meant moments like these (although really, he wouldn't be desperate and making shit decisions in such a scenario)? Even in the Yoda one, he had some time to think.
I don't even think you know what you're trying to argue here.
I agree that Palpatine lost control - I'm arguing over why he lost control.
You suggest that Palpatine lost control and failed to assess the alternatives between he's unable to think in-the-moment, but that's actually the most absurd thing you ever stated in your entire career. Palpatine is the best at thinking in the moment. His failure to recognize the various circumstances leading up to his death is not common routine, but rather his ultimate undoing in which his arrogance *finally* got the better of him and the dark side consumed him rather than the other way around (as is the fate of all who use the dark side).
In the end, Palpatine lost control over the dark side.
I didn't say that he's unable to think in the moment - you completely misquoted what I said (considering you decided to quote a snippet of my post instead of putting it in context). I said he excelled at planning, which he did, but not at making decisions in the heat of things. And that's correct, because the entire concept of Palpatine's character is that he has everything planned up. All of his successes in Star Wars are planned.
When things fail or come up without warning, he either just tries to run away (like against Yoda) so he'll get a chance to do things again later, or he gets angry (like against Luke).
Against Vader, it was more of the latter case, but as you said, the dark side consumed him and he lost control over his powers.
Originally posted by SunRazer
but not at making decisions in the heat of things.
Yeah, and I'm saying that I can't believe you're making such a claim.
Frankly, I don't think I ever disagreed with you more on something, and you once put Kreia above Revan.
Again, quoting snippets out of context.
He doesn't excel at making decisions in the heat of things - he excels at planned decisions. That's his whole shtick as a character. The fact that he doesn't excel at snap decisions doesn't mean he's shit at them - just that it's not his strength, which is planning.
Obviously this was a one-off instance, I'm just indicating why it makes sense given Palpatine's archetypal status as the puppet master.
Originally posted by SunRazer
Again, quoting snippets out of context.
He doesn't excel at making decisions in the heat of things - he excels at planned decisions. That's his whole shtick as a character. The fact that he doesn't excel at snap decisions doesn't mean he's shit at them - just that it's not his strength, which is planning.
No, I completely know what you mean.
And I disagree with it completely and utterly in every way possible - and then some more.
You're suggesting that his snap decisions are better than his planned ones, or at least equal. That's way more ridiculous than what I said, lol.
Besides, sources that depict Palpatine's thoughts, such as the RotS junior novelization, have him trying to suppress himself from making impulsive decisions because he knows those can stuff him up.
I never said they're better - I simply said he excels at them.
You suggesting otherwise is... unprecedented, really.
Ah, I see why my message came across poorly. I used the term "snap decisions" which made it seem like all decisions that needed to be made quickly - when I meant "impulsive decisions", as in decisions that are made in literal split-seconds and purely on gut instinct (the Yoda decision actually had some thought). I couldn't think of the word earlier.
And yes, that's exactly what you were suggesting. I never said that Palpatine was bad at them, just that he wasn't as good as with planned decisions, and you vehemently disagreed with that. Either you think his impulsive decisions are better than his planned ones, or you actually agree with me.
Let's clarify my stance - Palpatine is good at assuming the advantage and regaining it if he loses it in situations, but he's not as good at that as he is at planning events over long periods of time so that they'll transpire immaculately.
Can you give an example of "impulsive decisions" besides his final moments with Vader?
Also, attributing Palpatine's death to poor "impulsive decisions" rather than losing control is silly regardless.
Originally posted by SunRazer
He was the best at planning, lol. When Yoda confronted him unexpectedly, Palpatine tried to run away at first.
In any case, this all seems to support the idea that Palpatine was unleashing everything on Vader but Vader was durable enough to survive the Lightning - or at least, just long enough to throw Palpatine overboard.
Vader's force barriers*
There's hardly any except in his younger years - that's the point. Palpatine's foresight is good enough for him to predict everything - except Luke's defiance and Vader's betrayal.
Anyways, he lost control because of an impulsive decision, which was to keep attacking Vader. He could've relented and saved himself, but he didn't.
Now, you can say that this impulsive decision was facilitated or even caused by the dark side's hold on him, which is fine. That's what I believe, as well.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Vader's force barriers*
Is that ever stated? Sources seem to suggest that Vader just willed his way through the barrage.
Found an interesting quote. While it's probably referring to standing it's interesting nonetheless.
"Dooku was a unique case in the history of the Jedi Order. Universally respected, he would have been a Master on a par with Yoda had he not abandoned the Order to join its greatest enemies."
Originally posted by SunRazer
Is that ever stated? Sources seem to suggest that Vader just willed his way through the barrage.
Given Sidious's lightning is capable of disintegrating at the very least ( heck Starkiller's is capable of that and much much more and Sidious is more powerful ) it's the only logical solution.
Yeah, I have that in my RT. It's unlikely to refer to power or anything, though, since it mentions respect right before the quote.
Also, since people here to take Lucas and Gillard's words, do they also take Producer Rick McCallum? I'm asking since McCallum claims that Sidious is even more powerful than the Jedi, which would include Yoda.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Given Sidious's lightning is capable of disintegrating at the very least ( heck Starkiller's is capable of that and much much more and Sidious is more powerful ) it's the only logical solution.
Force augmented defenses, obviously. It wasn't just the armor.
We know that Vader was mortally injured by the Lightning, so it wasn't Barrier. Everything we know suggests that Vader willed his way through the Lightning.
Originally posted by SunRazer
Yeah, I have that in my RT. It's unlikely to refer to power or anything, though, since it mentions respect right before the quote.
Also, since people here to take Lucas and Gillard's words, do they also take Producer Rick McCallum? I'm asking since McCallum claims that Sidious is even more powerful than the Jedi, which would include Yoda.
I'd certainly give more weight to McCaullum's words than Gillard's.
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
I never said they're better - I simply said he excels at them.
You suggesting otherwise is... unprecedented, really. Sunrazer completely shat on Palpatine today. All these years of loyal and dedicated worship to basically imply he's a retard in real time. SunRazer is desperately trying to save face now. The damage is done and all over a silly quote.
Originally posted by SunRazer
Force augmented defenses, obviously. It wasn't just the armor.
We know that Vader was mortally injured by the Lightning, so it wasn't Barrier. Everything we know suggests that Vader willed his way through the Lightning.
Ah, sorry. Should have specified.
When I said barrier I just meant Force defenses in some way shape or form. I don't use all the terms and jargon for that stuff.
Originally posted by ares834
I'd certainly give more weight to McCaullum's words than Gillard's.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Ah, sorry. Should have specified.
When I said barrier I just meant Force defenses in some way shape or form. I don't use all the terms and jargon for that stuff.
Fair enough.
Originally posted by ILS clone+wars+magazine+13+maul%2Bknows%2Bforce%2Bligh
Courtesy of Erkan
I was the one who gave that to you first, tho.
Interesting quote regarding Sids.Originally posted by ChaosTheory123
courtesy of that Kun vs Sidious thread Is there any grounds for this being Canon though?
"OK use" of Force powers, lol.
Originally posted by Beniboybling
Interesting quote regarding Sids.Is there any grounds for this being Canon though?
**** if I know
ILS was just wondering where the full page was and I remembered it could be found in that thread *shrugs*
Where it actually came from is a mystery to me, though I wager its probably from a magazine
Originally posted by SunRazer
"OK use" of Force powers, lol.
He's not particularly flashy
The casual observer isn't about to conclude he's some Force beast *shrugs*
Understanding underlying context of his feats is generally required to paint Maul in a more appealing light when not discussing his blade work
Something I'm going to wager the source's target audience probably doesn't actively bother with... or the author of the source for that matter
It still seems like a rather unflattering description of a Sith Lord's powers.
Sure, but you're more than a casual fan *shrugs*
He's the sword guy to those less entrenched in the lore
Ant if you could post the Vader lightning quote it'd be much appreciated.
Beni or whoever posted the article regarding deleted scenes being canon, if you could get to that it'd be great.
Ant or Wolf if you could post the Anakin sliding an ATET feat that'd be awesome as well.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Ant if you could post the Vader lightning quote it'd be much appreciated.
Pretty sure you're thinking of someone else. I don't have the quote.
Hmmmm. Do you remember who did post it?
Apparently the asteroid feat for Kanan was calc'ed. Pretty impressive.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Apparently the asteroid feat for Kanan was calc'ed. Pretty impressive.
You guys don't strike me as the kind of forum to use any kind of calc :hmm
That said, this is a thing I do for fun *shrugs*
Would argue this is probably the best feat in Disney canon that doesn't rely on knowing the durability of the object being TKed by a fair stretch regardless
We do accept calcs. We just don't generally use them since we prefer to eyeball things. Physics isn't any of our gigs.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
We do accept calcs.
Most don't.
I do calcs to calculate orders of magnitude (multiples of 10) and call someone on their BS if their try to overrate or underrate some feat.
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Most don't.
I've never seen someone deny them before.
Ant I just watched the scene where Outlander stabs Valkorion in the back after he deals with Arcann? Did he let that happen?
The damn Palpatine quote - where did you find it, Ant?
What quote pust Valkorion > Vitate, again?
There was one tht says tht he becomes stronger with each death, or so.
Yep but he'd been weakened prior.
I just want the quote
There's none...
U would bsng him, wouldn't you?
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
There's none...
Originally posted by Ursumeles
U would bsng him, wouldn't you?Originally posted by urfagots
an hero usumeles
An Pelican, Syn.
An hero, Urs.
Valkorion, the new Darth Sion!
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
An hero, Urs.
Nah. I like my life. You can do it alone.
Wrong. Skillz and I made an pact.
Skillz pacts are bs, tho.
An true.
Do any of you have a quote that states Maul wasn't all that valued by Sidious?
Has anyone Caedus musing, that Luke and Saba would beat him?
He never mused that. He mused Saba would give him a difficult fight.
He did. Right after the part with Saba, he says that beating Luke and Saba together is impossible:
Oh, I thought he meant individually. *Shrugs*
Anyways, just with Luke he'd have nigh-impossible odds to win.
Thanks, Nova!
Originally posted by MythLord
Oh, I thought he meant individually. *Shrugs*
Anyways, just with Luke he'd have nigh-impossible odds to win.
I'll explain it to you later
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Do any of you have a quote that states Maul wasn't all that valued by Sidious?
To clarify, that Maul dying wasn't all that great of a loss.
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