(Ko)TOR-Team vs Sheevicious

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Revan (SoR) leads a team composed of the Outlander (KotET), Darth Malgus (Illum), and Arcann (KotFE) to arrest Darth Palps (RotS) in the chancellery room (for money laundering).

Revan does know Sidious is the most powerful Sith ever and is stronger than Vitiate and have 3 hours to prepare - alone- some course of action. He does have 10 minutes to brief his three teammates about Sidious' powers and how they should proceed.

Sidious isn't aware of their abilities at first.

How the team fare?

Bonus: Peak Meetra joins the team.

I'd like to think the team could do it

They don't need the prep time, this team beats Sheev with moderate difficulty at most.

Revan's preparations should grant the team an immediate advantage I don't see Palpatine overcoming. They should win.

Team and it isn't that hard.

Team should take it.

Originally posted by AncientPower
Team and it isn't that hard.

Originally posted by AncientPower
Team and it isn't that hard.

Team doesn't need prep. Honestly Revan and one of the others could do it with the prep given

Sheev one-shots.

Originally posted by nfactor1995
I'd like to think the team could do it
Originally posted by darthbane77
They don't need the prep time, this team beats Sheev with moderate difficulty at most.
Originally posted by DarthAnt66
Revan's preparations should grant the team an immediate advantage I don't see Palpatine overcoming. They should win.
Originally posted by AncientPower
Team and it isn't that hard.
Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
Team should take it.
Originally posted by Tondemonai
Team doesn't need prep. Honestly Revan and one of the others could do it with the prep given
Originally posted by Azronger
Sheev one-shots.

Who is the most powerful person Sheev has ever one shot?

Dooku, Vader, Maul.

And for Dooku and Vader it's debatable that they allowed it to happen.

Originally posted by UCanShootMyNova
And for Vader it's debatable that they allowed it to happen.

Originally posted by Deronn_solo
Who is the most powerful person Sheev has ever one shot?

He's never gone all-out on weak foes. But just because he hasn't doesn't mean he cannot smile

Or does one-shotting Yoda with TP count?

Originally posted by AncientPower
Team and it isn't that hard.

Sheev and it isn't that hard. smile

Originally posted by MythLord
Sheev and it isn't that hard. smile


Originally posted by Azronger
He's never gone all-out on weak foes. But just because he hasn't doesn't mean he cannot smile

So he's never done it?

Good to know.

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