Team Soldier vs. Team MA

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Captain America
Black Panther
Winter Soldier


Iron Fist
Shang Chi
The Cat

Who wins?

Team Soldier wins the Cat is the weak link.

Never really considered Panther a soldier. Weird nitpick I know.. just sounds weird to me.

Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Never really considered Panther a soldier. Weird nitpick I know.. just sounds weird to me.

Technically no, But I consider more soldier than true MA because he does have an entire Wakanda army at his disposal

Originally posted by byrdgang21
Technically no, But I consider more soldier than true MA because he does have an entire Wakanda army at his disposal

Term warrior would probably be more appropriate in my opinion.

Soldier is a guy who takes orders is how I see it. Panther is a Warrior King, he gives the orders.

Again I know it's a weird nitpick.

Sin I AM
Shang and the cat are weak links on t2. Bucky on t1

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