The meta belt tourney

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There's a little known character from the early 90's Superman comics called Sinbad, a half arsed effort to introduce an arabian super hero to the fold. As far as I know, he lasted for his three issue intro, and was never seen again.

He was the weakest of meta humans at base. He could only levitate about an inch off the ground, and doing so tired him out. But then he found an experimental belt designed to enhance meta human powers by something like 100 fold.

From street magic parlor tricks, to flying through the air, dismantling guns with tk, knocking out Superman with a tk blast, and extending a shield over the entire city of Metropolis to block a massive nuke level explosion from an overloading alien ship.

So my idea is, lets have fun with that and put it on stronger meta's. It's billed to ONLY affect meta humans, characters with racial abilities shouldn't be affected at all (Kryptonian, Martian, Tamarian ect..)

The gauntlet:

1. Superman

2. Sersi

3. Jane Thor

4. World War Hulk

5. Nate Grey

6. Thanos

7. Death Sentry

The metas:

1. The Ray (Terry)

2. Firestorm

3. Damage

4. Barry Allen

5. Triumph

6. Captain Atom

7. Dr. Polaris

Who wins, and feel free to add your own.

Since a picture's worth a thousand words:

Before amp:

After amp:

If it can do that for him, what can it do for someone who starts off powerful?

Please post that second scan in the ownage thread. It needs to be properly archived.

Depends on how much it can take. By your post it seems its scientifically based.
Its not like Wonderman can put on an Iron Man suit and amp his strength by the same amount Tony can (if Tony benches 250lbs and the armor gets him to 90 tons, WM at 100 tons isnt getting amped by the equivalent amount, he's blowing out that armor) his regular human strength...

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